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The Dropship Serenity Bar and Grill

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#101 GentlemanCake


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Posted 23 August 2012 - 09:12 AM

Hey hey hey, I'm still here, Save me some of that food!

#102 walkingraven


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Posted 04 September 2012 - 10:29 PM

Sorry, just a long walk to make the rounds. Comp's running again, so I'm back for a spell.

#103 Rugarou


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Posted 04 September 2012 - 10:32 PM

*Send a pint over to walkingraven* Glad your back skipper.

#104 Steve Varayis


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Posted 06 September 2012 - 05:55 PM

Shiny. Let's be Mercs.

#105 MtyQuinn


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Posted 07 September 2012 - 07:21 PM

View Postwalkingraven, on 29 June 2012 - 11:40 AM, said:

I'm proud to stand beside you fellas. I grew up on a mining asteroid an learned my way into a tunneler. Pirates fell on us looking for Lostech we didn't have. The fighting lasted only a few moments before habitats were bleeding atmo and the reactors were melting down.
A long ride in an escape pod waiting for the local rescue and a short jump later, I stood on the dusty soil of Antallos with a mission and damn little else.
Now I'm a Browncoat with half an army at my back. All those under the Jolly Rodger batter run when they see us coming.

As a pirate I take that as a challenge

#106 Kizsam Bolt


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 06:36 AM

may i draw attention to the drifters lance , so they check out the thread on our site pls? ty

Edited by Kizsam Bolt, 14 September 2012 - 06:37 AM.

#107 walkingraven


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Posted 16 September 2012 - 10:11 AM

Mighty Quinn, the only pirates I don't fire on are Browncoats. And there aren't any pirates in brownish looking coats.
*Grin* We do take converts, however!

#108 Duke Leto


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 02:02 PM

Quick, someone get me a drink and regale me with stories of big, fat contracts dripping with the strench of stale blood and C-bills!

Damn it feels good to be a gansta merc.

Edited by Duke Leto, 19 September 2012 - 02:03 PM.

#109 Nor Azman


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 04:42 PM

*looks around nervously*

Hello. :) I think I should just ignore my reluctance for outreach and pop by the Bar and Grill. :( Team bonding is important. *nod self* *nod self* I brought cheese! :D

Posted Image

Yummy! :(

Okay. Let's have some music. Heloo Browncoated people! :lol:

#110 walkingraven


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Posted 27 September 2012 - 09:02 PM

Alright. Most of you have probably noticed a minor problem with our HQ site. That being that it was hit by reavers is an outlandish rumor... No one said reavers... Well they revoked our source box. And it so happens that we find ourselves in need of a volunteer to hack a new one together for us. A hobbyist would be preferred as we can offer little else past gratitude and back patting. The title 'Port Master' could also be awarded, I suppose.
Some might suggest that this is a bit of an emergency, but I would like to remind all present that it is not that dire. A concern, yes, but not vital to folk getting together and playing the game. At any rate, if you would like to step up, say as much here and I will be more than happy to let you fellas spar for it. But let's remember to draw up a plan and then carry it out, dong ma? Thanks for listening.

On another note, these fellas working for House Marik have offered to put us up for a spell provided we behave ourselves.
Worth taking a look. No decisions have been made yet, so feel free to voice opinions. I AM listening, honest.

Edited by walkingraven, 27 September 2012 - 10:55 PM.

#111 Nor Azman


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 01:36 AM

As long as we have the open sky and Old Serenity, everything will be shiny. Heck, we can even have the Bar and Grill as our HQ. Temp of course. Ah to be vagabonds we are. ;)

#112 Carnivore


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Posted 28 September 2012 - 02:22 AM

Just saying hi on this thread. Off to work now.

#113 lonewolfsyndrome


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Posted 01 October 2012 - 09:19 PM

The site got hacked and was taken down. I've been arguing with webs over trying to get it put back up but it looks like it's a losing battle.

#114 XxPhantomleoxX


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 01:41 AM

Havent had a chance to see any real action im itchin to get back into the cockpit ((my Gaming PCs power supply died)) until then ill be working on setting up a fringe haven for those drifters out working on some info for Rp out of the game that can work in the game as well but im gonna need some support from the community and alot of help if interested pst me and well set up a meeting. im really serious lets get some full fledge character stories going biographies on their past and a system that will allow us to experience the inner sphere and all the changes outside of it i remember Rp sites being nothing more than this people typong everything right down to the letter so lets see what we can do and what characters we can think up within fair rules and limitations.

#115 XxPhantomleoxX


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 01:51 AM

im working on a character sheet that can allow those of us that Rp to interact within the Innersphere and beyond im hoping to have a copy done up for all the Rpers out there in the future in the mean i do have an example of what it should look made a pst awhile back with this same one

Information for recruitment and Rp

Name: Hellister Daravhim Zovam
Callsign: Vangrey
Timezone:GMT-08:00 pacific time(us,Canada)

House/Faction: No affiliations with recent clans as of yet
Playstyle: Supportive
Preferred Weight:Assualt, medium and light types
Experience: Dawn wolves 1st Nomadic Body Seeker company


Biography: Born into a very small corps made up of veterans from past wars and survivors of recent ones the dawn wolves have always been nomadic in nature roaming wherever decent contracts could be found when Hellister came of age he had already been trained into the Engineering Base of the Dawn wolves and had been previously trained for war which took a total of almost 16 years of his life to accomplish combined with another 4 years on a standard and enhanced education. All youth preferably freeborn must choose a base, Core or Limb at a young age and since most youths are rejected from the warrior Core within the dawn wolf hierarchy Hellister chose the engineering Base the technician caste as some choose to call it in other societies the other 5 years of Hellisters life was spent on what the Dawn wolf society calls Fringe planets (giant floating rocks in space large enough to house a small tribe or clan) these “fringe planets” had to have the bare necessities for the nomadic group to live that being frozen water, carbon and other certain gasses that could be converted into fuel food for plants ect. If a floating chunk of masse did have these characteristics then it was dubbed a fringe planet a pit-stop among several others that would be used to help during long journeys the dawn wolves choose to live on the very edges of clan territory and out of the jurisdiction of the inner sphere they prefer peace but have had their own bouts with pirates and the likes excelling at guerilla combat and subterfuge Reavers never stand a chance. And coincidentally this was the way the youth were trained and the old stayed spry and sharp fighting new enemies, conditioning and education which isn’t easy in the black desert (deep space) after the Dawn wolf elders watched Hellister in combat they offered him an entry level position into the warrior core (cores being what makes up the strength of a body or group Base and or limbs being the support’s (you must have all three to have a working body within the dawn wolf society) for five long years he was trained in on fringe planets and some larger bodies when the luxury was accessible over time Hellister graduated from the warrior Core and the engineering base while achieving success and honors in other endeavors compared to most pilots he is still a rookie and in his society he is nothing more than an ant or spec of a bigger picture but he is one with promise and skill.

Depending on how much work your willing to put into your chracter it will shape his/her personality characteristics ect so keep that in mind that the hard work will show and no work at all will show lol

Make sure to make copies of the character sheet for yourselves to print up im making a professional version so its going to have alot of stuff for info whats on your characters inventory ATM and so on

#116 walkingraven


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 07:18 AM

Vangrey, I will be the first to appreciate your dedication to an RP site. I am on of those odd few who can tell you without hesitation the name weight and height of my character, his siblings, and his parents. There is a hole in my heart to represent the quiet fact that that information is so far sequestered in the darkness because there just isn't any room for it in the game right now.
But if you're going to post novels, and mostly uninvited, please work on your punctuation. It was a lovely post, but no single sentence should ever reach a triple-digit word count.

In other news; Sorry to hear about the site's true fate, Lonewolf. If it truly lost to us, perhaps you could help DG and Carnivore with the new site.

#117 XxPhantomleoxX


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 07:09 PM

Much Oblidge but puctuation is the least of my concearns when it comes to story that just takes practice and no matter how much you practice you only increases in increments a day but. thankyou none the less for the feedback thats what communitites need direction and btw posting all of my Rp info, and setting up a site was one of the things on my list i was thinking of finding a group of people to recreate the innnersphere world but stay true to the lore on top of having this site and aothers as outposts,pitstops if you understand my meaning. the intention of posting it in haste as i did was a rough draft of sorts and the fact that you replied is proof enough for me that theres life in this community and it will grow with the right care.

that and my brain tends to move alot faster than my hands so please forgive my sccattered looking approach

#118 XxPhantomleoxX


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 07:18 PM

and ill look into this new site but were going to need more support than just three people to make a site work we need to write up a petition of sorts if at all possible and get a certain amount of signatures showing that the communtiy would like to see a little more than just mechs blowing each other to kingdom come which never gets old :). but on a serious note a huge amont a signatures will at lest ensure that in the future changes will come to enhacne gameplay if its litterally in the game or just a seperate site were players can sit back and Rp daggerfall style or in some sense of the word its a vision i guess we all have them and it oobviously wont start off grandiose but at least one day it will start.

#119 Luxfugio


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 08:56 PM

Well after reading the last six pages of this forum Im hooked. If yall are still recruiting just tell me were to sign.

As I walked by yalls shop I heard someone cousing up a stom about a mech hitting a bay door. I then noticed there was a bar and grill inside there and by the way it smelled it couldn't be bad it smelled to good to be. As I walk in and took a seat at the bar and looking up to see a sign that says House Special Today: Jumbalaya. I ask the Bartender if there was any Gumbo left and for a glass of Scotch? Asking the bartender as he walk back to the kitchen Oh and by the way who do I need to talk to about some work around here?.

Name: Luxfugio
Callsign: Luxfugio
Timezone: central almost any time of day
House/Faction: No One
Playstyle: Support Sniper
Roletype: Universal
Preferred Weight: Heavy, Assault, Lights and Medium Types
Experience: Not Much

Edited by Luxfugio, 02 October 2012 - 09:01 PM.

#120 Rhanne


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Posted 02 October 2012 - 09:46 PM

If'n Yer lookin. Ya can sign up here. Its the new site. Not all fancy like yet, but its commin along.


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