breeze, on 08 March 2012 - 02:35 PM, said:
I was always a supporter of the idea that just because your mech isn't destroyed doesn't automatically mean you can re-spawn into a match. And that seems to be the default case! I like the limited re-spawn mode as well, as that gives house/merc units some flexibility and tactical options in deciding what forces to commit (like having a reserve line for a sports team).
Not having mech destruction just means you don't have to buy a new mech. But since repairing a damaged mech will cost C-Bills anyway, it's really just semantics. The end result is the same: Get taken out of a match, and there'll be consequences to face.
I'm pretty sure they've balanced it out nicely.
Say you're in a fight with a fresh mech. An atlas comes for Coffee, you're mech's reactor goes critical. Kaboom. End of match.
You return to the mechbay to see a pile of elegant looking scrap in the place you're mech would be. From the parts leftover, it'll cost you just under what buying the mech new should cost, cosindering say only a few trigger mechanisms and something that resembled the internal arm of you're mech, thats completely understandable. It costs less than a full mech because you alrleady have the schematics to rebuild it, and some parts to get you started.
Its not been specefied that if you dont have enough cbills for repairs if you can take a half-fixed mech into the field - it wuold be extreamly interesting tho
With the respawn mechanics.... you'll find theres going to be a big playerbase that loves that kind of gameplay, and another big playerbase that does not. They could probably get away with insta-respawn by pitting pilots against pilots in "simulation pods", like outlawed poker at an underground bar.
For those that prefer realism... i think it silly you even think you'd be left out, or neglected! For the stuff with mercs taking planets, and the such, im going to be arrogant/cocky and place money on the idea that to take a planet, its going to be very costly and going to take alot of attempts by the big Merc groups, purely because of the realism + difficulty that would be involved in taking a planet. (Dropship sends in 30 mechs, 30 mechs go boom, invasion force nutered, go home, make more cbills, buy new mechs, try again)