The Dropship Serenity Bar and Grill
Posted 27 March 2012 - 09:54 PM
Posted 28 March 2012 - 02:24 AM
Gumbo ready yea. Dig in yall.
(Belial yea I went to LSU undergrad and grad school a number of years ago. Glad to meet a fellow alumni here

Posted 28 March 2012 - 03:57 AM
Posted 28 March 2012 - 06:19 AM
You guys weren't kidding... I hope I can still walk my 'Mech up the ramp into the dropship later today. >.< Gumbo was a great batch, by the way!
Thanks much for the company and, um, nourishment (lol). The money display was more to show that I was willing to give business. I wasn't too worried about a fight; I tend to stay away from sleazy places almost on instinct. Y'all seems like a good bunch of fellows.

Hmm, I need to check in with my unit commander soon, before going to the dropship for our next job... heck with it. Another drink, bitteschön!
Posted 28 March 2012 - 06:45 AM
Posted 28 March 2012 - 06:49 AM
Posted 29 March 2012 - 09:14 PM
Posted 30 March 2012 - 10:28 PM
Posted 02 April 2012 - 10:36 PM
Posted 03 April 2012 - 02:11 PM
walkingraven, on 02 April 2012 - 10:36 PM, said:
I'll check with the Trollops and Molls.
Edited by lonewolfsyndrome, 03 April 2012 - 02:11 PM.
Posted 05 April 2012 - 10:44 PM
Posted 06 April 2012 - 10:07 AM
Posted 06 April 2012 - 12:19 PM
Posted 11 April 2012 - 09:35 AM
Don't ask me why it's in the kitchen or right next to the bar. We've still got a few hiccups in the plumbing. Beater was supposed to have fixed that before he took off with Jenny.
Posted 11 April 2012 - 04:36 PM
Posted 12 April 2012 - 08:05 PM
Of all the nights the storm had to roll in on this one, heavy rain obscuring visuals and the lighting screwing over any kind of electronic sensors. I knew they were out there some where but how lost we’d become was unknown. This was supposed to be an easy mission, rolling over a forward outpost. Briefing said it was guarded by a pair of medium mechs and a few vehicles, nothing Morgana (BL-7-KNT) couldn’t handle. I switched the radar over to passive, it wasn’t helping me and I’d rather not give myself away before bringing up the zoom. I could see the silhouette of a Scorpion Light Tank at about 400 yards. I slowly brought up her PPC and the pair of large lasers and pulled the trigger. The sucker didn’t stand a chance as the steam rolled of Morgana. “Contact” I whispered over the coms, not like it mattered, I had no idea where the rest of the C.C. was. Scans picked up a massive heat signature so I waited for a moment, no lights came, no sirens blared, nothing but the smoking ruins of the light tank showed on view giving it a few minutes I slowly pushed onto the base.
It looked like a mech hanger and some smaller vehicle hangers off to one side, exactly as described in mission briefing. Picking up some undamaged mechs would be an added bonus, god knows we needed the parts. I made a slow loop, keeping on eye on the scans and one on the screen. “Cerberus over watch, I am at base, I repeat I am at base.” I kicked up to the Outlaw Star, she was a few clicks away but could be here in moments, hopefully my message made it through this damn storm.
Making my way to the closest vehicle hanger I forced the door open with Morgana, careful not to damage the lasers mounted in her arms. Much to my surprise a pair of Demolisher Tanks greeted me, apparently abandoned but other wise intact. “Cerberus Command, we have salvage, do not open fire on the hangers. I repeat do not open fire on the hangers” I clicked off a few times as I moved over to the Mech bay.
As the lightning crashed my censors went dead, leaving me blind except for visuals. About Ten yards from the massive door it exploded, heavy auto cannon shells ripping through it and tearing into Morgana’s left arm. I threw her into reverse, side stepping another blast of shells as the Enemy Atlas pushed through what remained of the hanger door, it’s death head grinning in the flash of lightning. “Crap” I muttered, sucking in a breath and opening fire.
Posted 14 April 2012 - 12:54 PM
"Commander, we have a heat sig. Looks like a firefight." The pilot spoke too loud into the mic, the sounds of the cockpit rattling nearly drowning him out.
"Get us there. I'm gonna jump." Umbrias turned up the reactor output and readied his weapons systems. He checked the parachute system. "...Hope that back armor holds..."
The mic opened again,"Get back here!" The Bebop shuddered and listed to the left,"Green light, Raven!"
The deck leaned further as another wind shear lashed the ship. Umbrias began running, fired the jets and was falling. The rebuilt Centurion rattled and shook as he fought the jump-jets back underneath him. The storm swallowed him whole, ice forming on his arms, chest. He fired the jets again. If they iced over, he would rip the back armor off when the parachute opened.
A lance of artificial lightning shredded past. "Taking fire! C-1, check your scopes!"
Static hissed back. A quick glance answered; someone was jamming them.
The darkness of the clouds peeled away, the ground closer than it should have been. Umbrias kicked hard, the jump jets roaring as he glared at the speed indicator. Gritting his teeth, he slammed a fist on the parachute release and thrust harder against the jump triggers.
The 'chute opened and jerked the mech. The frame strained around him and he felt the impact as he hit the ground.
A warbling alarm screamed at him, missiles incoming.
Umbrias lunged forward, trying to spot the missiles in the rain as he trained his auto cannon on the mechs before him. The round shoulders of an atlas turning away as missile doors closed.
"Huh..." And missiles rained down around him..
Posted 15 April 2012 - 10:23 PM
Rounding the far side of the Vehicle hangars I could see the Atlas, still standing guard in front of the door that it had shattered not a moment before. It was looking in the direction I had taken off, left side exposed to me. If I was lucky I might be able to get behind it. Easing Morgana’s right side around the corner, I tried lining up what I hoped would be a surprise shot on the Atlas. I would only get one shot so it had to be a good one. Triggering both her PPC and Large Lasers I held my breath as three shots hit across it’s left leg.
Damn, too low.
I switched to the medium lasers as lightning lit up the sky, striking mere yards from the Atlas, enough energy pumped out to frazzle the onboard computers on both or mechs. I opened up as it turned to face me, lasers striking across the left arm and torso as the assault machine turned to face me. More fire from the heavy auto cannon ripped into Morgana, mangling her right arm as I slipped back behind the building as short range missiles and laser blasts blew holes into it’s corner, throwing massive chunks of masonry onto the open tarmac, melting steel support beams and opening holes in the roof. At this rate he had to be down to half munitions for the Auto Cannon. If he ran out that would help level the playing field and maybe give me a chance.
Slowly backing away I tried moving Morgana’s right arm, it still functioned but a massive crack ran down the side of the PPC barrel. “One more shot and it’s toast, better make it count.” I told myself, holding her right arm as steady as possible, letting the PPC blast build as the Atlas came charging full speed around the corner, shoulder down as if he was going to charge me.
The ***** was going to charge me….
I waited until the last second before letting go of the trigger, the PPC shot exploding what was left of Morgana’s arm as it impacted the Atlas, scoring armor from it’s shoulder and the massive Death’s Head.
I knew it hadn’t been enough....
and I braced for a 100 ton impact.
Edited by lonewolfsyndrome, 15 April 2012 - 10:33 PM.
Posted 16 April 2012 - 10:00 AM
"Where'd they get off to?" He moved past the ruined hanger door. It wasn't hard to track the footprints of an Atlas in fresh mud.
Turned the corner. The Titan was bearing down on Morgana with his elbows out and head down. Umbrias aimed for the feet and clicked through his triggers. The auto cannon rocked his arm and tore a furrow in the soft earth, glancing off the right foot. The laser hit the back of the knee, the blast soaked up by steaming armor. LRMs shot out in a rising arc turned and raced for the ground, many of them shredding the weak rear armor of the torso.
Pushed forward by the missiles, the atlas stomped into the furrow and began to overbalance. His step stuttered as the gyros fought for balance.
The pilot inside tried to lean to the right, get back on course, his torso shifting as the feet guided themselves left.
The Atlas thundered along. Straining to stop and turn.
Morgana stood the half cover of the building, right arm up to fend off the atlas, PPC smoldering.
Umbrias flipped the PA on, "You still operational?"
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