XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Firaxis)
Posted 26 May 2012 - 09:37 PM
Posted 28 May 2012 - 08:12 AM
Love the retro trend taking place for good games.
Posted 28 May 2012 - 02:56 PM
Posted 29 May 2012 - 03:17 PM
But I don't know if I want the "exact" same game just a little bit more modern, or if I want a new experience based on the same model...Tough to know, I guess I'll know when it'll be out.
As long as they don't sacrifice too much on "casual player" altar, 'cause I understand they have to widen the audience as much as possible to make money, but if they take away too much of the "hardcore" gameplay, that would surelly suck. To be honest, I have great faith in this game, I think it will be great !
Posted 29 May 2012 - 08:20 PM
Posted 30 May 2012 - 10:36 AM
Like putting annoying DRM. Crackers will find a way to skip it, and I don't want to be considered as thief after I buy this game (seriously, i can't play Crysis becouse of EA's DRM, and I payed heavily for this game).
Or simplyfying it for sake of console gamers. It goes on X360 and PS3.
Or making collectors edition unaviable in my country. I'm really sharping my teeth on it.
Or making it too simple for new players.
Or making it just bad.
Posted 23 September 2012 - 07:33 AM
Posted 30 September 2012 - 02:52 PM
Tanki, on 06 March 2012 - 05:23 PM, said:
List of X-Com projects and like games.
UFO: Cydonias Fall - http://ufo.yaa.dk/
UFO: The Two Sides - http://ufotts.ninex.info/
UFO2000 - http://ufo2000.sourceforge.net/
UFO2000 Tournaments - http://www.7kplay.net/
OpenXcom - http://openxcom.ninex.info/
Aliens versus Humans - http://www.aliensvshumansapp.com/
UFO Extraterrestrials - http://ufo.ufo-extraterrestrials.com/
UFO 2 Extraterrestrials: Shadows over Earth - http://www.ufo2extraterrestrials.com/
UFO: Alien Invasion http://ufoai.ninex.i.../index.php/News
UFO Linux/Windows port of X-Com: Apocalypse - http://hallor.github.com/ufo/
UFO 2012 (russian) - http://www.ufo2012.ru/
Xenocide - http://www.projectxenocide.com/
Xenowar - http://xenowar.net/
X@COM - http://xcomrl.blogspot.com/
Xenonauts - http://www.xenonauts.com/
Xforce: Flight for Destiny - http://www.xforce-online.de/index.php
X-COM: Origin - http://xcomorigin.com/#
X-com: Last Hope - http://www.moddb.com...x-com-last-hope
Pocket UFO for PocketPC - www.xcomufo.com/pufo_126_cab.zip
Pocket UFO for Windows - www.xcomufo.com/pufo_126_pc.exe
XCOM - http://xcom.com/xcom/
XCOM: Enemy Unknown - http://xcom.com/enemyunknown/
looks like crap
Posted 30 September 2012 - 03:13 PM
Posted 30 September 2012 - 03:29 PM
Posted 30 September 2012 - 04:55 PM
Played the demo for the newest one, and it's looking quite interesting. Different style, story/cinematic elements and a 'simplified' combat system, but all games seem to be heading that way now. Still, looks like another one I'll be getting once it is done
Posted 10 October 2012 - 02:15 PM
Posted 13 October 2012 - 05:33 AM
Posted 13 October 2012 - 09:54 PM
Posted 13 October 2012 - 10:04 PM
I looked at my view for example of a battle on an alien ship interior in Firaxis XCom, and in a glance i can instantly tell how well my men positions are against the enemy and how well they are faring against them, which makes battle resolution much smoother overall.
it does come at a cost of some of the nuances, but for the ground battle itself i do like what they've done with the formula...
The UFO interception though is really dull in XCom sadly... that's the one part they definitely can improve significantly.
Posted 13 October 2012 - 10:12 PM
Melcyna, on 13 October 2012 - 10:04 PM, said:
Pretty much the exact reason it is better (in my opinion). The more depth a game has the more I enjoy it. Xenonauts is still in Alpha so the developers could totally drop the ball and end up with a crappy game. But the fact that it is significantly cheaper than XCOM: Enemy Unknown (1/3rd the price - $20) despite being more complex and thus having greater replay value makes my pre-order seem only slightly risky.
Posted 13 October 2012 - 10:15 PM
Posted 13 October 2012 - 10:49 PM
Posted 14 October 2012 - 01:19 AM
UFO: Aftermatch
UFO: Aftershock
UFO: Afterlight
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