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Announced 'mechs: Units And Insignia/emblems


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#81 5th Fedcom Rat


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 11:43 AM

View PostNathan K, on 14 February 2014 - 09:58 AM, said:

So, out of 1,000 Assault Omni Mechs, only 49 are Warhawks overall. Got it. What this tells me is that the Warhawk is not favored among Clan Wolf.

This is correct: according to the original 3050 Tech readout text, Wolf used the Warhawk the least among the 4 invading Clans, in that they're not mentioned by name while the other three are.

#82 Uncle Totty


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Posted 21 February 2014 - 09:43 PM

Not sure I want to use the Timber Wolf any more. Yes, I can cover up the SJ insignia. Yes, I can clean the SJ smell out of the cockpit. But in the end, I will always know.

Edited by Nathan K, 21 February 2014 - 09:44 PM.

#83 Morang


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Posted 04 March 2014 - 01:23 AM

Banshee (still picture from YouTube video about Hero Version) is from 4th Arkab Legion. Star on Yellow-Black background on left torso, bloody scimitar upon glod and white rays on right arm.

La Malinche Hero is probably piloted by El Guapo, the leader of Old Crows merc company. Spanish-American connection is obvious and there's even a direct link between two via Uncyclopaedia (fake) entry about non-existent TV show "The Spain-Team":


In the episode "La Malinche", El Guapo pretends to be a bearded white god in order to seduce the daughter of a tribal Indian shaman, thus allowing the Spain-Team to sneak into the shaman's village at night and butcher all of the inhabitants.

Other sources are silent about Old Crows, but according to TRO 3039 it's based on Errai (FedSuns) and El Guapo's Banshee was stolen (sic) from 19th Galedon Regulars. So it looks like Old Crows served FedSuns for some time and probably were in Combine service before this.

Edited by Morang, 04 March 2014 - 02:00 AM.

#84 pbiggz


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Posted 04 March 2014 - 05:16 AM

View PostMorang, on 04 March 2014 - 01:23 AM, said:

Banshee (still picture from YouTube video about Hero Version) is from 4th Arkab Legion. Star on Yellow-Black background on left torso, bloody scimitar upon glod and white rays on right arm.

La Malinche Hero is probably piloted by El Guapo, the leader of Old Crows merc company. Spanish-American connection is obvious and there's even a direct link between two via Uncyclopaedia (fake) entry about non-existent TV show "The Spain-Team":

Other sources are silent about Old Crows, but according to TRO 3039 it's based on Errai (FedSuns) and El Guapo's Banshee was stolen (sic) from 19th Galedon Regulars. So it looks like Old Crows served FedSuns for some time and probably were in Combine service before this.

I believe la malinche has something to do with the conquest of mexico, and therefore is not "spanish american", but purely "spanish/aztec".

#85 Strum Wealh


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Posted 04 March 2014 - 09:50 AM

View PostMorang, on 04 March 2014 - 01:23 AM, said:

Banshee (still picture from YouTube video about Hero Version) is from 4th Arkab Legion. Star on Yellow-Black background on left torso, bloody scimitar upon glod and white rays on right arm.

La Malinche Hero is probably piloted by El Guapo, the leader of Old Crows merc company. Spanish-American connection is obvious and there's even a direct link between two via Uncyclopaedia (fake) entry about non-existent TV show "The Spain-Team":

Other sources are silent about Old Crows, but according to TRO 3039 it's based on Errai (FedSuns) and El Guapo's Banshee was stolen (sic) from 19th Galedon Regulars. So it looks like Old Crows served FedSuns for some time and probably were in Combine service before this.

"El Guapo" ("The Handsome One"/"The Brave One") is apparently a common title, used by (among others) the primary villain of Three Amigos, a MMA fighter, a baseball player, and a Marvel Comics character, in addition to the BattleTech character described in TRO 3039 (and the completely-unrelated character "Ferdinand de Castillo" described in the mentioned Uncyclopedia article).

Without an actual statement or record sheet in BattleTech or a statement from PGI indicating that a Banshee with either (or both) that name or that loadout (or a similar loadout) belonged to the BT "El Guapo", we cannot say that La Malinche is necessarily his BattleMech.

#86 Morang


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Posted 04 March 2014 - 10:44 AM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 04 March 2014 - 09:50 AM, said:

We cannot say that La Malinche is necessarily his BattleMech.

...so I used probably instead of necessarily, but my previous guess about Firebrand turned out to be right. Now waiting for patch to come online to get my hands on English.pak. It's a shame that they totally forgot the fluff and left their site outside of forums in derelict state.

#87 Morang


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Posted 04 March 2014 - 11:01 AM

By the way, killing my time browsing current TheRealLoc.xml, I found that:

Posted Image

She's pyromanic commander of the Scourge Company in service of Tortuga Dominions (she's favoured by Paula Trevaline), from TRO 3050 Upgrade.

And here we go:
Posted Image

Edited by Morang, 04 March 2014 - 12:11 PM.

#88 Morang


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 07:20 AM

They released hi-res concept arts of all recent mechs, excluding Griffin, on Media page . So now there's Wolverine in non-Sabre paintwork. I guess it's from Robinson Battle Academy Training Battalion. I still can't find coat of arms displayed on right chest - maybe it's personal coat of arms of the mechwarrior?

Mechwarrior's surname, Eckert, is probably a reference to Eckert brothers who formed "Wolverines" guerilla unit in a movie Red Dawn.

Edited by Morang, 18 March 2014 - 07:39 AM.

#89 Odanan


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 12:36 PM

View PostMorang, on 18 March 2014 - 07:20 AM, said:

They released hi-res concept arts of all recent mechs, excluding Griffin, on Media page . So now there's Wolverine in non-Sabre paintwork. I guess it's from Robinson Battle Academy Training Battalion. I still can't find coat of arms displayed on right chest - maybe it's personal coat of arms of the mechwarrior?

Mechwarrior's surname, Eckert, is probably a reference to Eckert brothers who formed "Wolverines" guerilla unit in a movie Red Dawn.

Oh, you are good.

#90 a gaijin


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Posted 18 March 2014 - 07:42 PM

View PostTyrnea Smurf, on 19 February 2014 - 12:27 AM, said:

OK here is what I found on a google search of "Daishi", discounting the battletech reference returns.

Oxford Dictionary of Buddhism: daishi
Home > Library > Religion & Spirituality > Buddhism Dictionary
(Japanese). In Japanese Buddhism, an honorific, usually granted posthumously, meaning ‘great master’.

Kūkai (空海), also known posthumously as Kōbō-Daishi (弘法大師 The Grand Master Who Propagated the Buddhist Teaching?), 774–835, was a Japanese monk, civil servant, scholar, poet, and artist, founder of the Shingon or "True Word" school of Buddhism. Shingon followers usually refer to him by the honorific titles of O-Daishi-sama (お大師様?) and Henjō-Kongō (遍照金剛?).

21014 Daishi (1988 TS1) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on October 13, 1988 by T. Seki at Geisei.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions | 1997 | JOHN BOWKER | 139 words | Copyright
Daishi ({Capellan}., ‘great master’). Buddhist title of respect for a buddha or high official. It is used especially of Kūkai.

From what I found its most certainly a Japanese word, and not some bullhocky from "round-eyed" people making it up as we go along.

I have been living in Japan for nearly 20 years, and yes I do speak Japanese.
Regardless of any archaic, unused religeous/niche trivia you find on the Internet (God bless it), 大死 (Daishi) is not a real word.
And if you look at the kanji characters, the reference you found (大師) is not the same as the 大死 written about in BT lore.

#91 Odanan


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 05:10 AM

View PostHeroForHire, on 18 March 2014 - 07:42 PM, said:

I have been living in Japan for nearly 20 years, and yes I do speak Japanese.
Regardless of any archaic, unused religeous/niche trivia you find on the Internet (God bless it), 大死 (Daishi) is not a real word.
And if you look at the kanji characters, the reference you found (大師) is not the same as the 大死 written about in BT lore.

Didn't you know? Japanese will change a lot in the next 1000 years... ^_^

#92 a gaijin


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 03:33 PM

View PostOdanan, on 19 March 2014 - 05:10 AM, said:

Didn't you know? Japanese will change a lot in the next 1000 years... :D

*sigh*... :unsure:

Cheers ;)

#93 Morang


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Posted 19 March 2014 - 11:12 PM

By the way, I translated Arabic inscription on the Banshee's chest. Results are funny.

#94 Morang


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:31 AM

Wolverine is confirmed by PGI texture artist Mark Hayden as beloning to Robinson Battle Academy Training Battalion (paint scheme described on camospecs.com: yellow with patches of black and red - Robinson Rangers' colors - painted over as cadet makes progress. As those are painted over yellow, red has orange tint and black has greenish). Crest on upper right chest is redesign concept of Robinson Battle Academy insignia.

#95 Morang


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Posted 08 April 2014 - 02:37 AM

Mercs again! Looks like Alex wished to use artistic license provided by absense of uniform paint scheme in Camacho's Caballeros. But Griffin's paintwork resembles La Malinche in some way.

Not that I don't like mercs, but I think there's not nearly enough concept art pieces of FRR, Marik, Steiner... damn, even Liao (however I despise them) mechs. And to add insult to injury, Alex still keeps painting Davions and Kuritans (Banshee, Wolverine, Thunderbolt...).

#96 Morang


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 10:16 PM

Loup De Guerre belongs to Lieutenant Peter Chandler of Regulan Hussars, mentioned as notable pilot in original TRO3025. Info extracted from TheRealLoc.xml. The name of the mech isn't mentioned in TRO, invented by PGI as in some other cases.

Edited by Morang, 22 May 2014 - 10:19 PM.

#97 Strum Wealh


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:50 AM

View PostMorang, on 22 May 2014 - 10:16 PM, said:

Loup De Guerre belongs to Lieutenant Peter Chandler of Regulan Hussars, mentioned as notable pilot in original TRO3025. Info extracted from TheRealLoc.xml. The name of the mech isn't mentioned in TRO, invented by PGI as in some other cases.

Added to the opening post!

I don't suppose that file says anything useful about either Oxide or Grid Iron?

#98 Morang


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Posted 24 May 2014 - 02:37 AM

No, I checked them all. "Rusted but deadly Jenner", and just "Grid Iron" are descriptions of Oxide and Grid Iron.

#99 Neutron IX


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Posted 03 June 2014 - 06:46 PM

Awesome list! Thanks for putting it together!

Recommend adding Michael Ubodo to the list for The Arrow, and also adding Theodore Kurita to the "pilots" for The Protector.


#100 Strum Wealh


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Posted 05 August 2014 - 03:24 PM

Bump, to show the addition of the HellSlinger to the list of Hero 'Mechs!

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