Below is what the House used throughout its tenure, not sure of MPBT EGA but on MPBT Solaris (AOL/Gamestorm) and MPBT 3025 (EA).
Edited: Added the following, for me, would be done with a Texan accent
Common Sayings/Phrases
Baka - Fool
Banzai! - Lit. "Ten Thousand", used as a cheer
Chotto matte kudasai - One moment please (equivalent of "brb")
Dekashita - Nice going!
Dewa mata - See you later
Dou shiteru? - How's everything?
Do itashi moshite - You're welcome
Domo (arigato) - Thank you (very much)
Giri - Duty, obligation, justice
Gokoun-o inorimasu - Good luck or good fortune.
Gomen nasai - I am sorry
Hai, (wakarimasu) - Yes, (I understand)
Iie, (wakarimasen) - No, (I do NOT understand)
Ikimasho - Let's go.
Konnichi wa - Hello
Konban wa - Good evening
K-wa - (short for Konnichi-wa) hello
Kudasai- Please
Ohayo - Good Morning
Koe-i desu - It is an honor (to meet you.)
Nanika atta - Whats up?
Ohayou gozaimasu - Good morning
O-medeto - Congratulations!
Oyasuminasai - Good night
Sayo - (short for sayonara) goodbye
Sayonara - Goodbye, so long, farewell
Shikata ga nai - Approximately "It can't be helped"
Shimatta - Exclamation of dismay
So ka - Oh? How interesting!
Sugu - At once, immediately
Sumimasen - Excuse me, pardon me
Wakarimasu-ka? - Do you understand?
Yoroshii desu - It is okay
<bow> - Sign of respect
Gyokusai - Lit. "Shattered Jade" used in reference to suicide attacks or suicide in face of defeat
Katana - Sword, traditional weapon of the samurai
Ki - Heart, mind, spirit, feeling
Meiyo - Reputation, honor
Ninjo - Humanity, sympathy
Ninjutsu - Literally, "Art of Invisibility", the skill of the Ninja
Ryu no tomo - "Dragon's Friends"
Seppuku - Samurai ritual suicide
Sensei - Respected teacher
Shizen - Nature
Teki - Enemy, opponent, rival
Tengu - Long-nosed goblin
-san - Used after introductions, it an informal greetings between friends
-sama - Applied after a name to indicate Mr. or Ms, when first introduced
· -
shi - used in formal writing and very formal speech for referencing a person unfamiliar to the speaker (such as the Coordinator, to most people).
Buso-senshi - MechWarrior or AeroSpace Pilot
Jokan - Noble Lady
Jukurensha - Adept
Sensei - Master Teacher
Senshi - Warrior
Shoshinsha - Novice
Shudocho - Abbot, Master of an order
Tono - Noble lord or My Lord
Address -- Always use proper forms of address
§ For those of equal or lower rank, like this: Name-san
§ For those of greater rank, up to Chu-sa, like this: Name-sama
§ For those of the ranks of Tai-sa, Sho-sho, Warlord, or for the House Leader and House XO, like this: Name-tono
§ If unsure whether someone outranks you, it's best to be extra polite. When in doubt, use Name-sama.
Edited by Tarl.Cabot, 03 March 2012 - 04:33 PM.