Angels Of Death Mercenary Headquarters
Major Andrew Osis looked out from the window of his recently remodeled and refurnished office. It had that fresh paint smell still and his desk felt smooth and unworn as he leaned and looked outward from his office window ten floors up. He revealed in what he saw before him, an entire battalion of mostly new Battlemechs, support vehicles and Aerospace fighters each painted in red, black and silver and adorned with the tell tale Angels of Death unit logo, A female angel standing with a sword through a skull as a black halo hovered above her. His attention was broken as an aide knocked on the door. “You may enter”, Osis replied to the knocking on his office door. An aide quickly rushed in and placed a file on his desk. “Colonel Dunnardel has request you verify the force allocation reports and look over the combat rosters.” The aide stood silently at attention. Osis tured to the aide and replied softly “Thank you, that is all for now. Wait. Come take a look at this.” Osis directed the attention of the aide to the window and the beautiful sight before them. “Just look at that, its not often you see anything this gorgeous on a god forsaken rock like Outreach.” Osis almost had tears in his eyes as the aide remained silent, perhaps nervous from being around a superior officer for more than a few seconds.
The aide looked on, “Wow, how magnificent, we could take on any mission anywhere with a compliment of Mechs as fine as these.” Osis let out a laugh and asked the aide, “Do you know how this all came to be?” The aide shrugged his shoulders and stared blankly at Osis. “No.” he replied. “I guess Colonel Dunnardel never told you the story of how this unit was formed, how long have you been with us son?” Osis asked. “Im new sir, I have only been on Outreach for a few months prior to being hired by the unit.” Osis smiled and sat down at his desk. He opened his drawer and placed two glasses on the desk, he motioned the aide to sit as well. The aide quickly found his chair as Osis began filling the glasses with something imported from Terra, 'Scotch'. Osis looked across the desk at the aide as he slid the half full glass to him. “Stay awhile and listen.” Osis said as his eyes widened and the memory of a dozen battles flooded his mind. “This is the story of how I met the Colonel and how this unit came to be.” Osis said as he sipped the glass, cringing slightly from the bitter liquor. His face returned to normal and was then filled with delight as he began recounting the tale to his subordinate.
Lyran Commonwealth
Southern Continent
The usually quite Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces base was buzzing with chatter and activity as the Hanson's Rough Riders dropship was unloading its compliment of personnel and equipment, including two full heavy Battlemech lances and support vehicles. A base this far out in the periphery did not usually see this much action. Major Dunnardel stepped through the doors and assembled his men. “ Alright we are here on contract for a recovery mission, report to the barracks the Lyrans have been kind enough to supply us with and be ready to move out at anytime, we have yet to learn exactly why we are here.” Dunnardel walked at his usual upbeat pace towards the command buildings. Hanson's Rough Riders had given this mission to Dunnardel as a test of his abilities although it was not clear in the contract as to what the Lyrans wanted recovered. Osis and the rest of the crew made way to the barracks, enjoying the fresh air of Wotan after the long space journey from Outreach and then the jarring descent to the planets surface. “Finally a chance to stretch my legs.” Osis thought.
Major Dunnardel entered the LCAF base amid a mass of aides and commanders scrambling about at a feverish pace. Something here was off. “Someone here is about to loose their job and possibly their head.” Dunnardel thought from the frantic look of the command center. As he continued walking he was approached by the Field Marshall for the LCAF. “Major Dunnardel of the Hanson' Rough Riders, I presume?” the Marshall said with a strained and worried voice. “Yes, reporting for duty.” Dunnardel replied. “What seems to be going on here? I haven’t seen this much excitement out here on the periphery in..... well, ever.” The Field Marshall directed Major Dunnardel towards his office to talk in private. They entered the office and sat down. “It's the prince!” exclaimed the Marshall. “Well not the Prince himself but one of his relatives, he is twelfth in line for the throne of the the entire LCAF, Peter Steiner-Davion!” Dunnardel smirked as he realized the severity of the situation. “And what has happened to him?” Dunnardel asked. “He has been kidnapped by the pirates of the Oberon Confederation, it was a routine training exercise and we weren’t ready for that type of thing. This creates a delicate situation for all of us here and its not like we can just march into Oberon Territory without starting an all out war. With everything else happening in the Inner Sphere, that is the last thing the LCAF needs right now. That is where you and your men come in Major.” Dunnardel sighed and then bellowed out a great laugh, “ I see. Do not worry, we shall track down the Prince and return him safely before any of your superiors catch wind of this mishap.”
The LCAF Marshall looked somewhat relieved as he explained to the Major that the Prince had been taken off-world and they had traced the ship to the planet Star' End, only a jump away. “We will provide transport to Star's End. Have your men ready by morning, 0600 hours.” the Marshall said in the same stressed voice from before. Dunnardel agreed and left the headquarters building to inform his men of the mission they would be embarking on.
Star's End System
High Orbit
LCAF Dropship 'Flaming Sword'
Major Dunnardel evaluated the intel provided by the LCAF. The LCAF had rather dated maps of the planet, however, these were pirates and it was unlikely any major changes had occurred. The planet was an old Star League out post and a monument to terraforming abilities that man kind had possesed all those centuries ago, lost through ages of war and strife. How they were able to make that lifeless looking rock semi habitable was amazing the Colonel thought. The old orbital photos that the LCAF had provided showed that there were only a few outposts and mining colonies spread across the planet, with an old Star League era base as the main attraction. Pirates had built a small city only a few clicks away from the base.” This is where there holding him, no question there.” Dunnardel aloud to the eight members of his company. Among them was Andrew Osis, who he had been on many combat missions with during their time together in the Rough Riders. The others he always addressed by their call signs or rank as is commonplace among Mechwarriors. Daishi, Slayer, Poison, Stranger, Guy and Redmage made up the rest of the company. Each a veteran mercenary under independent contract with the Rough Riders for as long as they turned a profit. Dunnardel and Osis had worked together before in the Wolf''s Dragoons and both were swayed to join the Rough Riders when they made a better offer to the pair. “We do not know what to expect here so were going in hot! This is a pirate stronghold, we need to remain undetected until were right on top of em'. And remember, the little Fedrat brat is the reason for this mission, it is absolutely imperative we do not damage any buildings in the battle!The LCAF have provided a ground extraction team and four Aerospace fighter to support us in this mission, of course if things go bad expect them to evaporate like whatever water might have been on the surface of this hell hole we are about to touch down on.” Dunnardel barked into the comms. A wave of confirmation flooded the comm channel as they began to feel the ship entering the planets atmosphere.
Star's End
Northern Continent
Hanson's Rough Riders Drop Zone
They had eight mechs or two full lances. Two lights, four heavies and two medium class mechs, along with the four Aerospace fighters and the compliment of the ground extraction team provided by the LCAF. Andrew Osis and Dunnardel had discussed the worst possible scenario being an exchange of C-Bills with the pirates for the young prince-to-be. They were to touch down six clicks out from the presumed base, close enough to make an easy escape and give them the added safety being close to the naval class weapons the dropship itself provided, easily able to demolish targets a kilometer or more away. As the dropship, a massive Union class weighing hundreds of thousands of tons, barreled down on to the planets surface the veteran mercs discovered just how wrong they were. The comms came alive with chatter from the pirates, “ This is Captain Jackson Baggs, we are currently engaging unknown enemy an units, being over run! Any available units please assist! Anyone HELP!” The ships sensors showed a battle taking place near the old base. Dunnardel's voice echoed through the comm units of his company. “Get ready guys this is what we get paid for! Who knows what the hell is going on out there? It doesn’t matter,our job is to retrieve that snot nosed brat who wanted to play army and then SAFELY get him the hell off this ****-rock!”
The massive bay doors of the dropship opened and the giant Battlemechs, each ten to twenty stories tall and ranging from 25 to 100 tonns, emerged from the dropship. Andrew Osis's voice came over the units comms issuing formation orders. “Alright form up, Guy I want you to get us a better picture of whats going on before we get there, everyone else form up and move it! Be on the look-out I got a bad feeling about these 'unknown' jokers, but hey this ain’t the first trap our dumb ***** walked into now is it Dunn?” Dunnardel chuckled and replied “Much to my dismay, no it is not my friend, but isn’t that the fun part?” The joking was interrupted by the ever analytical Daishi who scolded his commanders and brought attention again to the seriousness of the matter at hand. The laughter and lightheartedness subsided as the behemoth machines gracefully maneuvered into formation and strided across the barren rocky plains of the desolate planet. Sargent Guy broke the silence as he approached the base and the advanced electronics equipment of his Raven Battlemech relayed situational and target information to the rest of the unit. The units engaging the pirate forces weren’t registered in the database as known Battlemech designs. Sensors showed three pirate mechs, all heavily damaged as well as five unknown targets with only basic information being provided by the advanced sensors of Guy's Raven Battlemech. The rest of the company began to move into range of the base and the firefight that was going on came into clear view. Major Dunnardel began issuing orders and calling out targets, he attempted to raise the comms of the pirate leader, “This is Major Dunnardel of the Hanson's Rough Riders, come in pirate scum!” A few seconds later and a garbled reply came across the merc's comms, “Mercs, HRR!?............Thank God!!!! Please, your here for the kid? Fine take him, just help us!” Dunnardel's barked into the comms “ Alright showtime! We gotta defend these pirates so we can get the brat and get paid! Concentrate fire on unknown units currently engaging the pirate base and its forces” The company moved closer to the battle, now only about one kilometer away. They stepped over and dodged the smoldering metal carcasses of downed pirate mechs'. “It looks as if they had a full company here” Dunnardel thought to himself, “Now only three left? Who are these uknown attackers?” Andrew Osis took aim from his forty five ton BlackJack and began peppering a massive, unknown enemy mech from what he thought was maximum range with his mech's dual AutoCannon 2's. Much to his surprise, his mech was jolted in a bright blue blaze and his massive machine shuttered as he fought to keep it upright. The temperature inside the cockpit spiked to well over one hundred degrees. “What the hell was THAT? What kind of Particle Projection Cannon can hit like that at 1000 meters?” exclaimed Osis. Dunnardel's voice came over the comm channel, “Hit the closest first!”, as he fired a full salvo of Long-Range-Missles from his 70 ton Archer Battlemech towards the closest and largest of the unknown targets. The others followed suit and the mysterious enemy forces turned their attention from the crippled pirate forces to the incoming company of Rough Rider mechs.” This Is not looking good boys....... Steadfast this is going to get messy!” exclaimed Osis. Dunnardel grinned as he saw his company pushing ahead, full speed and guns blazing towards the enemy.

Angels Of Death Origin Part I
Started by Andrew Osis, Feb 13 2012 10:53 PM
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