LB10X slug/shot toggling?
HUD-map zoom, manipulation?
Is a test range for the mechlab in work?
Any plans to put ballistics in the Ballistic weapons?
any plans to fix PPCs to make them just as lethal as GR? I'm cool with the high heat, (as it should be for PPCs) what appears to be splash damage is making them not worth the heat.
MWO needs ridiculously huge maps, something that takes scout mechs at least 10 minutes to cross, that way they can actually be used for scouting, spotting, and/or ambushes can be set (and even better countered-ambushed). Please tell us there are huge maps on the way.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE elaborate more on the Community Warfare aspect of the Open Beta, give us something that assures us that MWO is going to be more than battle-in-a-bottle, repair, repeat.
Is a Solaris type play system in work or even on the radar?
What are the chances of rather than making the cockpit shake and a little red bar light up when hit, that the mech physically reacts to what direction its been hit from. For example, hit from behind lurches you forward, hit from the side lurches you to the direction the round was traveling, etc.
What are some of the additional simulator features that may be implemented in the future?
Thank you guys for all the hard work and making Mechwarrior EPIC!!!!
Oh and one more thing..... L.A.M.s?

Edited by Faolan65, 21 September 2012 - 09:11 AM.