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The Devil's Horsemen OoC

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#81 ChaosGrinder


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 12:25 PM

Since i´m not too good with building up chars, i´ll post my bio here :

Name: Triss
Age: 15-16 ( if that is ok for you )
Callsign: Pepper
Mech: Flear or Raven ( not totally sure yet)
Short Bio: Triss is an involuntary criminal, wanted. Born to the lowest of the lowest, she had lived on the streat, worked for small gangs, bigger gangs, dug smugglers, professional Yakuza, allways on the run, living from one day to the next, not knowing if she had a place to sleep the next day. Stealing was her dayily buisness, she stole wallets, from shops, later cars and bigger stuff, and the Yakuza trained her in the art of mech theft. When she was applied to her first mech, a Flea, she saw her way of getting out of her misery. She had always admired the Mechwarriors and her skills on the battlefield and she had read countless stolen books and magazines about mechs and technical stuff related to that. She is not a stupid one so she grabbed the mech and went off, leaving virtually no trace to her former employees. She enlisted to serveral merc squads, gathering tips and experience and until recently she worked with a scout group. Now she´s on the lookout for more work and thus money and experience she needs for her biggest dream : Her own Stalker.
Despite her young age she is a aroused mind with an immense talent for piloting and modificating a mech. For her, there is no better thing in life than to potter around on her mech or to plunge feet first into a fight. Hot-tempered as she is, she seeks the thrill of battle and the adrenaline rush. She runs, from the Yakuza, from the police, from her past, she tries to play the big cards, not allways with succsess but she gets by quite good.

This bio is HIGHLY experimental, and i leave it to you to criticise, but pwease be gentle :3

Edited by ChaosGrinder, 07 October 2012 - 01:04 PM.

#82 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 12:59 PM

Not sure about the Flea or Raven in this timeline..

As far as I know the the timeline is 3025ish and at this time, the Flea is pretty much exclusive to Wolf's Dragoon's and the Raven is ultra experimental (as in there's no canon rules for it's equipment) in the CapCon.

#83 ChaosGrinder


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 01:05 PM

Raven isn´t :) i´m learning from Sensei RogueSpear :P

#84 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 01:33 PM

  • It would be this one...
  • RVN-1X - The original prototype of what became the RVN-3L Raven, this is the unit that was pressed into service against the Federated Suns during the Fourth Succession Wars. With XL engine technology not yet available, the 'Mech mounts a standard Omni 175 fusion engine, giving it a maximum speed of 86 km/h, and is protected by four tons of standard armor. The [color="#5a3696"]EW Equipment[/color] at the time that this 'Mech was built consisted of a massive 7.5 ton experimental electronic warfare suite that unfortunately did not live up to expectations. The equipment also had the unfortunate side-effect when damaged of disrupting other systems, though normally communications and targeting only.[color="#002bb8"][4][/color] BV (1.0) = 674, BV (2.0) = 589[color="#002bb8"][6][/color]

#85 ChaosGrinder


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 01:42 PM

I´ll still stick to the flea :) Cheaper ;D

#86 dal10


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 01:58 PM

you could use the locust? it is like a flea, but faster, and more available.

#87 ChaosGrinder


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 01:59 PM

Afaik the Flea is widely available too ?
Plus it looks cooler :>

#88 dal10


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:01 PM

it was exclusively produced for the dragoons until the 3040s. when the Confederation stole copies of the designs.

#89 ChaosGrinder


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:05 PM

Hm, well, may be true, but she could have stolen one from the production lines or somewhere close there ? Possible ?

#90 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:47 PM

Very rough as well.

Name: Micheal Graves
Callsign: Puff
Date of Birth/Age: Oct, 7th 3000 aged 25
Current Ride: Planetlifter Air Transport (if this is too big for a DS let me know and I'll edit)
House Affiliation: None, though hails from somewhere in the FWL
Military History: Mike spent the past five years serving in the FWL's milita as a VTOL pilot. During this time he clocked many time in both flight simulator and behind the controls of various VTOL and civialian planes.
Physical Description: Tall and lanky with hay colored hair that hangs loosly upon his brow. Piercing blue eyes stare out of his freckled convered face. Often clad in a well worn technician's jumpsuit covered in grease and coolant stains. Wears sneakers
Open Background: Hailing from Wallichia in the FWL Mike attended a flight school on Wallichia. He has no problems talking about his pass despite coming from a broken family. And having no ties hold him down to joined up with the FWL military who assigned him to augment the local planetary militia. He did his time and left soon finding himself on Galetia 3 and in the possession of the Planetlifter which he remains tighlipped about
Deep Background: A non-combatant, Mike is borderline goreaphobic which sometimes leads to problems with his often assigned task of evacing wounded.

#91 Shadtiger77


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:58 PM

@Chaos Grinder: Sorry on this one, but the flea is off the market... you wouldn't be able to steal one for the Dragoons production lines yet as they are a good 5 years from opening them to be seen by the public and still 3 years from acquiring them with Outreach. Year is 3025 solid. early in the mid year... 15 May. You can find a list to the available mechs on Sarna, if you go to the books section and look in the 3025 or 3025 revised Technical Readouts. There are some fun ones in there... and a stolen mech is going to be interesting... as is running from the Yaks, considering the unit commander's preference in employers...

I will be updating the OP sometime today, and will probably set up the opening post as of tonight. As of this post it is about 3 in the afternoon here and it is game day at our house, so Dungeons and Dragons till probably midnightish.

Rest of it looks good.

#92 ChaosGrinder


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 03:00 PM

Then i´m off here. Either Raven or flea, so i wish you all good luck and have fun :)

#93 RogueSpear


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 03:32 PM

Will get a bio up tomorrow it seems, today was just hectic as hell and I need to be up in about 8 hours, so I'm going to go sleep. Tomorrow evening, I promise ><

#94 dal10


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 07:09 PM

Well i got bored, and since no one commented on my idea for a platoon of infantry, I made them plus a couple support vehicles. 1 Infantry Transport and 2 Defensive tanks, which are really just giant, and slower, Savannah Masters.

Lemming Infantry Trasport LEI-19C

Mass: 80 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Motive Type: WiGE
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: D/X-E-D
Production Year: 3020
Cost: 9,222,250 C-Bills
Battle Value: 974

Power Plant: Hermes 260 Fusion Engine
Cruise Speed: 54.0 km/h
Flanking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Armor: Starslab Standard Armor
2 SRM-6s
1 LRM-5
1 Small Laser
1 Infantry Bay (8.0 tons)
1 Communications Equipment (1.0 tons) (1.0 tons)
Manufacturer: Lemming Vehicles LLC.
Primary Factory: Atreus
Communications System: Basix 200
Targeting and Tracking System: Blindfire

Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 40 points 8.00
Engine: Fusion Engine 260 20.50
Cruise MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 10 0.00
Control Equipment: 4.00
Lift Equipment: 8.00
Turret: 1.00
Armor: Standard Armor AV - 256 16.00

Front 63
Left/Right 51/51
Turret 51
Rear 40

Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
2 SRM-6s T 8 2 6.00
LRM-5 T 2 1 2.00
Small Laser T 1 1 0.50
Infantry Bay (8.0 tons) BD 0 1 8.00
Communications Equipment (1.0 tons) (1.0 tons) BD 0 1 1.00
@SRM-6 (60) BD - 0 4.00
@LRM-5 (24) BD - 0 1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 9 Points: 10
5 1 1 1 0 4 0 Structure: 4
Special Abilities: SRM 2/2/0

and to go with it, 2 25 ton support hovercraft

Lemming Support Hovercraft LSH-7B

Mass: 25 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Motive Type: Hovercraft
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: D/X-E-D
Production Year: 3022
Cost: 587,500 C-Bills
Battle Value: 548

Power Plant: Nissan 70 Fusion Engine
Cruise Speed: 86.4 km/h
Flanking Speed: 129.6 km/h
Armor: Starshield A Standard Armor
1 Large Laser
2 Paramedics
1 Infantry Compartment (1.0 tons)
Manufacturer: Lemming Vehicles LLC.
Primary Factory: Atreus
Communications System: Basix 200
Targeting and Tracking System: Big Cat Mk. II

Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 12 points 2.50
Engine: Fusion Engine 70 3.00
Cruise MP: 8
Flank MP: 12
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 10 0.00
Control Equipment: 1.50
Lift Equipment: 2.50
Armor: Standard Armor AV - 112 7.00

Front 34
Left/Right 28/28
Rear 22

Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass
Large Laser FR 8 1 5.00
2 Paramedics BD 0 2 0.50
Infantry Compartment (1.0 tons) BD 0 1 1.00

BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 4 Points: 5
8 1 1 0 0 1 0 Structure: 1
Special Abilities: ENE

Lemmings Infantry Consolidated
Unit Leader: Brevet Captain Mark Lemming
History: The infantry company, Lemmings Infantry Consolidated (LIC), began as a full sized company founded by members of the Lemming family of vehicle manufacturers on Atreus. It's original TOE consisted of 300 members, 5 Lemming Infantry Transports, and 10 Lemming Support Hovercraft. The Lemmings use teams of scouts, jump troopers, and anti-armor platoons. They also have several sniper teams. The Lemmings served through several Merc contracts with distinction. However recently they have fallen on hard times. During a raid on a Kuritan factory, the LIC was cornered. While some of the unit managed to break out of the encirclement, the unit is a ghost of it's former size. Numbering a mere 58 members, from it's former 306. The remaining platoon still holds a single transport and its accompanying support craft. The unit's leadership is shot, with only the greenest of the platoon commanders, Mark Lemming, surviving. Right now the unit consists of a single sniper team (3 members, sniper, spotter, guard) . a squad of jump troops (10 members, 6 trained in anti-mech tactics.), 2 scout squads (20 members), 3 anti-armor teams (15 members. 1 srm team, 1 ppc team, 1 support laser team) and a single squad of all purpose infantry (10 members).

Hoping to turn its luck around, the LIC has approached GAD III in hopes to find a longer term contract while the unit is rebuilt.

(This should be entertaining to say the least.)

#95 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 07:44 PM

Looks good to me. WiGEs tend to be fairly rare in BT, but they shouldn't be, since they're basically hovercraft with wings.

dal, the idea of Janus picking up on Oscar actually being Susan works great for me. To further complicate that, I was also considering having her develop a bit of a crush on Janus, leaving her in that awkward spot of being simultaneously infatuated with him and not trusting that he won't betray her (or that she won't accidentally betray herself), if that works for you.

I was also thinking that, as of the start of the RP, Janus and Nelson have entered into a contract for Nelson to help salvage for Janus, but haven't yet met in person, leaving the opening stages of Janus and Susan's "I know what you know" battle yet to come.

#96 dal10


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 07:51 PM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 07 October 2012 - 07:44 PM, said:

Looks good to me. WiGEs tend to be fairly rare in BT, but they shouldn't be, since they're basically hovercraft with wings.

dal, the idea of Janus picking up on Oscar actually being Susan works great for me. To further complicate that, I was also considering having her develop a bit of a crush on Janus, leaving her in that awkward spot of being simultaneously infatuated with him and not trusting that he won't betray her (or that she won't accidentally betray herself), if that works for you.

I was also thinking that, as of the start of the RP, Janus and Nelson have entered into a contract for Nelson to help salvage for Janus, but haven't yet met in person, leaving the opening stages of Janus and Susan's "I know what you know" battle yet to come.

I think the janus nelson thing should be the other way around, Janus should be salvaging for Nelson. remember, janus just got off the dropship for his pilgrimage, also, this will be either completely hilarious, or is going to be flat out horrible, at this point, i am not entirely sure which.

Edited by dal10, 07 October 2012 - 07:51 PM.

#97 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 07 October 2012 - 08:17 PM

Name: Nelson vander Reece
Callsign: Lightbringer (or “Lord Nelson” or “Old Man”)
Date of Birth/Age: 24th April, 2960, aged 65
Current Ride: Chupacabra SalvageMech
House Affiliation: None, though claims allegiance to the “True Federated Suns”
Physical Description: Surprisingly well-muscled for a 65 year old. Carries more than a few scars. He’s balding and going grey, both of which he conceals with a battered bowler hat, even in the cockpit (the IndustrialMech Chupacabra not needing a neurohelmet to pilot). Think Bruce Willis in ten years and a bowler hat.
Posted Image

Open Background: Nelson vander Reece was, allegedly, born on Scudder in 2960, the second son of the planetary baron. Two years later, he strangled a wolf to death with his bare hands when it broke into the house (unlikely, since the only wolves on the planet are confined to a region some thousand kilometres from the baron’s hall). At the age of six, an usurper called Lionel Kensington-Parcombe overthrew his father, leaving him orphaned (records state that the governmental transition of 2968 was peaceful after the baron died without heirs).

From there, Nelson did whatever he had to to survive. He worked as a shoe shiner, a cabin boy, a confectioner, a sideshow spruiker and an apprentice orthodontic assistant. At the age of 15, he challenged then ComStar Primus Adrienne Sims to a battle of wits; she withdrew, having foreseen her loss, and he won a Thug-10E. In 2985, he was involved in a three-way race between Hohiro Kurita and a unit of the Vandenberg White Wings to secure what turned out to be a rare Chupacabra SalvageMech.

Nelson worked with numerous merc and House units over the years, including the Wolf’s Dragoons on Halloran V in 3006 for their inaugural mission, and Flag Sergeant of Janos Marik’s honour guard.

In 3023, he met young Oscar Fitzroy, the illegitimate son and last scion of Gunther Kensington-Fitzroy. Nelson then began a plan to enact vengeance on the Kensington-Parcombes, intending to ultimately install Oscar as the new ruler of Scudder. First, though, he needs to be trained in the use of his BattleMech.

Deep Background: Pretty much everything up to that last paragraph is a lie (except the bit about being an apprentice orthodontic assistant, that was true). Nelson vander Reece (formerly “Two-Bit” Nelson Clarke) is a mercenary and con artist, who has been hyper-inflating his history since 2995, when it became apparent there wasn’t much call for an aging lone wolf MechWarrior. It’s been met with mixed success, but he has managed to scour a lot of his old, drab history away, leaving nothing but his claims to go on (and spurring rumours that he’s an exiled Wolf’s Dragoon, which he has worked hard to carefully not deny). Pickings have been slim, though, and he’s hoping that if he can manage to get Oscar into a position of power, he can retire rich and happy.

It’s a long shot, though, and his aging faculties aren’t helping. He’s starting to have difficulty remembering what is his real life and what parts he made up. Parts of his real life are starting to bleed into the fiction, which is making it hard to keep up the disguise.

Name: “Oscar Fitzroy”/Susan
Callsign: Triumph
Date of Birth/Age: “?th November, 3006”/Unknown, 3008, aged "19"/17
Current Ride: Stock Thug THG-10E
House Affiliation: Federated Suns
Physical Description: Short and a bit skinny, with a bit more of a pronounced hip than most boys have. Remarkably clean shaven. Blue eyes and short cropped brown hair. Susan’s life on the streets has lent her a naturally boyish figure, but the final years of puberty and getting regular meals is starting to fill her out in ways that boys shouldn’t, which worries her.

Open Background: Oscar Fitzroy has very little public record. For most of his memory, he has been a street kid in the Scudder capital of Guildwick. That changed when he met Nelson vander Reece, who proclaimed him to be the lost son of Gunther Kensington-Fitzroy. Sir Kensington-Fitzroy, next in line to the barony of Scudder, was executed as a traitor almost fifteen years prior, and to be fair, Oscar does bear a startling similarity to his supposed father’s features. Nelson smuggled him off-world on a mercenary DropShip and set about training him for an eventual campaign to retake Scudder.

Deep Background: Oscar Fitzroy is actually Susan, of no known last name. A street kid of Guildwick, she exploited Nelson’s confusion to exchange a future that probably contained brothels and drugs for one containing regular, healthy meals and a kick-a$$ war machine. While it seemed like a good idea at 15, she’s becoming aware that maintaining her role as a man is going to get increasingly difficult, especially when the time comes to attempt to attack a planetary government.

Due to her upbringing on the streets, Susan (and Oscar) has exceptionally poor literacy skills, and mostly relies on text-to-speech and general familiarity to operate the Thug, since she can’t read it’s displays.

Unbeknown to either Nelson or Susan, she really is the offspring of Sir Gunther Kensington-Fitzroy, but instead of the son of a tryst between Gunther and his prom date (as the real Oscar is expected to be), she’s the daughter of Gunther and a call girl named Jessica.

#98 Shadtiger77


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 02:00 AM

Oh good lord... we hired a con man... this is about to get really funny.

#99 Shadtiger77


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 02:12 AM

View Postdal10, on 01 October 2012 - 01:14 PM, said:

pretty much, just designed for use in an AC/20.

I would also note, i only have 4 rounds, so it is a weapon I will only use when i absolutely need it. so like if i am about to be swarmed by infantry. that would rate a round of it. It will really only work on soft targets. such as infantry, or lightly armored vehicles - think humvees. their armor is enough to deflect light weapons fire, but really can't take much more than that.

Actually, ruling on this round, as I missed this post till just now as I was going over each one in prep for the update on the OP.
Heat is 6, Damage is 2 to every location facing the blast (lots of little bbs) Range of 2/4/6/8. What this means on a personnel level is Penetration 9*10d6 damage to a person out to 60/120/180/240 meters. It produces slightly less heat and has slightly less range as it is one custom built, and two, has to have a little less powder behind it to get the right balance for the "Shotgun Blast Effect)

#100 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 08 October 2012 - 02:28 AM

I based Nelson off the exploits of two real-life people: Felix von Luckner (who got a tank in BT named after him) and Hieronymus von Munchausen (who got a role-playing game named after him).

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