"The Eye of God" is Upon You - OOC and sign up
Posted 15 October 2012 - 06:25 PM
Posted 16 October 2012 - 05:10 PM
Occupation: ex-militia, Aerospace/Dropship/VTOL Pilot
DOB: June 1, 2972 (42 years)
House: Steiner
History: Frank enlisted as a militiaman at an early age, and immediately started training to become a pilot, he had loved flying since his early years when he flew with his late father. Excelling with top marks he gained his certifications in all sorts of flying craft: fixed-wing, VTOL, Aerospace, even some types of dropship. He regularly jokes that as long as it doesn't require a stable surface to sit on, he can pilot it. He began service as a militiaman on his homeworld bordering the Draconis Combine.
He was actually offered placement in several mercenary corps, however Frank was ever the homebody and preferred to stay where he could protect his small immediate family. In an unfortunate turn of events a skirmish with Kurita forces during the 3rd Succession war took the lives of his parents and younger sister. Bearing the guilt of his loss, Domino left the militia forces and his homeworld, running from the ghosts of the people he let down.
His travels brought him to the bustling world of Galaeta where he found work as a cargo pilot. He simply existed for the next decade, surrounding himself with the comforts of monotony and alcohol spurred by recurring depression and guilt, and a simmering hate for all things Kurita.
The last few months have marked a turning point in Domino's life. He has begun to wake from his haze of sadness and anger. Embarking on a quest for self improvement and rebirth he has put down the bottle, started writing about his feelings in a small journal, and started to reassess his lot.
This reassessment brought him to seek new work and adventure, to travel and see more of the galaxy. Middle-age may have slowed him down, but he is determined to let nothing stop him.
Physical Description: Frank is of rather ordinary build. At roughly six feet he is not terribly imposing. Especially considering the male-pattern baldness he inherited from his father, and the rotund belly and thick cheeks his years of drinking earned him. He has the slight slouch of a person dealing with chronic depression, but since trying to turn his life around he has started to hold his chin higher, and smile occasionally.
EDIT: Just noticed we have a Kurita for him to grimace at, and a young woman to remind him of his late sister already on the crew. This should be interesting

Edited by JazzySteel, 16 October 2012 - 05:23 PM.
Posted 16 October 2012 - 05:35 PM
Now all you have to do is answer the following questions and any other you might think they'd ask you in an interview. Note you won't get much in return other then, "It's a salvage ops" and see below.
"What can you bring to the team?"
"What do you have to offer us that someone else can't?"
"How far are you willing to go to get a new ride?"
"Aside from a Ship or fighter what do you personally think we need to do to achieve the goal of putting you back in a saddle again?"
"What other types of employees do you enjoy working worth?"
"If you were hiring for a recovery operation, what type of people would you look for?"
[if everything is normal in your answers feel free to include the following, near the end as their response]
"you know we could use a good dropship pilot, if you're willing to huff it with the others once you're down, we need as many people in the field on this as possible. By the way do you have any experience piloting anything close to a 'Mech like say an aggro-'Mech or something similar?"
Posted 16 October 2012 - 05:45 PM
Posted 16 October 2012 - 06:16 PM
Domino shouldered his way through the crowded bar, scanning the room quietly. The smell of alchohol tempted his nose but he forced those thoughts away. His years of drinking were behind him, and thats how he intended to keep it.
Making his way to a small corner he found whom he had been looking for. Two professional-types sitting on one side of a booth table. Frank slid into the bench on the other side and nodded curtly.
"Evening, Gentlemen." He glanced at the clock on the wall. "Or should I say good-morning" His mouth barely cracked a smile before his attention returned to the interviewers. "We were in touch about the possiblity of a job?"
"Precisely, Mr. Domino" replied on of them. "Only a short interview first, tell me, what do you believe you can bring to our team?"
Frank leaned back and nodded slowly, "Well, I like to think Im a pretty fine pilot. Anything from a crop duster to a Leopard." He chuckled. "I have experience flying combat ops as well, I wasn't always a freight-jockey."
The lean man referenced some notes shortly, "What can you offer us that someone else cannot?" He glanced up at the pilot.
Domino chuckled and actually smiled this time, "You know many people that can go from a Karnov VTOL, to a Chippewa, then a Dropship and feel equally at home at the controls of each? I don't consider myself the greatest pilot ever born, but I sure as hell am versatile."
The interviewer nodded once and looked back at his notes, "How far, Mr Domino, are you willing to go for a new ride."
Frank thought about this one for a moment, "There is nowhere in this galaxy I'd rather be than at the stick. If i'm not flying for you I'll find some puddle-jumper outfit to piddle around in. I'm not gonna throw my life away for a machine, but you'd be mistaken to let me go over that."
The man chewed his lip thoughtfully for a second, "Aside from a ship or other craft, what do you personally think we'd need to do to achieve the goal of putting you back in the saddle again?"
Without hesitation Frank replied, "A half-decent paycheck and a ticket off this rock...."
The interviewer cracked a thin smile, "What other types of employees do you enjoy working with?"
The aging pilot propped an elbow on the table and scratched his cheek, "I can be a team player, if thats what your asking. 'Long as they aint Kurita. I foster no love for Snakes." He grimaced.
"If you were running a recovery operation, what type of people would you look for?" They eyed frank again.
As he fingered a knot hole in the wooden table absently Frank thought about the question,"We'll you'd need a decent pilot or two, a mess of technicians. A couple brains to run the op. And depending on where you're going some escorts would be a smart idea..."
The two interviewers nodded one last time in unison, "you know we could use a good dropship pilot, if you're willing to huff it with the others once you're down, we need as many people in the field on this as possible. By the way do you have any experience piloting anything close to a 'Mech like say an aggro-'Mech or something similar?"
Frank shook his head slowly, "I could never get the damn things to stand up straight. However when I was in pilot school I did a tour driving some big APCs. So I've got a decent understanding of tracked and wheeled trucks."
"Thank you for your time," The man said curtly, "you'll be hearing from us."
Frank shook his hand firmly and stood to leave, he hid the fact he was excited at the prospect of leaving this world, this adventure just might be what it took for him to finally leave his past in the past where it belonged.
Posted 16 October 2012 - 06:26 PM
Posted 16 October 2012 - 07:12 PM
oh and welcome

Posted 16 October 2012 - 07:35 PM
Posted 16 October 2012 - 07:39 PM
Posted 16 October 2012 - 07:58 PM

Posted 16 October 2012 - 08:23 PM
@ Oni, not sure what's going on with your post. Who are these guys? Date rapist?
Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 16 October 2012 - 08:25 PM.
Posted 16 October 2012 - 08:28 PM
Posted 16 October 2012 - 08:37 PM
As the least sexually appealing here, I must say Im feeling pretty good about myself

Posted 16 October 2012 - 08:40 PM
Posted 16 October 2012 - 08:43 PM
The young lady he would be uber protective of, cause she reminds him of the little sister that he couldnt save.
The Drac he obviously wont like or trust.
And Thom's character he wouldnt be too fond of since he drinks, and Frank is a recovering alchoholic.
Posted 16 October 2012 - 08:47 PM

I'm going to leave you in suspense for a bit at least and let you speculate all you guys want to. I'll give you this, the hints are in the posts, and your answer lies in there as well. Besides how would Thom's Terror's make sure they got the people they wanted, and make sure they couldn't refuse the offer til it was too late?

Edited by Oni Storm, 16 October 2012 - 08:51 PM.
Posted 16 October 2012 - 08:54 PM
JazzySteel, on 16 October 2012 - 08:43 PM, said:
The young lady he would be uber protective of, cause she reminds him of the little sister that he couldnt save.
The Drac he obviously wont like or trust.
And Thom's character he wouldnt be too fond of since he drinks, and Frank is a recovering alchoholic.
Samuel is not a drunk, and rarely ever drinks. He's drunk from many factors, he's celebrating the New Year, getting signed on with the Gray Death, and also was dehydrated from walking about Galport (it's freaking hot there btw) all day looking for work. It's hard to look like a rough and tumble mercenary when you're drinking water at a bar.
Oni Storm, on 16 October 2012 - 08:47 PM, said:

LOL with you it's hard to tell sometimes.
Posted 16 October 2012 - 09:01 PM

Posted 17 October 2012 - 08:39 PM
Posted 17 October 2012 - 09:35 PM
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