Adridos, on 09 October 2012 - 10:00 AM, said:
Really nice work on that Masakari.
P.S. Why don't you just post pictures instead of links?
Cheers and thanks!
So how do I post a pic directly to this forum? I can't seem to figure it out on my Vista based system here... I'll fiddle with this tho and try to post more directly.
stuartputt, on 09 October 2012 - 10:11 AM, said:
look up the Mad Cat Mark2
Such a Best Try the Liveing Legends one ^^
Post a pic of the Madcat2 yer talking about here. I'll try to tackle these in order if my brain doesn't explode first.
Monsoon, on 09 October 2012 - 10:28 AM, said:
I like these, plus I'm gonna try to avoid re-re-re-takes... I'm looking for mechs that NEED love, underdogs that never got a chance, or just plain challenging designs. kk
ChainBlade, on 09 October 2012 - 11:20 AM, said:
Can you draw up some mech weapon designs with a top,bottom,left,right,front,back sides and a reference.
I can! But I want a specific weapon system with lot of wit and a pic please! Then I'll go to town on internals to show you just how that weapon system fits in that torso housing, arm actuator hard-point, etc, etc.
DoRkZiLLaa, on 09 October 2012 - 11:12 PM, said:
Is there any possible way in the entire inner sphere that I could entice you to draw an Archangel for me? In all of battletech, few mechs tickle my taste in asthetics like it does.
I agree this isn't a bad looking Mech. But it does look fun to draw so...