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Bryan Ekman and Russ Bullock on Open Beta

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#141 Watchit


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 04:52 PM

Well, looks like it's officially set for Oct. 16th, don't know how I didn't notice that the first time. Was that just added?

#142 WVAnonymous


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 04:56 PM

An alternate take is that PGI has now recouped the entire investment through sales of founder's packages and

a ) now no longer cares if it survives because the ROI threshold was met or

b ) is in negotiation to sell the IP off and needs more unique users in a hurry

I hope both are wrong, I'm enjoying the game. But like many others, I don't think I'm pleased to have my premium time expiring at this state of readiness.

Edited by WVAnonymous, 10 October 2012 - 04:56 PM.

#143 TheBlueberry


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 05:03 PM

I think you should go ahead and unleash the game. This is actually an Alpha test anyway, now we can do proper beta testing..LOLOL To many posts in the forums over BBS(Beta Burnout Syndrome)

Make sure you give the founders their premium throughout the open beta though or your toast. Save their Premium countdown untill you open the game or everone will ditch you.

Yes there still is alot to fix from proper heads-up-targeting system to field of view in the cockpit, to intergrating the map and damage hud into the cockpit instruments instead of the ugly hud, to server lag warp fests, to energy weapon lackluster usage models, to not being able to see anymore, to not enouph graphic and audio options in the ingame menu, to sound that is so 1980's. Theres a ton. But folks are getting so frustrated with starting over. I dont think they can handle anymore. BBS.

Its as close as your ever going to get it untill you get more money, that I understand. Open it.

#144 Wolf Hreda


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 05:29 PM

View PostSmoke Banshee, on 10 October 2012 - 10:23 AM, said:

It's the Yen-lo-Wang, come on guys, you can just say it. It's not that big of a surprise. The Flea on the other hand . . .

Yen lo Wang? Impossible! It's obviously Katana Kat!

Edited by Wolf Hreda, 10 October 2012 - 05:31 PM.

#145 NemesisXIII


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 06:43 PM

Sorry, the game isn't ready for open beta (Yes it is an opinion). Sure most of us are starting to have beta burn out, so just invite a new round of players. The problem you are risking is that players will join in huge droves (it's fun) and then leave once they have mastered the shallow game that it is. There's not even a planned 75 ton addition. Add a few more maps, game modes, mechs, or even the meta game - give us a reason to keep playing. I am hopeful that I am wrong and that there will be some quick updates with no technical difficulties that will cause players to want to stay and continue to play.

#146 Conall OCarroll


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 07:13 PM

Before this game gets to open beta we need more game modes and many more maps. I understand as a company fiances are tight which is why you are using the beta burn out excuse but get real you are making a huge mistake going open now. This is still an unfinished game and no where near ready for prime time sure you will get a big inital cash flow and in about 3 months nothing unless you have a massive patch for next week. You are making the same mistake Sony made with vanguard except you don't have the finical backing to take the time to fix it

#147 GaussDragon


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 07:16 PM

Normally a dev post like this gets spammed with 'likes'. The original post of this thread is currently sitting at 8. That should be indicative of the sentiment around here for this idea.

#148 Cataphract


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 07:20 PM

To say the least. Not amused at this move. The base content isn't fully finished yet and we don't even have the remaining tech that is really gonna make a huge factor in balancing, Endo, Ferro and DHS. And my Premium time is all ready gonna start expiring? Pooooooooo. Oh well though. I wont be buying MC at the current rates anyhow. Not fond of going from WOT to a damn near identical business model in MWO(save for MWO charges 3$ more for the lowest option.... double lame). I'm totally still going to play this game, but for now it no longer has my financial backing until the rest of the content that needs to be implemented and the current content is fixed and working.

#149 xZaOx


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 07:31 PM

So releasing a new patch after this buggy patch + releasing Open beta sounds like a bad idea. At least have them 2 days apart.

#150 MrKnox


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 08:21 PM

Wow a mech & cbill reset? Really? I thought I read that "there would be no more resets"... uhhHhhrrghh ^_^

#151 Joe Mallad


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 08:21 PM

Wow! Open Bet already! I really hope that if you (PGI) are forcing us founders to start our Premium time that WE paied for and should be able to use when WE want, it might be good to have at least another game mode sooner than you have set to be released and much needed joystick support. I really can't believe we are going to be forced to use our Premium time when we don't even have all the features set that will allow us to play more regularly and not be tied down by bugs and horrid frame rates and lag. You guys are rushing this way to fast.

#152 coRpSE


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 08:45 PM

Honestly, I know that you guys want to rush the game to get new blood and get new perspectives on the game, but how about getting the game a bit more stable with almost most of the feature that you guys want into the game and stable. Right now, DirectX 11 is not implemented yet, there is no talks or so far any test for a colorblind mode, (speaking on behalf of a clan mate of mine that is spectrum colorblind and is a paid founder). There are more, but just go look at the forums for them, there is a ton there. I just feel that this product is months away from open beta, usually when you go into open beta, the product is near the quality of what you will be calling your full release.

Yes, I know other content will be coming out in due time and that's fine, but just look at what happened with this past patch. You don't think that will put a black eye on the game being out to newer people trying the game for the first time thinking this game is close to what you guys expect your full release to be. I just think its a poor move on your part and you're pushing it out too soon and it will probably bit you in the butt in the long run.

Heck, if you read the latest of the PC Gamer review, you would have seen that its agreed that open beta is coming, but not quite there yet and they even expressed some of the disappointments that others have expressed with the pilot lab being windowed. The features and controls that was mentioned that would be put in so you can have that full screen is not there. Your just missing too much content to be pushing this into open beta and forcing people to start using their premium time that they bought, with the expectations that this would truly be ready to be called an open beta.

#153 Thorqemada


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 08:52 PM

View PostMrKnox, on 10 October 2012 - 08:21 PM, said:

Wow a mech & cbill reset? Really? I thought I read that "there would be no more resets"... uhhHhhrrghh ^_^

It was allways said that anything will get a final reset when Open Beta starts.

#154 sts47


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 09:06 PM

Not ready for open beta, how about testing a bit more.

#155 UnseenFury


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 09:19 PM

Your servers can't handle new patch with 3000 players and you want to go open beta? LOL

#156 Freeride Forever


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 09:26 PM

A joke right? If it's not, all I can say is, first impressions count for a lot & in many cases, almost everything. You better have something BIG for the 16th. Stability is on the decline & content is very weak. River City layout changes are not time well spent. C'mon guys. I have little interest in Hawken after the first impressions that the 2nd Alpha left on me. Of course I will revisit it after launch, with low expectations & a low affinity for what it's supposed to be. I hella HELLA don't think MWO is nearly "MechWarrior" enough yet to be released for first impressions to people who don't know MechWarrior. I hope you guys know what you're doing. If you're sticking so close to canon to the point of ridiculousness (machine guns, flamers) then certainly you must care about MechWarrior. If it's true that the gen pop considers open beta to be launch (enough of the game to know what it's all about & gonna be like) then you best have a big surprise next week.

#157 Eidelon


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 09:30 PM

This is a stupid idea.

#158 Monsoon


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 09:47 PM


''Oh and let's not forget our first Hero BattleMech. It's the < REDACTED >!''

Bryan Ekman and Russ Bullock

I so want to kick you in the gonads for this! ^_^

But really, I can't wait for the Decals!

Edited by Monsoon, 10 October 2012 - 09:48 PM.

#159 Dmax


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 10:31 PM

is the open beta still free to play?

#160 Shiney


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 10:36 PM

Yes it's ready and yes I'm fatigued by the closed beta. Yes it's ready to be laughed at by the gaming community as a whole, it's ready to be crippled by harsh reviews calling it what we have been saying, NOT READY. I'm fatigued that so little progress towards this inevitable opening has occurred, I'm fatigued that all of the bugs, the unbalanced gameplay, the lack of depth, the lack of maps, features, the lack of mech choices and I could go on, yes, I'm fatigued. Going to open beta won't change these things. Perhaps if we get lucky there will be a miracle patch, everything will be perfect.... *laughs*

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