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[Officially Disbanded As Of 04/06/2014] 312Th Black Trident Regiment

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#1601 Skylarr


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 01:27 PM

The box set is available for preorder.


Introductory Box Set Available For Preorder, And For A Short Time A Cool Deal!

On February 28, 2014
The reprint of the BattleTech Introductory Box Set has finally hit the US port and so we’re making pre-orders available immediately! As soon as it clears customs and hits our warehouse we’ll provide a Street Date for when it’ll be available to stores as well.
However, don’t forget that this isn’t just a reprint. While all the printed material is the same, we spent the time and resources to hugely increase the quality of the 24 miniatures. So while they are the same BattleMech designs, the quality increase is shockingly awesome! And to top it off, we switched out the previous Thor and Loki for the re-seen BattleMaster and of course the seminal Mad Cat! Below is a quick photo of the quality from the previous box set (top) and the new quality (bottom):
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In fact, we’re so excited about having this, the best yet version of the BattleTech Introductory Box Set available again, we’re offering a limited time offer. Buy two sets and we’ll ship you a complete extra set of the plastic miniatures: that includes both the 24 miniatures as well as the on-the-sprues Mad Cat and BattleMaster.
Feel free to check out the BattleBlog that contains a pile of photos of the new contents, especially focusing on the miniatures (we’ll work on generating even more focused photos in the near future).
Time to get your heavy metal mayhem on, now with the tools to introduce all your friends!
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The BattleTech Introductory Box Set thrusts you onto the battlefields of the 31st century. This box contains everything needed to play:
  • 24 unpainted, ready-to-play plastic BattleMech minis
  • 2 unpainted, premium-quality plastic BattleMech minis
  • One 12-page full-color quick-start rulebook will have players into the action in minutes
  • 36-page book of pre-generated BattleMech Record Sheets
  • One 80-page full-color rulebook
  • Inner Sphere at a Glance, a 56-page full-color book of universe
    background and BattleMech technical data
  • One 16-page full-color Painting and Tactics Guide
  • Two heavy-duty cards of compiled tables
  • Two 18″ x 24″ game-board quality maps
BattleTech Introductory Box Set Pre-order (Buy From BattleShop)
2 x BattleTech Introductory Box Set + extra miniatures set Pre-order (Buy From BattleShop)

#1602 Karaglen


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Posted 14 March 2014 - 04:47 AM

3 days till classes resume..... i have had an insufficient amount of gaming time. but hopefully that will change come wednesday for the remainder of the week AFTER MY EXAMS ARE DONE. Although maybe some game time this morning will occur. I shall assess this possibility after my morning cup of coffee, breakfast, and what my study schedule looks like.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.


#1603 Skylarr


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Posted 14 March 2014 - 08:26 AM


Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
  • War As I Knew It (1947) by George S. Patton, "Reflections and Suggestions"

#1604 Thee Tactician


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Posted 14 March 2014 - 08:28 AM

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Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

312th Black Trident Regiment TS3

Address: BlackTridentCommunity.312th.org:15533

Note: Restricted server Privileges must be assigned on entrance, members only

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Official Enemies of House Solveinean:

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House Davion

Daily Update: 03/14/2014
We are continue to move forward in our recruitment, while training both for standard Faction Warfare and now our competition training has pushed the standards far beyond what they use to be in the 312th Black Trident Regiment. We are looking forward to these individuals success in upcoming competitive matches. The new forum tags will be out soon and all our members will be putting them up so that people will know who we are more regularly and our site is being updated regularly.


The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.


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#1605 Airbornegully


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Posted 14 March 2014 - 08:32 AM

Naschina Wolniewski has entrusted Us to extend you an offer. You are invited to prospect the illustrious Military arm of house Solveinean. More precisely you have been given the opportunity to test yourself within the Black Trident.

Do you have the right makeup for this prestige? <read More>

#1606 Karaglen


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 05:09 AM

2 Days till classes resume.... FULL STUDY DAY, and college prep stuff for next year. Will be on tonight.... SEE YOU ALL ON THE BATTLEFIELD!!!

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.

#1607 Thee Tactician


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 06:58 AM

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Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

312th Black Trident Regiment TS3

Address: BlackTridentCommunity.312th.org:15533

Note: Restricted server Privileges must be assigned on entrance, members only

Facebook Group / Facebook Page

Official Enemies of House Solveinean:

Posted Image

House Davion

Daily Update: 03/15/2014
So what is different about this weekend in the 312th Black Trident Regiment? We have opened up our server like normal for recruitment to focus upon recruitment, we have re-established our presence on the "North American Com-star" Channel for recruitment and though we have not decided to go onto the "No Guts No Galaxy" server its possible. We are in the process of open up branches of the 312th Black Trident Regiment in SWTOR on the Prophecy of the Five server and also WarThunder as well. These games are not primary as our main focus remains MWO, PLANETSIDE2 and SWTOR at the moment. We have finished up a lot of work on our website and continue to make headway in recruitment and basic training of recruits, regularly competition training and professional competition training all of which are slightly different from each other.


The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.


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#1608 Skylarr


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 01:11 PM

Greetings and Salutations to all,

The 312th Black Trident Regiment has been existence since August 2012. Like most units we have had our ups and downs with membership. Our core group has over 100+ of experience with the BattleTech Universe. The 312th is a mix of both Hard Core and Casual player who have played every video games since the dawn of time itself.

We are involved in mutliple games (MWO, PS2, DayZ and SWTOR) and looking to do PVP events in all of them.

If interested look us up at either 312th.org or at http://mwomercs.com/...now-recruiting/

#1609 Skylarr


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Posted 15 March 2014 - 05:55 PM


"When life knocks us down we have a choice whether or not to get back up again." - Mr. Han, Karate Kid

#1610 Karaglen


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Posted 16 March 2014 - 04:26 AM

okay, my laptop is all set up and connected to the tv. finishing on installing games, then its off to the library today to prepare for tomorrows exams. not too worried at this point, I have put some quality time in.... SEE YOU ALL ON THE BATTLEFIELD!!!

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star

#1611 MechWarrior Black Knight


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Posted 16 March 2014 - 11:49 AM

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i play to much skyrim xD

Edited by MechWarriorBK, 16 March 2014 - 11:50 AM.

#1612 Thee Tactician


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Posted 16 March 2014 - 12:03 PM

Posted Image

Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

Facebook Group / Facebook Page

News Bulletin: (Week 74#)
We have been doing a lot of cleaning house within the 312th-BTR as our focus has changed and our goals, we are not content with simply looking at the moment but the future of this gaming Organization. This gaming organization is built to support both an online membership and offline as well that will lead to holding community events and taking part in community events in the future. We organizing ourselves into a community that we can bring not only ourselves but our families and friends for a future generation. So many things have changed here and some veterans have left us and other new members have embraced us. This however is understandable for change is never easy and especially when your building a community for 10, 20, 40 and even 100 plus years down the road.
So we have stop open recruitment on our server and have taken it upon a more public team speak known as "North American Com-star" which we plan to recruit their and in-game. We require of our members common courtesy and expect our members to follow the CC & SP along with rank requirements everything we do effects how we are perceived and this is why these things are important. We are not content to be simply another name in the fast sea of gaming community but to stand out and be community that people really would want to be a part of for the long-haul.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.

#1613 Thee Tactician


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Posted 16 March 2014 - 03:22 PM

Posted Image

Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

Facebook Group / Facebook Page

News Bulletin: (Week 74#) Part Two
I want to give a little update nothing major, only that we have had our group added to the list over on the North American Com-star TS3 server and rooms have been added for recruitment and doing drops. If you wish to visit us and get to know us better that would be the place to do it as our TS3 has gone back to its private settings and the website as locked down for members only in most causes. We take things serious here and though we enjoy each others company their is common courtesy and respect given in this place without it you won't find a invitation invite to you or be a member long if you are a member 312th Black Trident Regiment.

[North American Com-Star TS3 Info:]

[Address: na1.mech-connect.net]

[Password: There is no password]


The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.

Edited by Wolniewski, 16 March 2014 - 03:24 PM.

#1614 Skylarr


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Posted 16 March 2014 - 04:52 PM

Urbanmech Day Is Coming Up Agian My Good Friends (March 15-17)

Still having fun in my Urbie. Come join the fun on the ComStar NA TS3. Look me up in the 312th BTR channel. Poke me.

#1615 Karaglen


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Posted 17 March 2014 - 02:10 AM

BEGIN HELL WEEK DAY 1! 3 exams today, 3 exams tomorrow, 1 Wednesday, then bouncing the rest of the week

Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star


#1616 Thee Tactician


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Posted 17 March 2014 - 04:14 AM

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Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

Facebook Group / Facebook Page

Week 75#
So today is "Green beer Day" that means a lot of absence or crazyness here because of members making the choice to go get drunk and then try to pilot a mech, while this is entertaining. We do not support the use of mechs bathing in beer or being painted with a beer can its just unprofessional and yet we do enjoy it. (Grins as the Camera's turns towards him as he paints on "IRON CITY BEER" on his Altas") "O' this its ..... O'fine so we do enjoy participating in Drunken Mech Day" (Bursts out Laughing). We will be on the North American Com-Star TS3 today and taking out a drunken rage on pugs and throwing our flag in match both as solo pilots or full lance.

North American Comstar: TS3

Address: na1.mech-connect.net

Password: (There is no Password)


The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.

#1617 Airbornegully


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Posted 17 March 2014 - 07:08 AM

Tiered of joining a lance just to find a lack of training discipline and direction? do you yearn to be apart of something bigger than yourself?

Then test yourself with the Black Trident. All are welcome, Mentor ship training and Esprit De Corp await you.

Join to Day

<Would you like to know more?>

#1618 Thee Tactician


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Posted 17 March 2014 - 08:14 PM

Posted Image

Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

Facebook Group / Facebook Page

Week #75: Update
I must apologize for those that have attempted to register and apply on our website these last two months. I have recently been informed from very patient interested members that the links on the register and application section wore not showing up and that it was difficult to apply for membership to our community. This has been fixed and now you may apply properly.
We did have an enjoyable "Drunken Mech Day" here in the 312th Black Trident Regiment and our rooms have been properly setup on the "North American Com-Star" TS3. So we can publicly recruit over their and allow all of you to get to know us before applying.


The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.

#1619 Thee Tactician


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 04:38 AM

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Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

Facebook Group / Facebook Page

Week 75#: Update, Part Two

We will be on throughout the day off and on in our Chat Channels over on the "North American Com-Star" team speak three. I will put the information for this team speak below this update for those interested in doing a few drops with myself or the members of this community. I announced last-night that their wore issues with our site on the application and registering process. This has been fixed and was going on for more then two months, we apologize for the issues.
We continue to move forward in our community and taking in recruits, though our process has changed as its not simply about putting in application as we are not just looking for name on roster. We are looking for quality not quantity and those that enter our community know that here at the 312th Black Trident Regiment you will be expected to follow our CC & SP, along with showing some common courtesy.
We have established ourselves and looking towards future generations of MMO players both in a online and offline setting as to often a group is formed only to disband after the game as fade it in time. We are not such a group, we focus on the long-haul with goals and plans that expand ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty and even hundred plus years if possible. This does not mean their will not be challenges a head, we have already faced many just in this last few years.
We have gone from a loose couple of buddies to having my lore added to our site taking up its ranking and unit sizes, adding other elements of it. Then deciding to take a more professional approach to things with casual side, moderate, hardcore and competition level side to our community being able to cater all elements. Then going from simply an online community to adding offline elements to ourselves and having professional crests made and forum tags that express our community specific and then taking non-traditional approach in our gaming by announcing ourselves when entering into battle.
We continue to grow and adapt as we gain members and at times loose members as our goals change and some members do to real life are unable to participate in it. Then to find themselves coming back months later, when time allows and they have the desire to do so.


The 312th Black Trident Regiment is an established gaming community that focuses upon tactical and strategic warfare. We are a community that is developing itself into a long-lasting community with one eye always on the future and the other on the present. We are building something that not only one generation of players can participate in but future generations. As long as there are MMORPGs to participate in we will be there both to participate in those communities and help in their development through our participation.

This community is not for the faint of heart as we are building this community for both competition-style players and moderate to hardcore play styles. We have a strongly developed ranking system and code of conduct that separates us from other gaming organizations. We take a serious approach to our training in all the gaming communities we take part in. Those that join our ranks will move up in them slowly as they will have to prove themselves not only on the field of battle, but also in our community in general as rank is not simply given nor is the status of veteran.

We are a community with our own personal lore and though we take part in many gaming communities our founder has developed his own personal set of lore, crests, art work and novels for our community personally. He has adapted his lore to fit the gaming communities in which we take part. We also have in-house community events that he has developed to keep things interesting as well.
We have been established in Mechwarrior Online since August of 2012, when it was still in closed beta.

#1620 Skylarr


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 09:19 AM

The 312th BTR is a collection of pilots who have been playing since closed BETA.

Who are we:
  • A collection of both Hard Core and Casual pilots. With over 100 years of collective MMO time.
  • Looking for Mature Pilots who love to play MWO.
  • Looking for New Pilots who are willing to learn and be Team Players.
  • Looking for Veterans who are willing to be Team Players.
  • Willing to teach you new trick as you are willing to show us new tricks.
  • We do 4-Man Drops through out the day.
  • We do 8-Man Drops through out the week.
  • Always looking to advance our skills by trying new idea, Tactics and Styles.
We Do not want:
  • Those not willing to work with others.
  • Pilots who are not willing to learn.


From the deep recesses of space comes a species of humans whose existence have been forgotten in the chronicles of time. These so called humans come from a region of space owned by its inhabatants known as the House of Solveinean. Again they have chosen to send a force to scout the Inner Sphere to determine what they are scheming. The 312th has heeded the call of their lord and has sent elements to fulfill this task.

Join the 312th Black Trident Regiment on its quest to fullfill Lord Solveinean's wishes.

View PostLeviticas, on 24 March 2013 - 09:55 PM, said:

To die with honor and glory on the field of battle for our House Solveinean is all we ask from death.

The 312th Black Trident Regiment has returned from our self imposed hiatus. We are looking for more players to fill out open prong slots.

View PostWolniewski, on 25 February 2014 - 11:30 PM, said:

Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global

Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players

Website: 312th.org

312th Black Trident Regiment TS3

Address: BlackTridentCommunity.312th.org:15533

Note: Restricted server Privileges must be assigned on entrance, members only

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