On a side note, I began a Megamek campaign to use as fuel for a story-thread of sorts for the fluff behind Zhizhu for those who are into that sort of thing. A little time consuming to get big battles going but totally worth it.
Anyway, I went looking into the backstory, and it's true Douglas 3 doesn't show up on any map. Or any planet named Douglas. The only thing that irks me is the planet doesn't show up, ever.

So after some more research, I think I have how this is gonna work for the fluff.
Between 3000 and 3050, Davions have taken over more than half of Liao territory. In 3035 they have taken over a large chunk, which is how they started to get their Cataphracts (3D, 4X) as well as their Ravens (4X). In fact before 3040 every Raven facility is destroyed, meaning that Ravens can no longer be built or acquired new (which is a funny thought; the same is true for both Black Knight and Grasshopper, who haven't had new models built since a few centuries before the year 3000; yet they still are in service and manage to get repaired).
As it happens, in 3035, there's an area around Terra where former Liao territories, then Davion-owned are intermingled with Kurita, Steiner and Marik territories. In fact, the Planet Liao in January 1st, 3035 is controlled by Steiner along with Aldebaran. It's surrounded by Davions. A Marik and Liao planet are within 5 days jumping distance of either. Though why Liao has an isolated claim on Bex (a planet with no real information) is quite mysterious.

It's my thought to put Douglas 3 in here. Of course, Douglas 3 was razed during the First succession war, so I might have to look at it a ways back.
Now looking at the map in the First Succession War, this is probably the most 'fair' ground for all the teams. A mechwarrior should really be built around this time period, the technological decline during this time meant that most mechs started out with the best technology had to offer and gradually things would get harder and harder to come by, eventually degrading tech to the point that everyone had to be on single heatsinks.

It's still feasible to 'set' Douglas as in this area, though a bit closer to Terra.
Though I'm still likely to focus on events happening much more 'recent'.