Now. Who's been thinking about the reinforcements mode that allows players in a 12v12 max players to drop in up to 3 mechs after losing their first. How will you implement this system into that?
I have one idea to make it work to drive the players to be more coherent with losing their mechs. Have the a escort ship deploy the dropships from low orbit, thus relying on time to drop next available unit and then recovery time for dropship to fall back and get other mechs, AND a recovery time for dropship's taken out. (No obvious loss of the mechs, just a respawn of the same dropship back at the escort ship, resetting the time to drop.)
In reinforcements mode, you really can't rely on any given system, unless you want player's to sit on a bench for 10-15 minutes waiting for the C-bills to drop on the field and then let them be up. Make it be about a minute to drop a new mech, minute to get back on station at the escort ship, minute to grab new mechs, rinse and repeat.
This would be a commander's tactics game to get his men to maneuvar away while mechs on the field are low or to strike deep when the enemy is awaiting reinforcements. This being if its similar to a point-control or TDM style game. If it's a push style, it would make for a very interesting game...
Edited by kidneynabrik, 15 March 2012 - 03:38 PM.