Quick Summary: The Compass needs digital bearings for navigation so that players can move together as a unit.
Like this:

In more detail:
When moving in close formation it is essential that each player is moving on the same bearing, ideally the exact same bearing. Any non parallel paths will eventually result in collisions and with perhaps a dozen mechs in close proximity it would require exceptional concentration by each player to avoid contact. If engaged in combat the workload of having to fight and maintain a bearing is simply too much when the information is not easily accessable. As it stands the current compass does not provide the necessary accuracy to allow a group to move in formation, nor does it allow easy bearing calls. The commander would have to manually count the compass divisions and then further estimate the gaps between to provide a heading which is +/- 3 degrees. Each player then has to repeat the process making navigation overly difficult, especially if there are frequent course changes. Only digital indicators for both torso and legs can provide the necessary accuracy and clarity to allow rapid movements by a group.
Secondly, for any group of mechs moving together the referance bearing is going to be the direction of movement, as it is common to all. If a player calls out "Targets to the right" he is going to mean on the right hand side relative to the direction of movement, as the warning will be meaningless based on torso twist, as everyones is going to be different. Therefor I would suggest making the leg bearing the fixed position in the center of the compass and the torso twist as the variable indicator.
The before picture.

And after, with the suggested changes.

Edited by StaIker, 17 March 2012 - 08:47 PM.