Here's the idea: Urbanmechs in a Playpen!
When you join in a game, you are put inside a stock urbanmech along with anyone else who is qued in the match.
The environment will be full of waist high balls that can be moved by running into them from the front (this causes no damage). If your mech is hit with a ball, it has a chance to knock you over.
The mech weapons will be reloaded with paint rounds. Getting hit by paint rounds will have a visual effect of covering your Urbanmech in bright colors. The only true damage it will cause is the equivelant of smearing your windshield with paint until the auto-wipers wipe off your paint.
The balls will will bounce off mechs and walls and decelerate fairly slowly.
There will be two winners. 1. The player who falls down the least. 2. The mech that is the most colorful at the end of the match and they will be desplayed side-by-side to the adulation of the arena crowds.
What do you think?
You could even have mech customization. For example, you can choose the color paint you wish to load your paint rounds with. - thanks Valcoer!
Edited by Peiper, 16 March 2012 - 12:09 PM.