This is my initial impressions of the Inner Sphere Houses thus far, based on what I've gathered from basic sources and from interactions from folks like you. Half of getting a setting is getting a "feel" for how the world works and the interaction between factions. I was introduced through the games which is why I am not as...intimate with the Houses as, say, the leg armor of a Highlander or the shenanigans of Clan Smoke Jaguar. Commence Digress.
The following is a rough combination of my own stereotypes, the MW:O Community and canon information.
Davion: Franco-Brits, honorable, the Gryfindor of Battletech. Therefor, upperclass, fancy and full of fisty cuffs and hob nobbery.
Liao: Just kinda there, coveting territory, suppressing fun and freedom. HOWEVER, if this was solely based on the MW:O community, it would be a full on troll face. They may not get a lot of respect, but they've been able to effectively troll/initiate confrontations in nearly all the other faction forums. Sneaky folks.
Marik: Isolated corner of the Inner Sphere. Tons of infighting and instability. Grand protector of the most prized Lostech in existence: the American cheeseburger.
Steiner: Incompetent generals, copious amounts of Atlas'. Lots of energy and hard to pronounce ranks. Lively lot though...misguided when it comes to certain aspects of war...but, nothing a few well guided LRM 10's can't fix.
Rasalhague: Vikings in space. Mead, fur armor and facial hair abound. Close nit bunch. Hates snakes.
Kurita: Honor bound mechanized samurai's. Will they go for the Rasal-dazzlers, hit the Davion's when they move to back slap Liao, stomp Steiner? Who knows. Don't tug the pony tail, they don't like that.
Clans: Need I say more? [ And yes, I AM aware that the clans are in the wrong position save for the Smokeys. Trust me, it wasn't intentional.]
This is just a rough draft of course. Thoughts, suggestions?
Edited by Anthill, 29 February 2012 - 03:47 PM.