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A Tale of Two Corps

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#1 Fred Selous


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Posted 08 September 2012 - 06:59 PM

As some of you may know, the two major Aussie corps are, or at least appear to be, at each others throats, that is ARMD and AMC.

My attention to this was drawn by this post by the leader of AMC on their news page


Alert ARMD Poaching
[COL] LiquidBHK posted 2 hours ago

I just received notice that ARMD (Australian Royal Mechanized Division) is so desperate that they are attempting to poach members from our superior fantastic community.

ARMD formed after us because some of their members are very immature people and weren't welcome here. Now they are only reinforcing this point. Posted Image Because of our ever lasting success and excellent community of friendly, supportive members ARMD has always been and is, threatened by us.

Name and shame: "Zulsoke" - their officer leading the poaching.

I congratule again and welcome aboard all new members for making the right choice. You are all blending into our fantastic community greatly. I do not feel threatened by ARMD, because we are the better Merc Corp and because they are so pathetic, some of their members have left them to join us. Posted Image I also welcome those members for making the right move!!

Kind Regards
{COL} LiquidBHK

"[AUS] Forever <3"[color=#898989] [/color]

Pretty acidic stuff. No response from ARMD that I have seen (apart from one now deleted post which, unlike this gem, I didn't save)

So i decided to see who was friendlier, using a sufficiently provoking name.

Applying to AMC using the name DouchefagMcFace I awaited a response and got this


[color=#E80E0E][COL][/color] LiquidBHK[color=#CCB99B][/color][color=#CCB99B]
Oh look its an armd member. I'm going to use this as advertising in the forums thanks! Posted Image <3 Btw mr officer do you guys know that I'm already in your corp? Don't tell your boss but its fun to explore.

1) What is your Mechwarrior Online in-game name?[/color]


Well, thats nice.

Applying to ARMD I got this, using the same name


[color=#898989]Hey Mcface [/color]

[color=#898989]I will leave the name up to the rest of the guys. [/color]

[color=#898989]Welcome aboard Armd. [/color]

[color=#898989]Hopefully you can get teamspeak and a headset seen and we can welcome you there. [/color]

[color=#898989]Btw, we need a better screening process, way to many kiwi's getting through the cracks[/color]

aint that interesting!

EDIT: I followed both Corp's recuritment porcedures, ARMD gave me room to explain my inflammatory name whilst AMC did not.

Edited by Fred Selous, 08 September 2012 - 07:02 PM.

#2 Hellman


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 12:11 AM

Hi Fred,
no problems with the post on our forum, we like to welcome everyone.
I would just like to point out to our NZ neighbours that the comment about Kiwis you have posted from the ARMD forum was said in jest and that we are currently setting up a NZ company to cater for their timezone.

Lt heLLman

PS, hope you can drop by our TS channel and have a game with us.

#3 Runz


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 12:27 AM

I'm not really sure this forum is the place to air dirty laundry or discuss whatever private feud may be going on between two Australasian Mech Corps - it seems to be aimed at merely fanning the flames between the two and no good will come of it. Also it is worth remembering that name and shame threads are forbidden on these forums and this would come perilously close to that imo.

#4 CrazyIvan


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 08:17 PM

Interesting responses, might go check out their recruiting threads...

#5 Targanon


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Posted 04 December 2012 - 12:20 AM

While I"m no longer a part of AUS (Australian Mech Corp), for personal reasons that I will not post about, I would like to state that this so called feud was started in very early days and was more of a ******* comp between the leaders these did not reflect the opinions of the rank and file at least of the corp I was in and I would prolly the ARMD rank file either....

While I was elevated to leader of AMC, I did my best to quell the feud, after all we are adults and should act like it.. sure there will always be a ******* comp. of who is best but I was looking forward to the ranking system etc. to settle that..

I part AMC on my own terms and wish everyone in both Corps the best...

I will return one day to play again... with a corp just not sure who or even it it will be mine or I join another one. but I'm sure it will be an Aussie one..

#6 Hellman


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 04:00 AM

I think we all know the answer to this now!!
PS, good luck with your new venture.

Edited by Hellman, 06 December 2012 - 04:06 AM.

#7 Bluemaxx


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Posted 06 December 2012 - 10:09 PM

Irrelevant of what unit anyone comes from it is always a sad thing to see a unit/clan break up due to personal differences between its members...
I wish you all the best in your future endeavors Targanon and hope you still get to enjoy MWO.

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