Kyone Akashi, on 05 October 2012 - 12:14 PM, said:
Ah, I thought this exchange of images was meant to be based on ethnical cliches.
Well in that case, I guess everybody can just go ahead and "claim" anyone from the interwebs, for each and every one of the Inner Sphere nations has a citizenry that "comes from a diverse mixture of backgrounds" ...
I am not sure this would be as fun as the original teasing, though, before the thread was bombed with a general "I think this is sexy" list that does not have much to do with the identity of any of Battletech's factions.
In the case of my post, I was working more from knowledge of the particular characters (not so much the actresses themselves, but the particular characters they portray).
For example, I highly doubt that any of
Samantha Carter,
Kaylee Frye, Toshiko Sato, or Holly Marten would (without some form of coercion) prefer to live under Draconian society as opposed to Federation society.
Especially since each of them is relatively well-educated, highly technically-minded, and (most critically, in the case of a Suns vs Combine issue) fiercely independent - a combination of characteristics that would render each of them a hair's-breadth from an "unfortunate accident" in the Combine, while the same combination is far more likely to be promoted, encouraged, and rewarded in the Suns.
That Tosh (and, in reality, Ms. Mori) happens to be ethnically Japanese is largely incidental; the character, as presented in
Torchwood, would probably be looking to leave the Combine as quickly as possible if presented knowledge of the faction by way of the sourcebooks (and doubly-so if offered a position at the NAIS; she did manage to essentially replicate The Doctor's sonic screwdriver with Radio Shack level parts, after all

The same could be said of the other three, as well -
especially for Carter and Kaylee, as the Combine would be far too similar to the Goa'uld and/or Followers of Origin for the former's comfort and is so much more oppressive than the 'verse's Alliance that the latter would likewise flee by any means available.
As another example, I suspect that
Aeryn Sun (prior to meeting John Crichton) would be a much better fit for Combine society (as the character's native society, the Peacekeepers, are already a highly-rigid military dictatorship) than
Vala Mal Doran (a free-spirited thief and con artist who eventually develops a heart-of-gold; she'd most likely go over to the Lyrans, as that's where the money is), even though both are portrayed by the same actress (namely, Claudia Black).
Edited by Strum Wealh, 05 October 2012 - 01:11 PM.