Remove smaller weapons (or make them weapon arrays)
Posted 19 February 2012 - 05:39 PM
specifically the weapons
AC2, small lasers and machine guns; an alternate is make them into a weapons array (MW4 machine gun array)
BattleTech card game and Mechcommander already did so;
ie notice that there are no AC2, small lasers or machine guns in Mechcommander (Light AC was a AC5)
For Mechs that already exist with these weapons could be modified to fit the removal of the weapons;
ie Blackjack two AC2 would equal one AC5
Charger with 4 small lasers combine to make 2 medium lasers
2 MG and ammo equal a machine gun array.
Anyways just a suggestion to simplify the game with less variables (weapons) for balancing.
sidenote: would also remove the 15 small/ersmall/machinegun boats.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 06:03 PM
A lot of them are not very strong, but still usefull, e.g. the AC2 has a very long range.
Also, heat output would not match up, e.g. small laser - heat 1 vs medium laser - heat 3.
This would change the affected variants heat profile, mostly in a bad way.
Edited by Exilyth, 19 February 2012 - 06:20 PM.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 06:24 PM
Edited by LakeDaemon, 19 February 2012 - 06:25 PM.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 06:39 PM
Posted 19 February 2012 - 07:13 PM
At the very least, these smaller weapons tend to be far more efficient in terms of heat management. In the TT rules, a small laser generates one heat for 3 damage (1:3 ratio) while a large laser generates 8 heat for 8 damage (1:1 ratio).
I've found multiple smaller weapons are especially useful at the tail-end of combat (In TT, at least) when most of the armour is gone and internals are vulnerable. You'll want to pepper the enemy mech with many hits in as many locations as possible to cause as many critical hits as possible. This is also something that I don't think has previously translated to the MW series very well also.
So I definitely think that there's room for small weapons, if its heat efficiency and utility are translated well.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 07:14 PM
Posted 19 February 2012 - 09:10 PM
Exilyth, on 19 February 2012 - 06:03 PM, said:
A lot of them are not very strong, but still usefull, e.g. the AC2 has a very long range.
Also, heat output would not match up, e.g. small laser - heat 1 vs medium laser - heat 3.
This would change the affected variants heat profile, mostly in a bad way.
That was the intention; simplifying the game and simplifying the balance of the game (which will be more involved when clan weapons are added.)
Less weapons equals less weapons to balance against each other. Just a suggestion.
In regards to the heat profile. 1 medium laser = 3 heat vs 2 small lasers = 2 heat; I don't think it changes the heat profile too much.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 10:29 PM
Yeach, on 19 February 2012 - 09:10 PM, said:
That was the intention; simplifying the game and simplifying the balance of the game (which will be more involved when clan weapons are added.)
Less weapons equals less weapons to balance against each other. Just a suggestion.[...]
And why would we want a thus "simplified" aka "dumbed down" game? Next you know, someone will lobby for removal of different Mechs speeds to "simplify" the game. Or to remove the whole light Mech class. It might make balancing easier, but isn't really BT/MW any more.
Same for the "weapons array" idea. Apart from the single fact that a "machine gun array" sounds still a bit weird (it's not a solar panel or something), what would be the exact difference, aka advantage there? You'd still end up with a weapon system that does little damage against other Mechs and is more suited to fighting infantry/vehicles. And that doesn't really change when you later get the LMG/HMG variants as well. And yes, MW4 went that way with the "array", god knows why, but then MW4 had some weird, non-BT features anyway...
In MechCommander the removal of AC2s and small weapons actually made sort of sense, as you did not control the Mechs directly and thus making them specifically snipe or "brawl" was not that feasible. Actually, coming to think of it, MechCom might probably have worked fine without any option to swap out weapons at all, just using canon variants, IMO.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 11:34 PM
Yeach, on 19 February 2012 - 09:10 PM, said:
That was the intention; simplifying the game and simplifying the balance of the game (which will be more involved when clan weapons are added.)
Less weapons equals less weapons to balance against each other. Just a suggestion.
In regards to the heat profile. 1 medium laser = 3 heat vs 2 small lasers = 2 heat; I don't think it changes the heat profile too much.
Imho this is leaning to heavily in the simplification direction... Honestly I would love to see it made MORE complex... Something along the long the level of complexity in eve would be perfect
Posted 19 February 2012 - 11:39 PM
If a Pilot is unable to use the weapons of it's mech to full effect, because they are "to small", he should look for a different mech, with a different weapons loadout.
Edit: Quick example of a mech that could be very difficult to change without changing it's profile completly and getting out of it's allowed tonnage very quick.
Vindicator 1R
1 LRM 5 (average damage = 3)
1 medium Laser
1 small Laser
How would you group those weapons? From your point of view, we would have to get rid of the LRM and the small laser and group them into something meaningfull. An AC/5 maybe? No... way to heavy. A LRM 10 (average damage = 6) the same as the AC. Both are increases to the long range firepower while taking from the low distance capabilities of the mech.
So how about an additional medium Laser instead? You not only lose weight for the mech (2,5 tons) but you will also lose long distance capabilities.
There is no way of adressing a meaningfull adaption in the way you suggested, Yeach. You will always cripple the mech in one way or the other. Leave them as they are, and let the game be complex.

Edited by Egomane, 19 February 2012 - 11:48 PM.
Posted 20 February 2012 - 04:43 AM
Posted 20 February 2012 - 07:00 AM
what a lot of people fail to understand is under the standard rules all the weapons have a role or nitch where they are really good
small lasers, machine guns, flamers these are all designed around the concept of either "death by paper cuts" or anti infantry
these are short ranged "plinking" weapons think a BB or pellet pistol sure it does garbage damage, but the ammo is cheap or plentiful, etc
the piranaha class battlemech also takes this to a logical extreme it packs something like 12 machine guns (in its base config) along with a few longer ranged guns but its obvious tactic is to charge in and "hug" its opponant (no actual hugging involved just getting toe to toe) and then unleash its massive "machine gun array of doom"
what with the table top games standard "scatter hits" mechanic you are almost guaranteed to hit almost every location on the enemy mech at least once every "salvo" and if your luck causes a "concentration" of hits to occur in a location where the armor is thin or breached you can potentually clear every "critable componant" from the location as a working device.
the ac2 on the other hand is the longest ranged weapon in the game (or close to it) sure it doesn't do a lot of damage but imagine you are standing around out in the middle of nowhere.... and all of a sudden "plink" loose 2 armor you look around and don't see anything .... plink loose 2 more armor and this keeps happening....
Posted 20 February 2012 - 07:49 AM
Egomane, on 19 February 2012 - 11:39 PM, said:
If a Pilot is unable to use the weapons of it's mech to full effect, because they are "to small", he should look for a different mech, with a different weapons loadout.
Edit: Quick example of a mech that could be very difficult to change without changing it's profile completly and getting out of it's allowed tonnage very quick.
Vindicator 1R
1 LRM 5 (average damage = 3)
1 medium Laser
1 small Laser
How would you group those weapons? From your point of view, we would have to get rid of the LRM and the small laser and group them into something meaningfull. An AC/5 maybe? No... way to heavy. A LRM 10 (average damage = 6) the same as the AC. Both are increases to the long range firepower while taking from the low distance capabilities of the mech.
So how about an additional medium Laser instead? You not only lose weight for the mech (2,5 tons) but you will also lose long distance capabilities.
There is no way of adressing a meaningfull adaption in the way you suggested, Yeach. You will always cripple the mech in one way or the other. Leave them as they are, and let the game be complex.

My suggestion doesn't include LRMs or SRMs.
LRM5 btw do 5 damage.
So for your example of the Vindicator, i would either add 0.5t armor and remove small laser or remove 0.5t armor and add a medium laser.
Posted 20 February 2012 - 07:55 AM
With keeping the AC2, you could make the argument that you have 4 ranges extreme, long, medium and short range (for the AC2, AC5, AC10 and AC20 respectively); adding the small laser you could add another range (extreme short).
Overall it affects the balancing; ie more variables.
Note: how come it is called an AC2 and not an AC2.5 or AC3 (TT likes to round up sometimes; see run speeds 5 walk MP = 8 run MP)
Posted 20 February 2012 - 08:21 AM
Yeach, on 20 February 2012 - 07:49 AM, said:
My suggestion doesn't include LRMs or SRMs.
LRM5 btw do 5 damage.
So for your example of the Vindicator, i would either add 0.5t armor and remove small laser or remove 0.5t armor and add a medium laser.
You should include the LRM 5, because at average it does 3 damage, 1 on minimum and 5 at maximum. LRM launchers were never meant to always deal maximum damage on a hit, but an average of 60%.
But, ok... bad example, lets try a new one:
Vulcan 2T
A single AC/2 for long range weaponry. The only long range weaponry.
What to do? Lose it? Upgrade it to an AC/5 (what to lose in exchange?)?
PGI will try to stay as close as possible to the tabletop game, they announced that several times now, so they will most likely not make all missiles hit, like previous Mechwarrior games did. We should calculate what we can expect, more in line with those rules, then what we had in the old games.
That put aside...
We shouldn't simplify a game, just because we can. Battletech has always been complex. The pc-games have been complex (until Microsoft got their hands on them). Why should we use a simplification without real need? Why should we change dozens of established mech designs? We haven't even seen the game yet and don't know if the old system has some value in it or if your "grouping" would have been better. We will have a beta-phase to figure that out.
Posted 20 February 2012 - 08:30 AM

So that means this shouldn't be something to worry about too much I think.
Posted 20 February 2012 - 08:34 AM
Especially if destroying a Torso loses the arm like many seem to want.

Edited by MaddMaxx, 20 February 2012 - 08:36 AM.
Posted 20 February 2012 - 08:52 AM
It would make for some intersting fights in a catapult. When I hear the lock warning, do I hit the switch and close my ports, turn and take it on the side, or try to get a lock and empty the launcher so there's nothing to crit on until it reloads?
Posted 20 February 2012 - 04:20 PM
Posted 20 February 2012 - 05:03 PM
Is it really going to be so difficult when we have an existing universe and like 6 other games to base these numbers off of already?
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