Hawkeye 72, on 17 March 2012 - 03:07 PM, said:
That does make sense. Their temporary removal would make them rarer in the fiction and games. Well then I hope this is a more common sight, because I would love to get my hands on one.
If I have my battletech history right (i.e. real world history of the game) it was around 1995/96 that the unseen disapeered, hense the new mech lineup in the 4th edition boxed set from what was in 3rd and 2nd editions. That puts it 3057/3058 in game time.
As for the battlemaster itself, one of my two favourite succession wars/early clan invasion era assault mechs, along with the Banshee 3S and 5S. I especially like the Marik 3M upgrade ca. 3050. Not as powerful as some others but, from a logistics standpoint, more bang for your C-bill both up front and over time since it only uses a few pieces of advanced tech.
My favourite mech for the era though is the Thunderbolt, specifically the jump capable 5SE variant the Eridani Light Horse use. Given the appearance of non-Macross unseens like the T-bolt and Battlemaster in the 25 Years of Art and Fiction Book a few years ago, I am hopeful that they will appear in MWO. PLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!
Edited by sierra gulf, 31 March 2012 - 11:01 PM.