Better to negotiate a profit than a minefield.

Once a Pirate, Always a Pirate
Started by InnerSphereNews, Mar 15 2012 12:00 PM
29 replies to this topic
Posted 16 March 2012 - 09:40 AM
Posted 16 March 2012 - 03:12 PM
stabwest, on 15 March 2012 - 03:19 PM, said:
you should try looking things up at
basically the IS calls clan mechs by different designations than what the clans use for them, because they don't really know what the clans have named them. Much like how NATO used to designate names for soviet aircraft without knowing what the soviets called them.
Stabwest! Thank you! This site can get me on the track of whatever happened in all those 1000 years. Thank you!
Posted 17 March 2012 - 02:02 AM
lol for a second, I thought you guys talking about software pirate...
Posted 22 March 2012 - 10:19 AM
Do you really want to put your lance or company of Mechs up against the NAIS?
1. They got the best training best gear.
2. there are no less than 3 RCT on planet
3. Com Star already tried a raid and failed.
1. They got the best training best gear.
2. there are no less than 3 RCT on planet
3. Com Star already tried a raid and failed.
Posted 24 March 2012 - 12:32 AM
I wanna play for MH. Can I be a pirate? =D
Posted 24 March 2012 - 11:44 AM
Call me simple, but I will pick the faction that has the best looking/cutest symbol.
What about the clans, are those not playable?
What about the clans, are those not playable?
Posted 25 March 2012 - 02:03 AM
As soon the MH is a playable faction I join up.
It is my primary BT faction so playing them here would be fun.
BTW- how about introducing Rocket Launchers to the game? While it still takes some time until the Hegemony's perfected RLs arrive the old RLs are around since the AoW.
The concentrated punch and all or nothing approach of the RLs might be an interesting addition to the game.
It is my primary BT faction so playing them here would be fun.
BTW- how about introducing Rocket Launchers to the game? While it still takes some time until the Hegemony's perfected RLs arrive the old RLs are around since the AoW.
The concentrated punch and all or nothing approach of the RLs might be an interesting addition to the game.
Posted 30 March 2012 - 12:25 AM
What is a Pirate
I have no name, not even my bloodname, which I handed to another long ago, since the time of my grandfather my family has fought and opposed the filth that styles itself the Great Houses and their client states, and those who associate with them,
So I guess if being a pirate means I live from hand to mouth, that I am constantly on the move, and I constantly strive to aquire supplies, of ordanance and spare parts so that I may hunt those of my choosing, then yes I am a pirate, regardless of what name you choose to give me, my enemies always scream the same way as they fall.
It is with distaste, hatred and some sadness that I see the so called great houses and their vassal states rear their ugly visage yet again, once again, long tirades of fervent nationalism exhorting non existant virtues, merely subjecting the innocent to long winded political drivel and posturing using catchwords such has empire and duty.
The great Houses, their self styled leaders and their puppet states are an archaic anochrisnism, the result of opportunistic thieving fanatics who created wealth at the expence of their fellow man, who have sought since ther inception to determine their own standing in the universe without consideration or thought for humanity.
Their historical track record speaks for itself, constant war and political intrigue is the norm, each house or faction seeking to establish a domination over all.
The domination I speak of which the Houses and those territories of their minions iimpose s not limited to the displacement of the balance of power or the imposition of supremacy of one nation. Its hunger knows no bounds It seeks the systematic and total destruction of its neighbours both near and far. Its sole aim and focus is to be the one and only...........
The great houses devours their prey, it does not treaty with the nations which it has subdued. destruction is the norm. vassal states are robbed of their whole political and economic existence, the state run establishement seeks even to deprive them of their history and their culture.
These self styled Dukes, emperors, psychotic despots, consider the conquered only as vital space and a vacant territory over which they hold sway by divine right.
The human beings who constitute these subjugated nations are for these fanatics only cattle. massacres or their enforced state migration, is commonplace. Servants compel those under the yoke of brutal oppression to make room for their conquerors, with the use of torture or terror, un explained imprisonment without trial. History Condems then was is not "house Liao" who coined the phrase kill them all, when faced with rebellion.
This blight upon humanity, generally does not trouble itself with issues of war tribute of those unfortunate enough to find themselves enslaved, the state simply takes all their wealth, and, to prevent any revolt, their leaders and scientifically gifted dissapear, the state and its servants actively pursuing a state policy of physical and moral degradation of those whose independence has been taken away.
Under this domination, in thousands of towns, cites, and upon thousands of worlds there are millions of human beings now living in misery knowing only despair. Entire worlds whose peoples have been deprived of the means of moral and material happiness. Subdued by treachery or brutal violence, they have no other recourse than to work for their executioners who grant them scarcely enough to assure the most miserable existence.
There is being created a universe of masters and slaves in the image of these monsters. For, while the great houses are crushing beneath their tyrannies men of every race and language, they shall in turn find themsilves crushed beneath their own servitude and domination mania. The Inner Sphere and their vassal state propaganda press is entirely founded on the exploitation of the weakness of the human heart. It does not address itself to the strong or the heroic. It tells the rich they are going to lose their money. It tells the worker this is a rich man's war. It tells the intellectual and the artist that all he cherished is being destroyed by war. It tells the lover of good things that soon he would have none of them. It says to the citizen who has a concience: "How can you accept this massacre?" It tells the adventurer - "a man like you should profit by the misfortunes of your country.", it styles those who oppose it as terrorists, extremists or fanatics, rogue mercenaries and yes even pirates. so if these tags are the only option left for me and other like me, then so be it.
TAKE WARNING, those who have destroyed or confiscated all the wealth they could lay their hands on, those who have reduced their workers to slavery, those who have ruined all intellectual liberty, those who have imposed terrible privations on millions of men and women and who have made murder their law.
I am your end, and I speak for those like minded soldiers who wish to bar the path of your dark ambitions to be masters of the universe.
For us we shall to do more than merely win the coming war. For be assurred we shall indeed win it, and in doing so will win a victory far greater than that of force of arms. In this world of masters and slaves, which those demon madmen currently seek to impose their unjust despotic rule of the inner sphere do so with chaos and fear and mayhem, we bring retribution and justice and an accounting and if that means I am a pirate, then so be it.!
I have no name, not even my bloodname, which I handed to another long ago, since the time of my grandfather my family has fought and opposed the filth that styles itself the Great Houses and their client states, and those who associate with them,
So I guess if being a pirate means I live from hand to mouth, that I am constantly on the move, and I constantly strive to aquire supplies, of ordanance and spare parts so that I may hunt those of my choosing, then yes I am a pirate, regardless of what name you choose to give me, my enemies always scream the same way as they fall.
It is with distaste, hatred and some sadness that I see the so called great houses and their vassal states rear their ugly visage yet again, once again, long tirades of fervent nationalism exhorting non existant virtues, merely subjecting the innocent to long winded political drivel and posturing using catchwords such has empire and duty.
The great Houses, their self styled leaders and their puppet states are an archaic anochrisnism, the result of opportunistic thieving fanatics who created wealth at the expence of their fellow man, who have sought since ther inception to determine their own standing in the universe without consideration or thought for humanity.
Their historical track record speaks for itself, constant war and political intrigue is the norm, each house or faction seeking to establish a domination over all.
The domination I speak of which the Houses and those territories of their minions iimpose s not limited to the displacement of the balance of power or the imposition of supremacy of one nation. Its hunger knows no bounds It seeks the systematic and total destruction of its neighbours both near and far. Its sole aim and focus is to be the one and only...........
The great houses devours their prey, it does not treaty with the nations which it has subdued. destruction is the norm. vassal states are robbed of their whole political and economic existence, the state run establishement seeks even to deprive them of their history and their culture.
These self styled Dukes, emperors, psychotic despots, consider the conquered only as vital space and a vacant territory over which they hold sway by divine right.
The human beings who constitute these subjugated nations are for these fanatics only cattle. massacres or their enforced state migration, is commonplace. Servants compel those under the yoke of brutal oppression to make room for their conquerors, with the use of torture or terror, un explained imprisonment without trial. History Condems then was is not "house Liao" who coined the phrase kill them all, when faced with rebellion.
This blight upon humanity, generally does not trouble itself with issues of war tribute of those unfortunate enough to find themselves enslaved, the state simply takes all their wealth, and, to prevent any revolt, their leaders and scientifically gifted dissapear, the state and its servants actively pursuing a state policy of physical and moral degradation of those whose independence has been taken away.
Under this domination, in thousands of towns, cites, and upon thousands of worlds there are millions of human beings now living in misery knowing only despair. Entire worlds whose peoples have been deprived of the means of moral and material happiness. Subdued by treachery or brutal violence, they have no other recourse than to work for their executioners who grant them scarcely enough to assure the most miserable existence.
There is being created a universe of masters and slaves in the image of these monsters. For, while the great houses are crushing beneath their tyrannies men of every race and language, they shall in turn find themsilves crushed beneath their own servitude and domination mania. The Inner Sphere and their vassal state propaganda press is entirely founded on the exploitation of the weakness of the human heart. It does not address itself to the strong or the heroic. It tells the rich they are going to lose their money. It tells the worker this is a rich man's war. It tells the intellectual and the artist that all he cherished is being destroyed by war. It tells the lover of good things that soon he would have none of them. It says to the citizen who has a concience: "How can you accept this massacre?" It tells the adventurer - "a man like you should profit by the misfortunes of your country.", it styles those who oppose it as terrorists, extremists or fanatics, rogue mercenaries and yes even pirates. so if these tags are the only option left for me and other like me, then so be it.
TAKE WARNING, those who have destroyed or confiscated all the wealth they could lay their hands on, those who have reduced their workers to slavery, those who have ruined all intellectual liberty, those who have imposed terrible privations on millions of men and women and who have made murder their law.
I am your end, and I speak for those like minded soldiers who wish to bar the path of your dark ambitions to be masters of the universe.
For us we shall to do more than merely win the coming war. For be assurred we shall indeed win it, and in doing so will win a victory far greater than that of force of arms. In this world of masters and slaves, which those demon madmen currently seek to impose their unjust despotic rule of the inner sphere do so with chaos and fear and mayhem, we bring retribution and justice and an accounting and if that means I am a pirate, then so be it.!
Edited by Cauldron Borrn, 30 March 2012 - 12:42 AM.
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