[Officially Disbanded As Of 04/06/2014] 312Th Black Trident Regiment
Posted 25 March 2014 - 10:57 AM
The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.
ALL MIDTERMS are officially complete now. I will be joining all of you shortly, I am NOT promising however to be sober, but I WILL distinguish myself honorably!
Posted 25 March 2014 - 04:58 PM
The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.
ALL MIDTERMS are officially complete now. I will be joining all of you shortly, I am NOT promising however to be sober, but I WILL distinguish myself honorably!
Posted 25 March 2014 - 06:35 PM
I'm being careful, no booby traps detected. Opening outer security doors....
Salvage team, enter. Yes sir!
HOLD! lostech beams, (pointing to dust floating through now visible lazer alarms beams)>
Got it. Beams secured. Inner vault accessible.
Opening, (crrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaakk), There they are! After 1000's of years we have the LOSTECH!!!!
HOORAAA!!!!! What are they? (Opening 1)
They are called.................."Twinkies"! Now remember, don't...."RIP"! ????
.................DAMN, still good after all this time! Want 1?
Edited by The Mad Jester, 25 March 2014 - 06:35 PM.
Posted 26 March 2014 - 11:52 AM
The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.
Full day of classes, followed by a nice long nap before work tonight. I am looking forward to no classes tomorrow, I have a lot of work I need to get done. I am however looking forward to April 6, I need more Games of Thrones (SEASON 4). Time for some mech blasting action.
Posted 26 March 2014 - 01:26 PM
The 312th Black Trident Regiment has been existence since August 2012. Like most units we have had our ups and downs with membership. Our core group has over 100+ of experience with the BattleTech Universe. The 312th is a mix of both Hard Core and Casual player who have played every video games since the dawn of time itself.
We are involved in mutliple games (MWO, PS2, DayZ and SWTOR) and looking to do PVP events in all of them.
If interested look us up at either 312th.org or at http://mwomercs.com/...ng-www312thorg/
Posted 27 March 2014 - 08:27 AM
The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.
Day off from classes to rest and recuperate. THE KIDS WERE BLASTED ANNOYING AND ROWDY LAST NIGHT! I got into a fight with one who tried to steal some alcohol, and broke up another before it could begin inside the bar. I am hoping for a calmer night tonight, as it is live band night, and generally our busiest night of the week.
Edited by Karaglen, 27 March 2014 - 08:36 AM.
Posted 27 March 2014 - 09:26 AM
Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global
Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players
Facebook Group / Facebook Page
Status: Open Recruitment, Join our TS3
Week 76# Update Part 3
So what has happened in the 312th Black Trident Regiment of House Solveinean in the last few days, this is big question as Wolniewski the Founder of this group has decided to re-instate his lore. This was difficult decision he made as he was not comfortable with its former presence within the mechwarrior online community, though this has changed do to formal talks with his publisher and made sure everything would be alright to do so. This is glories thing as that means a lot more of his Solveinean vision will be able to be read and the lore should only be seen as extension to the battletech/mechwarrior lore non-officially as it is alternative universe.
“They say when the Solveineans split from humanity, the Universe quaked and all eternally Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omni-eternal beings, force and energies trembled in eternal ecstasy. They did so because in that very moment religious fanaticism became manifested into a living presence and not restrained simply by residing in the essence or soul as some call it. Now it would be found in the very atoms, genetics of singular people known as the Solveineans and would eternally intensify throughout all of eternity as long as singular atom, genetic marked reminded they could return. They knew with their eternal version of all that they would eternally be for better or worse and all would know them.”
First Naschina of House Solveinean, Loukas Solveinean [Exile of the Solveineans, History I]
Lore Introduction:
The 312th Black Trident Regiment comes from the Deep Periphery a people lost from the record histories of humanity in a time in which chaos ran ramped in the early 2028, they are people changed by genetic alteration and religious fanaticism. They find humanity in general distasteful by nature as it is soar reminder of past that do not wish to remember as they wore not clean by their definition in their essence (Soul) and presences (Flesh) as they have become so much more now. They are people that carry the former appearance, yet the Solveineans have fanatically changed themselves their internal organs and three genders that need to come together for child bearing and more are just some of the difference between humanity and Solveinean.
The Solveineans do not look down on the Clans and often worked with them in their past, they are known to have taken in clanners where they would not even consider humanity. They do not look well on Davion’s as their genetic lines more specifically than any other House in the Inner-Sphere hold the genetic remnants of troubled past with the Solveineans. The one that had tortured, disfigured and killed their first lady and the mother of the Solveinean people known as Lady Kurray Solveinean it has been discovered five out of six Davion’s has some genetic relationship to this individual. They have returned to the inner-sphere not to fix its issues, not to assist in its rebuilding or making of allies they have come to wipe out this genetic disease from the universe.
They have no issue working with clanners and out prefer it as they respect the clans, while only respect one house do to genetic markers of their first Lady Kurray Kurita Solveinean remaining within it. They have non-official alliance stance, where if they aid the Solveineans the Solveineans will aid them in return with their man power not their technology. They have fought alongside them and the House of Kurita wore the first to be able to learn small fragments of their language and begin open communication in 3015 way before the other House new of them. They have not been officially put on any star maps or acknowledged formally as most Houses are uncomfortable with the idea of empire they cannot see out in the Deep Periphery.
Note: The Solveinean culture, language, calendar, novels and more have been created by one Michael John Wallace or known as Wolniewski in MWO. He has worked on this projected for twelve years and has adapted his Solveinean culture/people to fit the Mechwarrior Online / Battle Universe.
Organization Introduction:
We welcome you to this recruitment thread and hope that you find all the information you are looking for to get your interest up even to learn more about us at our 312th.org. We do not take the traditional approach in our gaming community as many groups we have found look at their groups in the short to medium term of goals. We take a much longer approach in our community’s future, planning out for ten year or more and then building on it as time goes on and new members join or leave. We are community of gamers striving to build a relationship with all our members for the long-term and one that we would be proud to share with your our families and friends offline. We are not satisfied to simply to be an online community but rather to extend elements of this community into the offline world.
This community is focused on all levels of gamers from the casual to extreme elite competitive members. We believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right and investing time in and energy into this community is important. We however, understand the difficulty of building a lasting community and do not require our members to be here every day but to just show common courtesy and keep us informed. We are often train and planning for the future, building on our skills, tactics and strategies. We are building a global community that fits this model. When you join the 312th Black Trident regiment you’re joining a community of like-minded individuals with long-term inspiration to making this community one that will last for generations to come and still be appealing even to the newest of players or the most casual of members.
We are community that focuses mainly on the massively multiplayer games and not simply multiplayer games, though we do take part in few of those at time for relaxation purposes. We tend to focus on games that require strategy, tactics and team work. We have been in Mechwarrior Online sense August of 2012 and have no plans to leave here, though we do feel its important to mention that we do participate in other games outside of Mechwarrior online we will be here until the end.
We value our ranking system and tier system, code of conduct, standard protocol and common courtesy is requirement of this community and regiment as it is an extremely important to us. We understand people have lives outside of our community and only ask that communication stay at the top of your list with us, if you join our rank.
Companies and Definitions:
[Blood Tridents]: The very best of the 312th Black Trident Regiment, this individuals are recruited by the Naschina himself known as Wolniewski. They are fanatically loyal to him and the cause of making the House Solveinean stick out in mechwarrior online, they only purpose mechwarrior online and being the best they can be with him personally.
[312th Black Trident Regiment]: The personal military of the House Solveinean, they are focused on bring general glory to this community and are a part of many Massively Multiplayer games. Anyway can become a 312th and earn rank through their actions and dedication.
Contributing to:
Edited by Wolniewski, 27 March 2014 - 09:33 AM.
Posted 27 March 2014 - 04:04 PM
Who are we:
- A collection of both Hard Core and Casual pilots. With over 100 years of collective MMO time.
- Looking for Mature Pilots who love to play MWO.
- Looking for New Pilots who are willing to learn and be Team Players.
- Looking for Veterans who are willing to be Team Players.
- Willing to teach you new trick as you are willing to show us new tricks.
- We do 4-Man Drops through out the day.
- We do 8-Man Drops through out the week.
- Always looking to advance our skills by trying new idea, Tactics and Styles.
- Those not willing to work with others.
- Pilots who are not willing to learn.
Join the 312th Black Trident Regiment on its quest to fullfill Lord Solveinean's wishes.
Leviticas, on 24 March 2013 - 09:55 PM, said:
The 312th Black Trident Regiment has returned from our self imposed hiatus. We are looking for more players to fill out open prong slots.
Wolniewski, on 25 February 2014 - 11:30 PM, said:
Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global
Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players
312th Black Trident Regiment TS3
Address: BlackTridentCommunity.312th.org:15533
Note: Restricted server Privileges must be assigned on entrance, members only
Facebook Group / Facebook Page
Posted 27 March 2014 - 04:54 PM
Target Golf. HGN-733P... Tag is active
Target Juliet. STK-5M Doors closed
Vecinity D3 Moving south at 52KPH
Primary is Target Juliet, weapons free.
Missle lock!
Hit the right side
Hes blocking it hes blocking it
Right leg destroyed hes limping
Clear target for Alpha strike
Jenner Clear
Alpha Alpha Alpha
Target down target down
Tattle tale on Target Alpha
Secondary target alpha primary switch to Golf......
<would you like to know More?>
Posted 28 March 2014 - 03:29 AM
The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.
T.G.I.F. I am definitely looking forward to the weekend. I need some sleep, I am sadly anticipating several take home quizzes, BUT SUCH IS THE LIFE OF AN ENGINEERING COLLEGE STUDENT! WOOAH!
Posted 28 March 2014 - 09:39 AM
Edited by Skylarr, 28 March 2014 - 09:45 AM.
Posted 28 March 2014 - 12:06 PM
Time Zone: Eastern United States & Global
Community Focus: Casual, Moderate and Hardcore Players
Facebook Group / Facebook Page
Status: Open Recruitment, Join our TS3
Week 76# Update
We have been doing numerous updates lately, I have personally been adding much of the lore back to the website and the crests of the different Minor Houses, Tribe and Clans in the Solveinean Empire are getting their Crests finished up. They will be added to the website their is over 5000 crests being designed and 50000 total that will be designed and added. There are multiple history books, languages and a religion that was developed for my novels specifically about the Solveineans. So much has been done its just taking time to put it up and doing it in a orderly and beautiful manner is difficult at times.
“They say when the Solveineans split from humanity, the Universe quaked and all eternally Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omni-eternal beings, force and energies trembled in eternal ecstasy. They did so because in that very moment religious fanaticism became manifested into a living presence and not restrained simply by residing in the essence or soul as some call it. Now it would be found in the very atoms, genetics of singular people known as the Solveineans and would eternally intensify throughout all of eternity as long as singular atom, genetic marked reminded they could return. They knew with their eternal version of all that they would eternally be for better or worse and all would know them.”
First Naschina of House Solveinean, Loukas Solveinean [Exile of the Solveineans, History I]
Lore Introduction:
The 312th Black Trident Regiment comes from the Deep Periphery a people lost from the record histories of humanity in a time in which chaos ran ramped in the early 2028, they are people changed by genetic alteration and religious fanaticism. They find humanity in general distasteful by nature as it is soar reminder of past that do not wish to remember as they wore not clean by their definition in their essence (Soul) and presences (Flesh) as they have become so much more now. They are people that carry the former appearance, yet the Solveineans have fanatically changed themselves their internal organs and three genders that need to come together for child bearing and more are just some of the difference between humanity and Solveinean.
The Solveineans do not look down on the Clans and often worked with them in their past, they are known to have taken in clanners where they would not even consider humanity. They do not look well on Davion’s as their genetic lines more specifically than any other House in the Inner-Sphere hold the genetic remnants of troubled past with the Solveineans. The one that had tortured, disfigured and killed their first lady and the mother of the Solveinean people known as Lady Kurray Solveinean it has been discovered five out of six Davion’s has some genetic relationship to this individual. They have returned to the inner-sphere not to fix its issues, not to assist in its rebuilding or making of allies they have come to wipe out this genetic disease from the universe.
They have no issue working with clanners and out prefer it as they respect the clans, while only respect one house do to genetic markers of their first Lady Kurray Kurita Solveinean remaining within it. They have non-official alliance stance, where if they aid the Solveineans the Solveineans will aid them in return with their man power not their technology. They have fought alongside them and the House of Kurita wore the first to be able to learn small fragments of their language and begin open communication in 3015 way before the other House new of them. They have not been officially put on any star maps or acknowledged formally as most Houses are uncomfortable with the idea of empire they cannot see out in the Deep Periphery.
Note: The Solveinean culture, language, calendar, novels and more have been created by one Michael John Wallace or known as Wolniewski in MWO. He has worked on this projected for twelve years and has adapted his Solveinean culture/people to fit the Mechwarrior Online / Battle Universe.
Organization Introduction:
We welcome you to this recruitment thread and hope that you find all the information you are looking for to get your interest up even to learn more about us at our 312th.org. We do not take the traditional approach in our gaming community as many groups we have found look at their groups in the short to medium term of goals. We take a much longer approach in our community’s future, planning out for ten year or more and then building on it as time goes on and new members join or leave. We are community of gamers striving to build a relationship with all our members for the long-term and one that we would be proud to share with your our families and friends offline. We are not satisfied to simply to be an online community but rather to extend elements of this community into the offline world.
This community is focused on all levels of gamers from the casual to extreme elite competitive members. We believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right and investing time in and energy into this community is important. We however, understand the difficulty of building a lasting community and do not require our members to be here every day but to just show common courtesy and keep us informed. We are often train and planning for the future, building on our skills, tactics and strategies. We are building a global community that fits this model. When you join the 312th Black Trident regiment you’re joining a community of like-minded individuals with long-term inspiration to making this community one that will last for generations to come and still be appealing even to the newest of players or the most casual of members.
We are community that focuses mainly on the massively multiplayer games and not simply multiplayer games, though we do take part in few of those at time for relaxation purposes. We tend to focus on games that require strategy, tactics and team work. We have been in Mechwarrior Online sense August of 2012 and have no plans to leave here, though we do feel its important to mention that we do participate in other games outside of Mechwarrior online we will be here until the end.
We value our ranking system and tier system, code of conduct, standard protocol and common courtesy is requirement of this community and regiment as it is an extremely important to us. We understand people have lives outside of our community and only ask that communication stay at the top of your list with us, if you join our rank.
Companies and Definitions:
[Blood Tridents]: The very best of the 312th Black Trident Regiment, this individuals are recruited by the Naschina himself known as Wolniewski. They are fanatically loyal to him and the cause of making the House Solveinean stick out in mechwarrior online, they only purpose mechwarrior online and being the best they can be with him personally.
[312th Black Trident Regiment]: The personal military of the House Solveinean, they are focused on bring general glory to this community and are a part of many Massively Multiplayer games. Anyway can become a 312th and earn rank through their actions and dedication.
Contributing to:
Posted 28 March 2014 - 02:56 PM

Posted 28 March 2014 - 03:48 PM
Posted 29 March 2014 - 05:21 AM
The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.
So I intended to come right home and go to bed last night after work........ hehehehe, that did not happen. After work fun turned into hanging around at the bar, then going for a EARLY morning Denny's breakfast. The chicken-fried steak and eggs was certainly phenomenal at 300 am, but it definitely made it hard to go to bed afterwards. TIME TO BEGIN THE WEEKEND!
Edited by Karaglen, 29 March 2014 - 05:22 AM.
Posted 29 March 2014 - 07:18 AM
<Would you like to know more?>
Posted 30 March 2014 - 01:25 PM
Very first line of text from the very first Battletech novel, Decision at Thunder Rift By William Keith Jr.
Posted 31 March 2014 - 01:47 PM
- Comment to James Longstreet, on seeing a Federal charge repulsed in the Battle of Fredericksburg (13 December 1862)
Posted 31 March 2014 - 03:37 PM
Posted 31 March 2014 - 04:22 PM
The 312th Black Trident Regiment is holding open recruitment. Stop by our website: http://www.312th.org and check us out. Join us on our Teamspeak at: http://ts3server://B...nity.312th.org/ , come hang out with us for a while and see if we are a fit for you. We love to talk about all sorts of games, from Battletech Tabletop and Dungeons and Dragons, to MWO, Day Z, Planetside 2, and the upcoming Star Citizen.
Monday's suck. Had to learn Triple Integrals today in Calculus III. Along with starting a new chapter in thermodynamics, The Second Law of Thermodynamics. /sigh!
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