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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 08:00 AM

Thur. Mar 15, 3049: Simmering industrial disputes on Wallis have resulted in Selasys Incorporated union strikes once more.

#2 Redburn


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 08:05 AM

SelaSys Inc. has been producing JumpShips for the Free Worlds League since the Age of War. Their vast experience with JumpShips led the Armorer to appoint them the lead contractor for refitting several mothballed WarShips, including the FWLS Neuva Badajoz. Though its own WarShip design (the Venturer light cruiser) has yet to leave drawing board, SelaSys has been a key component supplier for Technicron Manufacturing and Illium Shipyards. Design engineers from SelaSys also played a key role in the Impavido-class destroyer program.

SelaSys is also the owner of Ronin Incorporated, which allows SelaSys to produce BattleMechs. Ronin was acquired in 3016 after the League government seized it for supporting rebel forces during Anton Marik's Revolt.

Source: Sarna.net

Edited by Redburn, 15 March 2012 - 08:06 AM.

#3 Ghost

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 08:08 AM

Posted Image

SelaSys Incorporated is the oldest producer of JumpShips in the entire Free Worlds League. The company's founding dates back to before the fall of the Star League, and it is employed on several important projects (the most notable being a new WarShip design, the Impavido-class destroyer).

Today's news stems from a relatively recent acquisition of SelaSys: Ronin Incorporated, manufacturer of several Warhammer and Marauder variants. Located on Wallis, Ronin Inc. was given to SelaSys in 3016, after it was seized by the Free Worlds League government for supporting the rebels during the Marik Civil War.

#4 Dlardrageth


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:09 AM

And the FWL's very modest naval facilities are all but tied up with that. As opposed to other, more aggressive Houses, House Marik wouldn't try to enforce its rule by using interstellar warships, unless provoked, of course. So albeit the Impavido-class constructions are somewhat of a novelty, the peaceful citizens of the Inner Sphere can rest calmly in the knowlege that the FWL won't start a new arms race in space. In particular not in the next decade. :P

Unless of course aggressive stance and arms production in neighboring states would force the General-Captain's hand...

Edited by Dlardrageth, 15 March 2012 - 09:10 AM.

#5 trajan331


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:10 AM

You Free Worlders should appreciate that you can strike. The DCMS would probably just shoot strikers. Made me always wonder why you guys supported Liao and Kurita. Considering how repressive both nations are, along with your long standing fued with Liao, you would think the mercantile minded Lyrans and the freedom loving House Davion would be better allies.

#6 Colddawg


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 09:36 AM

That Impavido Class destroyer is loaded to the teeth with weaponry. It almost sounds powerful enough to be a pocket battleship.

8 x ER Large Lasers
8 x Large Lasers
2 x Large Pulse Lasers
4 x Anti-Missile Systems
2 x Gauss Rifles
16 x LRM-20s with Artemis IV FCS
6 x NAC/10s
12 x NAC/20s
10 x NL45s
3 x Light NPPCs

#7 Solis Obscuri

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 10:13 AM

Damn, I'm not usually a Marauder fan, but that -5M variant looks pretty damn impressive! The Warhammer, too, obviously, but the pulse lasers, jump jets and LB-X AC/10 are a nice, nice package. I'd probably take that over a AWS-9M or maybe even a ZEU-9S. Ahh, LostTech...

Wait, since when am I drooling over LostTech? Oh god damnit,,, :P

#8 Dlardrageth


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 10:15 AM

*politician mode*

Ah, but those armaments are only of a strictly defensive nature! We are so plagued with pirate incursions and raids that we cannot leave even such a small vessel which is really nothing more than a somewhat bigger patrol vessel unarmed. The ship needs to have the capabilities to defend itself. It is by no means being designed as a means of aggression. Now the Thera... errr... nevermind... *cough* *cough*


And towards the Davion FedRat I can only say that we at least are still a democracy with a proper parliament, not some feudal hodgepodge system that looks like a holovid author's idea of the terran middle ages. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if actually the whole concept of a strike was reinvented in the FWL, hah! And of course we were forced to seek consultation and agreement with our esteemed friends of the Draconis Combine after Houses Steiner and Davion formed their "axis" across the IS.

After some deliberation, we even let the capellans join us at the conference table. Rumor has it, the coordinator's household was short on waiters this very day... :P

#9 HighlandWolf


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Posted 15 March 2012 - 04:07 PM

hey Solis, the 5M looks good, but what about that 5R or 5S? all are sweet, but considering the mechs you
will be facing for a while any marauder is a beast

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