BoPop, on 30 July 2013 - 07:54 PM, said:
Couple things:
If you can purchase the maps with MC then they aren't free. Cuz MC = $ Frankly I wish they'd just cut out "MC" and say, "This Cicada is $15!""Stupid paint job, $5!! Friday only!" To me "MC" is insulting to our intelligence.
And in DDO, a grind for a map pack would take years. Only those who spent their turbine points extremely wisely were able to get a few good map packs. Otherwise get that wallet out. And you can't argue that with me, I played a lot of DDO and still check it out every now and again. It costs money. Big deal.
I'd say DDO or D3 is even more pay to 'win?' than MWO. Not sure how one really 'wins' at either of these games but...for me from the very first moment I laid mouse on MWO I realized, "Oh, I need to shell out a few bucks." And I did. It's a video game, i'm USED to paying for video games. And other entertainment stuffs. Yea, blows the mind doesn't it? Fun stuff costing money? CRAZY!
At any rate I ask a question to you and the latest generation of gamers:
Why must this game be free? Must milk be free? must coffee be free? How about Aspirin? I don't understand why people expect free things particularly when they're not needed to stay alive. Think about people in remote parts of the world. They'd scrape the callouses off your feet just for a slice of bread.
I'd pay for map packs and if some buddies in our clan couldn't afford it, we'd help each other out so we could all play on the same maps. But as it stands, we can't even play with more than 3 others at a time. That is also getting REALLY frustrating. "Oh, Hello # 5, let's.... reshuffle our group and uh... sync drop." *sigh* This is becoming one of the next most annoying things about MWO to me right now.
I want more maps, i'll pay for them. And I want to be able to have 5,6 and 7 buddies in a group (and I WON'T pay for that) That's how the game should work, period.
Bo, I'm not disagreeing with you and here is my answer to your question: I liked DDO a bunch, I was in MAC and all that. Great group, fun game. good times. I like there is a path to unlocking the game for free. Yeah Turbine made it take years and that's OK, there is a path and if I wanted to commit to that path (or some part of it) I could. Its what I like about F2P games. My finances fluctuate due to my job and its nice to be able to grind for more game content when I'm low on funds and its nice to buy something for a game when I'm flush with cash. I paid what I wanted, when I wanted at the value I thought the game was. I had to be smart with my TP and I was, and Turbine made it real attractive to buy TP, they worked hard to sell me their product and I respect them for that.
The game must be "free" because the micro-purchase model they follow dictates it. And companies who pull it off (like Turbine) make a profit at it. Players like it because it gives them the choice I illustrated above. Right now, this model is the winning economic models for these types of games.
I'm not a game designer and I don't fully understand the need to exchange cash for points to unlock things, I'm sure there is a good explanation for it and maybe I'd agree with it and maybe not. I'm sure it has something to do with maximizing profits for the game company. Heck, even Skype pulls that BS too. In order for me to buy a package (say 1000 minutes to call Latin America) I need $80 in Skype credits. But Skype only sells credits in $10, $60, and $125 clumps. So either I have to make three individual purchases or over pay for credits to get this $80 package. That really annoys me.
So its not just the F2P world that pulls that trick. Blue chip companies are doing it too. Its the reality we have until some other idea comes along.
I hear your frustrations I feel them too. I just relax and play MWO. Maybe have a beer, and let the frustrations go. And I have a patience. If we think we are frustrated, imagine how PGI must feel? The high ratio of complaints they see on the forums for an unfinished game has to be very irritating and worrisome for Russ and Bryan..
MWO is clearly unfinished! It turns out all the community members who said that "open beta was launch" were wrong. PGI was truthful when they said this is open beta and the game is unstable, imbalanced, and missing a lot of content.
I love this game, I love the MechWarrior games because above all, Battletech is my favorite game in the world. I'm passionate and obsessed with it, and I'm desperate to have this game be both deep and wide. But I also know how hard of a job it is to build something like that so I give PGI a lot of rope and allow myself to enjoy what I get to play right now.
If you find your frustrations boiling over, here is some advice my fellow gamer: Take a break, play a different game come back in a month or two and see where you're at with MWO. If you don't have premium time ticking down, you've got absolutely nothing to lose. Any MC you have now will still be there, PGI will still be there, your mechs, maps and mates will still be there.