The Windborne Raven (Roleplay)
Posted 19 March 2012 - 06:02 PM
---Mission File: Department of Military Intelligence, AFFS---
2 days ago, the Executor attached to the Jumpship Solace with the real intent of rerouting back to New Avalon to regroup with the rest of the Brigade of Guards. However, a Robinson Ranger stomping around in the FRR would have been bad press for House Davion. The Executor received last minute orders to deal with the situation, and avoid causing a galactic incident. The drop has been completed as of this file update, and the rest of the mission is yet to proceed. The Executor has been ordered to hold off until it has been confirmed the Robinson ranger and his equipment are recovered or both are destroyed.
---End File---
Posted 19 March 2012 - 06:16 PM
Posted 19 March 2012 - 06:27 PM
Posted 19 March 2012 - 06:59 PM
Posted 19 March 2012 - 07:23 PM
"I won't be left out of this fight..."
Durgan looked around seeing nothing in working order then he remembered the VTOL that was bringing in a stockpile of ammunition was still sitting on the pad. Durgan slung the rifle over his soldier and move as fast as he could towards the landing pad. Rounding the corner he was stopped by the sound of metal against metal, Durgan took out his weapon and slowly moved towards the VTOL still sitting there just as he knew it would. Durgan raised the rifle towards the back of the VTOL were the sound was coming from as he slowly side stepped around he saw two men trying to force there way into the cargo bay of the VTOL
"Hey you back away from the VTOL before I gun you down were you stand" Durgan yelled at the looters.
With no reply the two men looked down at him realizing Durgan was heavily armed they simply high tailed it out of the area not looking back for fear of there lives. Durgan keep the rifle near his side as he climbed his way up to the VTOL giving it a quick look over, satisfied that the aircraft had only taking superficial damage. Durgan approached the cargo bay keypad and keyed in the access code, the door slowly opened revealing a full cargo load of SRM missiles pack to capacity Durgan thought to himself these could come in handy being that this particular module of VTOL was only armed with a single medium laser. Durgan closed the hatch back and made his way back around to the cockpit opening it and taking a sit in the cockpit he began powering up the systems, it had been a while since he piloted a VTOL but everything started coming back to him as he finished the final launch prep steps his buddies the looters reappeared this time armed and reinforced with three others. Durgan grabbed the controls and prepared to take off as they took positions around the VTOL yelling something at him. Durgan paid no attention as he closed the cockpit and brought up the weapon systems. The VTOL medium laser turret rotated to the movement of the joystick, turning the turret down towards one of the men standing in front of the VTOL Durgan squeezed off a shoot. The laser blazed down towards the man vaporizing the man and the box he was hiding behind. The remaining men opened fire on the VTOL Durgan knew he didn't have the time to wait for the laser to recharge so Durgan throttled the VTOL to full power. The force from the sudden lift off pushed the looters around like little rag dolls. The VTOL redirected it engine output and slowly down the street, Durgan made sure to stay low in the building knowing that enemy aircraft in the area would destroy the VTOL with little ease. As Durgan worked his way around the building he watched the chaos that was erupting in the city at this point the city became a free for all with looters running through the streets. Durgan noticed all large amount of fire and explosions coming from the center of town, Durgan turned the VTOL and started his way there in hopes of being of some use.
Posted 19 March 2012 - 07:23 PM
Aedris Nova, on 19 March 2012 - 06:27 PM, said:
[[Hahaha, well, if we can get to my Warhammer Wolf Fang, it will be pretty even.]]
[[And what's this, Sal, we've got a VTOL on aisle 4, you want him?]]
Edited by guardian wolf, 19 March 2012 - 07:26 PM.
Posted 19 March 2012 - 07:58 PM
James couldn't help but gaze around at the scene unfolding around him. Missile trails mixed with the lightning of PPCs, streaking the darkening sky. For a moment, James paused and watched the aerospace fighters twirl and dance in the sky, their lasers flashing incessantly as they tore at one another. All around him, the city lay burning, and there was nothing James could do about it.
Why has it come to this?
James could hear the calls for support erupting around him, and the chatter of autocannons became incessant. Gripping his joysticks tighter, James could feel the slight tremors of mechs running nearby, occasionally punctuated by the deeper tremor signifying one less combatant. Adjusting his helmet, James saw the Grand Dragon flash past, heading back the way he had just come. The azure flashes and thundering booms meant that he had made contact.
Orcinus, on 16 March 2012 - 07:26 PM, said:
Throttling up his mech, James dashed through the side street, and witnessed the Grand Dragon locked in a death grip with the Thug. The Dragon had lost its right arm, and was desperately trying to hold off the left arm of the Thug. Meanwhile, the Vulcan stood behind the Dragon mercilessly pouring machine gun fire into his weaker rear armor. Enraged, James charged the Vulcan once more.
Firing his medium lasers as he ran, the twin emerald beams shot just high and to the left of the Vulcan. As the mech began to turn, James used his left hand to grab the heavy machine gun of the Vulcan, and fired his autocannon at point blank range into the mech's elbow - amputating it immediately. He then lashed out and used the mech's own forearm to club its former owner. The strength of the blow, when combined with the Vulcan's gimpy knee, knocked the mech to the ground once more. James turned to club the Thug when the AC20 rounds hit.
The impacts shattered nearly all of the armor off of James' right leg and caused him to crash into a building. Just outside his viewport stood an immaculately decorated little boy's room. Posters of Solaris stables adorned his walls, and models of battlemechs lined every shelf and table. It was amazing, almost miraculous, that nothing looked out of place - despite a 50 ton battlemech crashing thorough half of it.
Wonder what he thinks of battlemechs now....
The second AC/20 volley savaged James' right torso armor and nearly entered into the critical structure. James knew he had to escape the building, but as he struggled to get free - the leering face of an Atlas appeared from the smoke wreathing the square...
Edited by Listless Nomad, 19 March 2012 - 10:00 PM.
Posted 19 March 2012 - 08:34 PM
Posted 19 March 2012 - 09:11 PM
Posted 19 March 2012 - 09:47 PM
The VTOL would have been hard to see, except for the fires down below sillhouetting it. He turned into a dive and shifted his LAM to air-mech mode to match speed behind and to the side of it. He locked on the comm laser and spoke, "VTOL, as it appears that it's the whole Inner Sphere vs. the Delian Guards, which are you?"
[[Seriously, a regiment of mechs in an urban engagement....... some FRR insurance companies are about to go bankrupt.]]
Edited by Charles Martel, 19 March 2012 - 10:01 PM.
Posted 19 March 2012 - 10:04 PM
The quartet of mechs had been reduced to a mere trio. Demon 03 had missed the landing zone due to faulty crash systems. His mech skittered and jeered before collapsing over into a canyon, much of it already destroyed, the rapids and rocks below might have well been PPCs. Lieutenant Jansen never had the opportunity to scream. Communications flat-lined as he met his ironic demise.
"It seems Mother Nature always wins in the end", thought Aedris silently. His struggle against the houses, the mercs, they paled in comparison to humanities's everlasting battle with the wild.
"The intercom flared up.
"Demon Lead... report over... Demon 03 we've lost comm.."
"Demon 3 is dead," Major Aedris interrupted with a stoic attitude.
"Understood...the Colonel will like to remind you that since this mission is politically unsanctioned, we will be out of contact until you have recovered or destroyed all trace of AFFS apparent on the planet. We've been trying to regain contact with the Ranger-no avail it seems, sir. Possibly, some sort of jammer in the area. Also, aerospace support will be unavailable for the time being, fighters will easily indicate an intent of invasion. Copy, over"
"Demon Lead copies, over. Good Luck Executor. Demon Lead over and out".
The remnant of the lance pushed through the valley. Aedris looked onward, but he was suddenly overcome with the agonizing feeling. Many more would die and his Centurion could do little about it.
Edited by Aedris Nova, 19 March 2012 - 10:35 PM.
Posted 20 March 2012 - 01:52 AM

Listless Nomad, on 19 March 2012 - 07:58 PM, said:
Oh man! That’s not nice. The Heavy Machine Gun was Azman’s favourite weapon for the Vulcan. Had a whole series of posts in mind showing off the coolness of the HMG – ‘the tickle of death’. This fight is really getting bloody.
Um, inspired by some kick-bud posts from Damon and Thom a page or two back, got on my bud to do a good post. I think this is one of my better ones. Hope you all enjoy. Warning: Post maybe long.]]
Azman watched the sky. The ringing in his ears drowned the world out. Azman tasted blood in his mouth, not that it mattered. Azman watched the sky. How clear it was. How vast. How simple.
If only the 'verse was so simple….
He knew he was on the ground, lying down, exposed, admist a raging battle. But… Just a moment more….
“Burn the land and boil the sea…” Azman mouthed, dazed, watching the sky.
Life, as always will bring you back to earth. A computerized voice was cutting through to Azman’s hearing, of warnings this and warnings that.
Yes, yes, yes…
It was a particular voice Azman knew he had to pay attention. A woman’s voice. The female mech pilot of the Thug, lance leader of the now effectively dead reinforced Delian Guards Heavy Lance. Thug Lady. She had continued her tirade in comm ever since screaming the names of her dead lancemates, and had raised her timbre and tone when her Thug engaged the Grand Dragon. The two battlemechs were locked in a deadly embrace, as Azman tried to peel them off, shooting HMG fire at the Grand Dragon. Then the Centurion from earlier, with some unexplained angry reason, likes to knock battlemechs down, came up behind Azman, shot off Azman’s Vulcan’s left HMG arm, Vera’s remaining arm, then used the amputated steel arm to club Azman down. Angry, angry Centurion…
The Centurion however was able to separate the Thug and Grand Dragon apart. The Thug and the Grand Dragon stood a distance eyeing each other. Battle fatigue, damage and adrenaline mixed within them. The tirade from the woman mech pilot was rising now to a crazed crescendo. From experience, Azman knew crazed women will always do crazy things.
The Thug Lady’s voice, her last words, were filled with rage, spite and suicide. The female mech pilot, proud lance leader of the reinforced Delian Guards Heavy Lance, activated the self-destruct of her battlemech… and joined her lancemates.
The resulting explosion evaporated the nearby buildings. Azman’s Vulcan was laying flat on the ground but the force of the explosion easily pushed the 40 tons battlemech aside like a play toy.
Azman gritted his teeth as he coaxed Vera to sit up, leaning against a building. The cockpit computer voice now shouting all sorts of warnings. The sight that greeted Azman was a sight from the pages of myth. It broke through the rubble and debris as if roaring in defiance. The Grand Dragon. Much of its armour was melting but the battlemech stood, as its namesake in the inferno. The fighting spirit of the battlemech and its mech pilot scorched through to all nearby like dragon flame. The Grand Dragon's attention was locked to another. So was the Centurion. So too for everyone else. Azman looked up and up to witness a destroyer of worlds, an Atlas, master of the battlefield looking down at everyone surveying his dominion like some grinning god of war.
Azman laughed. Blood in his mouth. To rage and rage and be helpless in the end. The screaming from the woman mech pilot of the now incinerated Thug still echoed in Azman's mind.
The screaming never go away. They are kept, waiting in memory, always.
Detached, Azman eyes swept through the giant steel bodies of, for the quirk of fortune, were arguably his comrades, even if it was for an interlude. The reinforced Delian Guards Heavy Lance.
We mercenaries are all fellow comrades, regardless of which side we fight for. Soldiers of Fickle Fortune. Brothers and Sisters of the blood-fought coin. Kin and damned.
Azman's eyes lay first to the charred body of the Urbanmech, so determined to proof its courage; to the Flashman, hacked and blasted, shiny no more; to the Jagermech, once trigger happy, now kneeling and dead; to the strong silent Bombardier leaning against a building, only silent now. Lastly Azman's eyes fell on the nothing that was left of the Thug, his thoughts to the woman who was inside.
Who would mourn for you? Any of you? Who would mourn for any of us? We mercenaries who fight for causes that are not our own, and die.
Azman felt tired. Weighed down between earth and sky. He felt the weariness of his battlemech. The endlessness of everything. Fighting. Dying. Repeat. For the briefest of moments Azman saw his Vulcan from the outside. Its lean scarecrow-like frame sitting-leaning against a building. Both of its arms gone. Damage all about from battlemech head to battlemech toe. The result of war. But a battlemech has always been designed for war. Its function is war. Its purpose is war. So too is the function and purpose of mercenaries.
I guess we will all meet one another in a special hell reserved for mercs and people who talk in the theatre.
Azman, ever a slight smile playing on his lips. The usual mask slipped into place.
The reinforced Delian Guards Heavy Lance was dead. Azman reminded himself of what he was – a dog of war, and he was still on the clock.
When mercs take a job, they have to make good.
"Ghost Contract. Reptile Auxiliary." Azman identified himself, breaking radio silence as he sent his encrypted message in a private channel to the Delian Guard Atlas. Azman recognized the Delian Guard Atlas from the mission briefs. Aside from the Delian Guards unit insignia, a serpent wrapped around a star, as a mark of distinction for the Atlas and its pilot, a personal insignia was also displayed on the 100 tons assault battlemech - the image of an angry gorilla lifting a barrel over its head.
“Repeat, this is Ghost Contract. Reptile Auxiliary. Target is in the area. Repeat the target is in the area. Proceed to secondary objective. Code verification: The struggle shall be worth it in the end.”
The Delian Guard Atlas was flanked by twin Hunchbacks, acting as a sort of honour guards to this colossal metal god. A Jagermech advanced further ahead as if playing the role of a scout or more accurately a herald proclaiming the coming doom. Unseen, other Delian Guard battlemechs should be flanking about... Azman zoomed in his cameras. Delian Guard armoured vehicles rolled in ranks supported by Delian Guards infantry. VTOLs in Delian Guards colours flew about like angry fireflies. The centre was the Atlas and all seemed to revolve around it, pulled in by its gravity.
The supreme Atlas did not even look down at the damaged Vulcan. It even seemed to dismiss the Centurion, Grand Dragon and everyone else. Azman then realized. The Atlas was relaying his message. Through the static of the comms channel, Delian Guard mechwarriors began shouting their callsigns, crying their war cries. Many of them. The Delian Guards were howling. The Delian Guards Assault Group, ‘The Hammer’, had come.
The scarecrow-like Vulcan, sat-leaning against a building, seemed to smile sheepishly as did its pilot. Azman for some odd reason sent a prayer to all who stood against the inevitable, these mismatched people from different paths, be they local, House forces or of the mercenary trade, thrown together by fate.
May they have at least a fighting retreat. A chance maybe for more time. For the fighting spirit they have shown, these defenders of Vekfaren do not deserve an abrupt end.
For Azman, he remained, smiling, blood trickling down his lips, and believed he had arrived to that special hell.
I am home.
[[Phew. Sorry for the long post. I hope you all liked it. Now I really really need to get back to some backlogged work. But this was worth it! To the Windborne Raven!
Oooh ooh. Maybe a theme song for the coming Delian Guards, something smooth and dangerous.

Edited by Nor Azman, 20 March 2012 - 04:22 AM.
Posted 20 March 2012 - 03:47 AM
Another upside was that the radio jamming was all but non existent out here. they were out of range, even Nathans radar was flickering back into life, just in time to He screamed down to Lugz on the coms " Aerospace wing 3 o'clock, it was to late, they hit there marks, The urbanmech fell into a building and an ejector seat flew out its right leg reduced to slag from the sheer number of lasers, the Marauder had lost its right arm and all the armour on its right torso, The armour plate fell to the floor, The FedSuns logo painted undernieth now clear, The Vulkaneers may be a Merc unit but each and evryone of the Vulkaneers knew where there loyaltys lie. The aerospace fighters came around for another pass, Nathan opened fire downing one but they where to fast, a second salvo destroying the armour on his left leg, The limping Marauder turned to deflect another attack. 4 fighters where heading straight for him, was this the end...
A loud noise distracted them and him and he turned to see a dust cloud to the right, 2 Beams of light shot out of the cloud each downing a fighter, the other 2 began retreating but then beams fired again downing another, the last one got away... Just.
Confused as to what just happened Nathan stared into the cloud weapons trained on whatever was to emerge. It was...
Warnings where still sounding from the hot drop, Wills Rifleman over heating as he had to fire so quickly after landing, He gathered his breath in the sweltering heat and picked up the mic to his radio, "Stoner 2 this is Stoner Lead, form up on my position", the Rifleman stepped out of the Crater he had just made. He saw a hovercraft with the same colours and symbols the fighters had, Will zoomed in and prepared to fire only stopping when he saw who was driving.. The louder speaker engaged on the Rifleman, "Draco I swear your following me, Please could you pick up Stoner 4, He ejected about 3 streets back, we'll catch up later" He opened coms with Nathan again " what is this the 5th time ive pulled your a$$ out of the fire", Through open channel and loud speaker he issued a challenge, "This is Will Andor 2nd in command of the Vulkaneers Mercinary unit, I helped liberate my home planet from the Draconis Combine with no more than a on a joinydozen friendly mechs, you realy think you can stop me, Come out of that city and fight like men else..." He paused "Im coming in after ya", Hell he recognised the Delians, he'd had a punch up with there commander on a joint op. Keying in any mech that wasnt Delian into his IFF he recieved a sit rep from Nathan, other Mechs where begining to arrive. Out here they could organise a resistance, The louder speaker rang out again "Stoner 4 join the Dragoon, in the hovercraft, help him get to a mech at all costs."
[[ didnt go into detail over the mechs that left the city as some of you may want to stay and fight, I felt that this was getting so awesome my main RP character had to get involved so posts from nathan are going to be limited from now on, Gaurdian i have given you a highly skilled gunner but to help things along (so you dont have to wait for me) you now control Lugz's fate, any objections and im open to change my post]]
[[P.S awesome post Azman, is this the end from you or are you taking another character?]]
[[P.P.S I Will post Wills profile later. I ran out of time]]
Edited by Sloth901, 20 March 2012 - 03:49 AM.
Posted 20 March 2012 - 06:12 AM
Posted 20 March 2012 - 08:23 AM
Nor Azman, on 20 March 2012 - 01:52 AM, said:
The Delian Guard Atlas was flanked by twin Hunchbacks, acting as a sort of honour guards to this colossal metal god. A Jagermech advanced further ahead as if playing the role of a scout or more accurately a herald proclaiming the coming doom. Unseen, other Delian Guard battlemechs should be flanking about... Azman zoomed in his cameras. Delian Guard armoured vehicles rolled in ranks supported by Delian Guards infantry. VTOLs in Delian Guards colours flew about like angry fireflies. The centre was the Atlas and all seemed to revolve around it, pulled in by its gravity.
Durgan pulled the VTOL around the remains of one of the buildings that had been partially vaporized by a mechs self destruction. As his VTOL slowly moved higher over the destruction a horrifying sight came into view Delian Guard mechs, vehicles, and VTOL surrounding a single unmistakable image of destruction a Atlas. Durgan watched as the forces continued to circle around the Atlas waiting for something at first he wasn't sure what, then out of the corner of his view port he noticed a mech stuck in the side of a building he couldn't make out who it was but he knew it didn't have any markings of the Delian Guard upon it. Durgan knew his poor single laser could do nothing to help this situation his only chance was his cargo load of SRMs dropping them from sufficient high would detonate them for sure but at what cost. Durgan didn't have much time to think about it as the massive Atlas turned it attention to the mech still stuck within the building. Durgan pushed a couple of buttons on the console before him the cargo bay opened and the first load of missiles was released allow it to move freely towards the open bay door.
"I hope this works..." with a sigh Durgan pushed forward on the throttle.
The VTOL exploded out from behind its cover at first unnoticed by the Delian but as soon as the first crate of SRM dropped from the VTOL landing street side exploding destroying nothing more then side walk and street lights. Durgan keep his path headed straight for the Atlas releasing more SRMs and firing his laser at one of the other hovering VTOL throwing it off course as it try to dodge his fire. The Delian Guard must have been stunned as they watched Durgan VTOL drop its payload one of which found a mark on the turret of a Delian Guard tank severing it from the body of the tank. Durgan continued his course releasing the last load of SRMs just in time to land on the back of the Atlas, he then dived the VTOL down back into the depths of the city. Durgan didn't get away unscathed as he plunged back into the city the other VTOLs gave heavy chase opening up with ballistic and lasers alike one of which ripped through Durgans left wing. Durgan was knocked around inside the small cockpit as he brought the VTOL back under control noticing warning lights flashing all over his console. He knew he had to escape in a last ditch effort Durgan took a hard turn putting his skills to the limit narrowly missing a group of buildings on the street corner. Only a few of the other VTOL pilots were able to make the turn the rest either smashed into the building or keep flying the other way, Durgan could see the light at the end of the tunnel the edge of the city was only a few more blocks, rounds continued flying around Durgan another laser clipped the bay door searing off some of the armor. Durgans VTOL emerged from the city taking to the sky the other VTOL dare not leave the edge of the city alone unsure if Durgan had reinforcements waiting for him in the open suburbs.
Durgan soon realized that his pursuers were gone so he took a moment to take in all that happened setting the VTOL to hover he punched in a few keys and the display in front of him brought up a damage report. Satisfied nothing major had been damage he turned on his radar picking up multiply faint signals emerging from the city converging all on one spot he knew it couldn't be the Delian so he decided to investigate. Bringing his VTOL down he came across a Riflemen and a beat up Marauder standing in the open Durgan open his comms and attempted to hail the two mechs.
"This is Durgan Carlyle does anyone copy?"
Posted 20 March 2012 - 09:21 AM
Will picked up his mic "Stoner Support radiod what happened on that patrol, officialy im here to make us combat effective untill pauls unit gets here, but the real reason is to make sure your ok"
"And the hotdrop?"
"We picked up radio chatter as you left the city, as we were coming in to land I ordered i be hot dropped to your location, But forget about why Im here just be glad Im here, every mech counts in this situation." Will's convorsation with Nathan was interupted
Durgan Carlyle, on 20 March 2012 - 08:23 AM, said:
"Durgan Carlyle this is Will Andor callsign 'Stoner Lead', of the Vulkaneers Mercenary unit, What is your affiliation?" Will's Rifleman scaned the area as a beat up VTOL came into sight. It seemed to be looking towards him, so he assumed it was him he was adressing, Will opened a private com to Nathan, Hes only lightly armed but if he goes after the hovercraft he can do some real damage, if he persues open fire." The Marauder looked down then up as if nodding and repositioned itself inbetween the hovercraft and the VTOL.
Posted 20 March 2012 - 10:58 AM
Posted 20 March 2012 - 11:14 AM
Sloth901, on 20 March 2012 - 09:21 AM, said:
Durgan replied "Retired Free Worlds League Ordnance Core, I'm looking for any sort of resistance leadership so I can help out. Took some beating so if you have secured a repair facility that be useful as well but I'm still operational"
Durgan waited for a responce before he made another move towards Andors mech.
Posted 20 March 2012 - 11:26 AM
Posted 20 March 2012 - 11:30 AM
Edited by guardian wolf, 20 March 2012 - 11:31 AM.
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