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PGI devs go beyond the call.

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#21 Helmer


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 11:23 AM

View PostAegis Kleais™, on 16 March 2012 - 11:12 AM, said:

You'll always have more people pipe up with a complaint than to take the time and give a compliment, sad as it is. Also, the vast majority of people I've seen don't know how to provide constructive feedback. You get something like "I HATE THIS GAME! I HATE IT!"

And when you ask them what's wrong, you find out their issue can be resolved with a single solution in the options screen and then they're like "Sweet! This is a fun game!". They're like some kind of absolute drama queen where 1 issue utterly obliterates all forms of entertainment from the game. That, or they can't even convey what their issue is.

Take some time to say "Great job!" Creative types take feedback pretty personally.

True enough. The last beta test I was part of was for Red Orchestra 2. And that is a VERY VERY hardcore vocal community.

Watching behind the scenes in the private forums and even talking to the Devs on Mumble I received a very keen look into how frustrating it is when VERY vocal core community members bash and ***** on the forums over things the Devs either 1) Have already addressed 2) Have no control over 3) Have tried other solutions and picked the most logical one.

And, as you said, half the time it's something that is a simple fix or the solution is forthcoming.

I've tried to be good, but it boils my blood when I see people come into the forums here and complain about a FREE 2 PLAY game that hasn't even released yet! For the love of God, wait, try the game ( Did I mention you can play it FOR FREE?!) , and then come back with any constructuve criticisms. The self entitlement of some kills me.

I think being a Dev you have to love abuse and have a masochistic side

#22 Fachxphyre


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 11:29 AM

Whenever i see a Q and A post by the devs, or a video interview, that little mechwarrior deep inside me starts chanting "ONE OF US, ONE OF US". You have no idea how much of a relief that is to me as a player, knowing that feedback is being sorted through and acknowledged personally, by people who actually understand the franchise and wanted to do more with it than simply make a quick buck (of course, i anticipate you guys making a tidy profit, i know i'll be showing some wallet love :unsure:). I am more excited for this game than i am for a certain AAA title launching may 15th, and though i do intend to buy said title, i haven't bothered to post on those boards, because i know that it will fall on deaf ears.

tl:dr version: kudos devs, i value your participation in the forums, and i can't WAIT for this game!

#23 Mr Smiles


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 11:31 AM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 16 March 2012 - 10:46 AM, said:

I'm super protective of you guys. When we call you 'our community', we mean it.

Also, thank you for the praise. I'll pass the link to this thread around.

It might be difficult to imagine, but making games can be incredibly hard when the people who are supposed to be your fans just complain and poke holes into everything you release.

We're all MechWarriors here.

I would attribute the community's niceness toward PGI to two things... first, you look like you're making a top-notch game, and if Valve's taught us anything it's that you can be tardy with deadlines, never speak to your customers, and monetize everything, but as long as THE GAME IS GOOD we'll love you anyway.

The second thing is that you do communicate with us. I look at 2K Games, which announces their communications to the press, and then maybe as an afterthought within a week or so copy-pastes those press releases onto their forums. The textbook example of plastic corporate PR departments. Instead, with you guys, we feel like you talk to us FIRST--as though your customers were more important to you than your stockholders! How novel!--and then when we talk back, you listen, and consider making changes based on what we said. Real back-and-forth, real quality talking. The kind of pleasant experience you get shopping at your local butcher or farmer's market over Wal-Mart.

And even if you aren't actually listening to us or making changes based on our opinions... see the first item on the list: you're making a game so closely aligned with what the community wants anyway, being apparently fans of MechWarrior/BattleTech yourselves, that we get the ILLUSION of you listening to what we have to say :unsure:

In any case, I think when MWO goes gold it'll get a ton of subscribers, people who keep playing and keep paying for years, an entire e-sports community with tournaments, the whole shebang of success. When that happens, I hope we still get to see Paul and Garth and Bryan and anyone I'm forgetting regularly on these forums, we don't want some hired PR consultant or moderator doing your announcements and messages for you B)

Edited by Mr. Smiles, 16 March 2012 - 11:32 AM.

#24 Vergial


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 11:34 AM

I ******* love these guys. Really, I do. Nothing I say will be different than what has been said before, so I'll simply say 'thank you' once more to the Devs. They deserve a shitton of thanks for even TRYING to spend time with us like they do.

#25 Morgana


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 11:35 AM

View PostAegis Kleais™, on 16 March 2012 - 11:12 AM, said:

Take some time to say "Great job!" Creative types take feedback pretty personally.

Great Job!
Awesome Job!
That they even offered us a chance to provide feedback (good or bad) is SUPERFLOUS!!! Agreed, that it's not often that the actual lead designers offer responses. Most often they have others relay information that may have been posted, or just silently skim the suggestions, never saying boo. Not only do they participate here with us in the Community Forums, but to see them join the Podcasts that NGNG offer, and at times even hear them, just adds to their showing of the dedication they have for both the game AND the community.

These guys are a rare breed, I see nothing BUT success for them!

#26 WTChance


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 11:44 AM

The most simple way I can say this is...

Thank you.

#27 LordKnightFandragon


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 11:45 AM

View PostMidgie, on 16 March 2012 - 11:19 AM, said:

I have to agree that this is one of the best game communities I've seen since World War II Online. WWIIO had people paying the monthly subscription just to use the forums. I've already said it once and it bares repeating. I really believe the right people are making this game. My hat's off to all the PGI crew.

Hecks yeah the right people are making this game....Its the original FASA crew...the ones who brought us the EPIC MEchcommander game way back when.....That game Ruled! It still does! If they bring even a quarter of its epicness to this game the nthis game wil go on my list as another utterly epic game!

#28 Matt Newman

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 11:54 AM

Seriously You guys make it worthwhile. I frequently start and finish my days reading these forums. Every comment , negative or positive, just add fuel to our fire to make the best damn game possible.
Working on this title is a dream come true for the entire team.
Some key people joined this company knowing we had this IP.
Matt Craig, for example, showed up on his first day of work with his Mechwarrior disks in hand.
We had to ship many products across multiple platforms to get here.
None of that would matter if we didn't have this awesome community.
Here is to you guys and gals!

#29 Kaemon


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:00 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 16 March 2012 - 11:54 AM, said:

Seriously You guys make it worthwhile. I frequently start and finish my days reading these forums. Every comment , negative or positive, just add fuel to our fire to make the best damn game possible.
Working on this title is a dream come true for the entire team.
Some key people joined this company knowing we had this IP.
Matt Craig, for example, showed up on his first day of work with his Mechwarrior disks in hand.
We had to ship many products across multiple platforms to get here.
None of that would matter if we didn't have this awesome community.
Here is to you guys and gals!

Whoa! Matt Newman sighting in the forums!

I suppose since the Hula Girl made it in the promo vid his work is now done and he can sit back and bask in the glory.


#30 Barbaric Soul


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:00 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 16 March 2012 - 11:54 AM, said:

Seriously You guys make it worthwhile. I frequently start and finish my days reading these forums. Every comment , negative or positive, just add fuel to our fire to make the best damn game possible.
Working on this title is a dream come true for the entire team.
Some key people joined this company knowing we had this IP.
Matt Craig, for example, showed up on his first day of work with his Mechwarrior disks in hand.
We had to ship many products across multiple platforms to get here.
None of that would matter if we didn't have this awesome community.
Here is to you guys and gals!

Go ahead, try to get on our good side with flattery. We're still going to shoot you in the face when you give us the game. Every single one of you Devs. I may even make alittle hit list and tape it to the side of my monitor, That way I can cross each one of you off the list when I get you.

Edited by Barbaric Soul, 16 March 2012 - 12:01 PM.

#31 Chuckie


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:04 PM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 16 March 2012 - 10:46 AM, said:

I'm super protective of you guys. When we call you 'our community', we mean it.

Also, thank you for the praise. I'll pass the link to this thread around.

It might be difficult to imagine, but making games can be incredibly hard when the people who are supposed to be your fans just complain and poke holes into everything you release.

We're all MechWarriors here.

Hopefully at worst we will provide constructive criticism, at best you take our ideas and run with them :unsure:

#32 Matt Newman

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:05 PM

View PostBarbaric Soul, on 16 March 2012 - 12:00 PM, said:

Go ahead, try to get on our good side with flattery. We're still going to shoot you in the face when you give us the game. Every single one of you Devs. I may even make alittle hit list and tape it to the side of my monitor, That way I can cross each one of you off the list when I get you.

Which is why I will have 2 accounts a Dev one and my anon one. But know this... I am quite good.

#33 Tannhauser Gate


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:05 PM

Absolutely. I cant agree more that this game is totally *in the best possible hands*. I've had alot of hope and excitement since the 2009 trailer and the interview with Russ and JW. For a while there didnt know how close we came to MW *not* happening but now the devs and everyone are clearly working their butts off to make a GREAT game for all of us.

Thanks again, guys!!

To be honest, I've been too cynical to be excited about any game since SOE management utterly spit all over their fans with SW Galaxies. You guys have brought that little kid excitement out in me again. I cant ****ing wait! lol

Edited by LakeDaemon, 16 March 2012 - 12:19 PM.

#34 Dennis de Koning

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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:05 PM

"Seriously You guys make it worthwhile. I frequently start and finish my days reading these forums. Every comment , negative or positive, just add fuel to our fire to make the best damn game possible. Working on this title is a dream come true for the entire team." ..." We had to ship many products across multiple platforms to get here. None of that would matter if we didn't have this awesome community. Here is to you guys and gals!"

I'd like to echo Matt's sentiment; it's surprising how much yooz guys's drive bolsters ours.
Kudos to you for fanning the fire of our passion for this game.

#35 CeeKay Boques


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:10 PM

Here's to hoping the game is a huge success, the forums are flooded with loudmouthed noobs, and you have to put policies and procedures in place and are not able to be this familiar with us again after launch due to the waves of backlash over your every word.

That's winning right? I believe it is. *fist bump*

#36 Colorfinger


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:10 PM

As a long time BT/MW fan, I am thrilled that the community here as been as strong as it has been. I am even more impressed that the Devs are so active in keeping us in the loop. It makes it feel like our game is OUR game (inclusive of fans and devs) and that is rare in this day and age. BT/MW is a big... huge... risk game to produce. Not only is it considered 'dated' by a lot of big companies (thus making funding difficult) but its loyal die hard fan base is as big a challenge as it is helpful. Sure you can 'bank' on them to support the game BUT they also are far more demanding of resources than casual fan bases and thus make developing a successful title they will support more difficult. Add in the risk that casual gamers will shy away, I commend PGI on their 'all in' play here. It truly supports the feel that this is being develop by a team of BT/MW fans.

I hope that we as a community remember this when the 'masses' flood the servers and challenge the resources of the Dev and moderator teams. We can either fuel that fire or help fight it. By helping new players integrate on both the forums and the battle field, we can help stem the tide that can wash away the interactions with the dev team. It is too tempting at times to flame back but a supportive and organized community that polices itself and generates its own growth is the best thank you gift we can give the Dev team.

Edited by Colorfinger, 16 March 2012 - 12:12 PM.

#37 Brakkyn


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:12 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 16 March 2012 - 11:54 AM, said:

Every comment , negative or positive, just add fuel to our fire to make the best damn game possible.

You guys are TERRIBAD! You don't know how to make a MechWarrior game! And you are completely oblivious to the concerns of this community! I bet you guys can't even include the following list of 'Mechs in this game! <insert list of favorite 'Mechs> And add in a generic desparaging comment about your nationality!

[ Aside ] : Reverse...psychology... /thumbs up

#38 Morgana


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:17 PM

View PostBrakkyn, on 16 March 2012 - 12:12 PM, said:

You guys are TERRIBAD! You don't know how to make a MechWarrior game! And you are completely oblivious to the concerns of this community! I bet you guys can't even include the following list of 'Mechs in this game! <insert list of favorite 'Mechs> And add in a generic desparaging comment about your nationality!

[ Aside ] : Reverse...psychology... /thumbs up

Posted Image

#39 Corsair114


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:27 PM

Honestly? Time will tell if the current interaction level between the community and devs can and will be maintained.

That said, Cryptic (and several other companies *cough*Bethesda*cough*Ubisoft*cough*) could learn a thing or ten about public relations. You guys are doing an all around fantastic job and I sincerely hope you're able to keep it up.

#40 Nighthound


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Posted 16 March 2012 - 12:34 PM

I don't think I can add anithing to whats already been said, without making it redundant (though if you like redundancy .... just read all post above mine again :unsure:)

So from me also a BIG BIG HUGE GIGANTIC ..... THANK YOU

You guys are realy Awesome B)

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