The first mech in queue tromps by, stirring a bit of dust as the deck plates rattle. Watching it walk leaves an odd appreciation of both those who first applied controlled current to myomer and engineered the balance of these seemingly ungainly apparitions.
The noise of the first has scarcely passed when the Direwolf across the bay from where I stand steps forward... a small earthquake shudders through the girders under my feet, and the huge nose that looks so vulnerable from the cockpit suddenly looks more dominating. Like all the mechs stepping out into the musky afternoon at this Solaris pad, all weapons have their safety covers on; but even with the red streamers dangling from the muzzles they hide, the daunting mass of 100 tons of machinery leaves a touch of doubt that it is less than invincible.
The queue is rigid: first class passengers disembark first, then the sponsored pilots, and finally the steerage rest of us in weight order... I am third from last and still have plenty of time. My current mech, a seemingly nondescript little raven, is actually wedged into a corner between and a bit behind a sponsored Exile summoner and a first class GDL atlas. The paint on the latter is gaudy and taunting, with the face a garish zinc-oxide matching the GDL skull. I sense, rather than see, the atlas rise to position, then have a few short moments to imagine facing one from the civilian's perspective before it too lumbers away.
One of the crew slaps a release lever and the partition wall that blocked off my Rav groans and swings hesitantly away. It looks so small... barely a wisp of a mech in the presence of monsters... the Summoner beside it could eliminate it in one well aimed alpha from the twin CLBX20s that balance menacingly on the arm rails.
"Any time now, pilot." It is the loadsmasher wanting to get on with something more important, anything more important than clearing the restraints on a half-fee light.
Rather than answer, I wade through the sweltering still, knowing that in a few moments I will be comfortable again. The cockpit visor rises on my command and I step from the rickety gantry into the familiar seat of a well known friend.
"Alexis, seal and cool."
"As you wish, sir."
The canopy settles with a smooth gracefulness and I feel the climate controls begin to moderate the heat and mugginess.
"Double pol, please."
"Yes, sir." The windows turn nearly black as the double polarization is energized... shutting off the outside world; then I seat my neurohelm and a visage of it returns again.
"You alive in there? Wait to die till you hit the dirt."
With my power-plant already at full current, all I need is the release of the cargo clamps... yet I sit for a moment, just to delay the loadie from his other interests.
"Release at your discretion, sir."
"'Bout time." I think I hear more but choose to ignore the language as worthy only of the gutter... yet it occurs to me that I no longer mentally define him as a freebirth... rather as the churl he has proven himself to be.
I do not feel the release as I sit, but I am aware that the gyros have taken over balance and Alexis is now depending on me to keep us upright.
"Crouch, please."
"Done, sir."
A solid position taken, I look up to see my neighbor the Summoner stride purposefully away. Still a while before my turn comes... there in line is a Clan Novacat marked Shadowcat. It looks like the B model, with the double flare at the ankle and the more rounded armature; I have looked at it longingly several days now.... the pilot is an energy jumper, but he is canister aloof and I would rather not be thought of as another cauldron born... at least not yet.
The comm crackles and a bored female voice intones, "Raven 39, please stand by for disembarking."
"Alexis, stand please." Thirty-five tons of leggy mech goes upright and I feel the grace the advanced gyros add. The Shadowcat steps into sunshine, onto the ramp... and out of my sight. We steerage are not given the time to make individual exits, a pair of Cougars are already stepping into line.
"Raven 39, follow Cougar 17."
"Aff." It is out before I realize it, but the speaker doesn't care and the comm was linked so no one else heard.
Throttle up, edging the purring engine into movement output and the right leg steps forward. The second Cougar is almost to the door, and I can see one of the KitFoxes that will follow me stepping up. The Raven moves like water across a polished stone, undisturbed and elegant in the tired old dropship's belly. My chair's hydraulics compensate for the stride and I might as well be floating out of the bay portal and into the bright sun... four steps later, I am on Solaris VII itself.
I am here for a reason... but for now, it is best that I am just another tattered merc come here for fame or money or work.
Though I have never been here, it seems I know my way through this city of giants. Grand avenues form arteries of mechblood where our machinery has right of way and the citizens and tourists simply watch without fear. The main egress from the spaceport is an impressive 200 meters wide, yet within eyesight there are easily several galaxies worth of mechs. For show or impatience, a Stormcrow sprints past in the outside lane, pushing his myomer to reach somewhere faster. The vast majority of us head calmly to MechSect, the outlying quarter of the city where the pilots and those who wait for us, live off us, or seek to employ us all congregate.
The steady 35 kph gait seems relaxing at first, then monotonous, then boring, then... well it just is. For a time I just focus on the thud of the rav's footfalls: kkrrrrumpp, dzzsh, kkruummmp, dhshh, kkrummpp... on and on for the better part of an hour.
In sight of the flats with the great mech grounds and two of the arenas beyond, I notice a billboard raised to about eye level for the heavies or assaults: "Pilots! Did you know YOUR next FAN could be watching just ahead?! Get the crowd on YOUR SIDE!" Underneath is the marquee of the Solaris Grand, one of the best known of the tourist resorts on the planet. Sure enough, just a kilometer down the broadway is a huge raised grandstand where men, women, and children waved and shouted at the mostly oblivious stream of war machines.
Only an unknown hopeful would grandstand so... hmmm, might fit in... if I am being watched, would it not fit my profile?
"Alexis, canopy up on my mark."
If the computer has ever sounded incredulous, now is the time, "Sir? While we are in motion?"
"Alexis, that was not a request."
I am almost even with the grandstand, and I expect nothing serious at my gesture.
"Alexis, mark."
The graceful curve of the raven's visor rises as if the beak had opened wide. a tempest of muggy oven air assaults my exposed face with the smell of oversweet flowers, a distant bog, and even a hint of detonated gel... the rest of me stays comfortable in the suit. Yet I am in for a huge shock; the entire raggled group gets to its feet and cheers when I wave. Flash-pulses go off rapidly from all over the crowd and in front, two boys drop a banner that proclaims, "RAVENZ RULEZ!"
For a moment I can imagine this going to my head, but the heat is oppressive and I turn back to the business at hand, "canopy down, please."
"Canopy down, sir."
The comm comes to life and a familiar-seeming voice says, "Pilot in blue-n-white Crossed Raven 39, who are you? Your fans want to know!"
It is hard to suppress a chuckle, but I key in and reply, "Patrick, just an old merc out for a little more adventure and maybe a spin at the divisions."
"Well, welcome to Solaris and we'll all watch out for you!"
The remaining kilometers fade without value worth notice, and I begin to wonder if it was such a good idea to announce my presence so, though no one here would likely have ever heard of me, much less have any reason to expect more of me than the average.
The broad gate at the outskirts of MechSect carrys a huge sign announcing: "No weapons off safe!!!", "Mechs of greater weight ALWAYS have the right of way!" and finally, near the bottom, "Persons on foot yield to Mechs!" with the simplified image of a mech footpad above a running person.
Here, traffic becomes more random and precarious. The first businesses visible seem to cater directly to the tired pilots coming in from the spaceport. One establishment has the GDL Atlas already parked and knelt out in front of signs boasting the strongest drinks in the Innersphere. Other places are more like compounds, walled from the casual observation... often with unit emblems and guards to keep the civies out.
To my right I pass Joe's Spare Parts, a seemingly endless wasteland of mech slag and pieces, obviously one of the arena's "clearing houses." the sign out front promises great salvage, but in the rarefied air of mech heavy Solaris, I wondered just how good such would be. Still, this is a landmark I have learned to remember; at the intersection just beyond, I turn my mech down the narrower lane to the left. A couple of pedestrian revelers scamper out of my path, one appearing to shout something at me.
Out of nowhere, a Flea speeds all but under my nose, tripping it's trailing leg on my leading one. Between good braking and advanced gyros, I remain upright, but the Flea... well it must have really been moving, becoming a hapless squid-like missile with those two legs still flailing behind it. It sails a good 80 meters before a first glancing blow on the paving kicks up a shower of debris and sparks. It continues its tortuous sliding until crumpling like an accordion against the lower leg of an old Dragon. I look for just a moment or two, shake my head, and continue to my destination.
Just before the road ends, I make a right onto another backalley; the vids have left me knowing the way quite as if I had been a regular. At the end of the road is a brightly lit compound and an exceptionally large sign with letters glowing even in the afternoon sun. "Lights Haven!" it proclaims, and indeed, the walls look solid and the guard points seem well attended.
As I approach, the comm starts up, "Raven Three Nine-ar, this is LH control, stop and identify yourself."
I throttle back, come to a stop, and key in, "LH control, Rav Three Nine, Patrick. I request terms for quarters"
"Raven Three Nine-ar, please power down your active scan and stand by."
"Alexis, radar off please."
"Done, sir."
The moments seem to drag by... and my mind plays little games with itself.
"Raven Three Nine-ar, please identify current unit affiliation."
"CMO. Otherwise unaligned."
His mic is still keyed and I can make out several voices in the background, but not the words they are speaking...
A different voice echos over their comms from some other control room link.
"CMO's Patrick? Hey, LHC, I vouch for him."
"Yes, sir!" the voice seems a bit distant, but then, "Raven Three Nine-ar, terms as follows: closed hangar, 1 thousand C-bills per night, 25 thousand per month; open bay, 250C per night, 6000 per month; open field 150C per night and 3250C per month. Fuel, ammunition, water, ground-crew, food, and amenities all extra. No weapons discharge off the firing range, on penalty of mech destruction. No duels on LH property. 15% off to winning pilots in the light division who agree to advertise once for the Light Haven."
"Terms accepted, request permission to view hangar and open bay facilities."
"Granted, proceed through the gate and follow the left access-way."
"Thank you, sirs."
The gate rolls slowly open and the expanse of the facility becomes more apparent. Lights of several descriptions along with some rather odd mods stand or crouch in numerous locations about the property, and ravens make up a fair percentage of them. A good hundred meters away is the sunken entrance to a huge bunker complex and at least some number of sheltered mech hangars. I urge the rav down the ramp and into the artificial light... and am pleasantly surprised. Above ground, the structure had appeared maybe a hundred meters deep, but down here it is obviously at least three times that length.
"LH control, Rav Three Nine. Request an open bay for the time being."
"Patrick, LH control. Request confirmed, bay slot 314 assigned. Go to the center isle, turn right, proceed through the second bay to the third, right again, fourth slot on the right."
I almost say "aff" but manage to catch myself. "Thank you, sirs."
My Raven has barely settled when I notice her for the first time... working on a gauss' magnet array mounted, of all places, under a KitFox's left wing. She wears nothing to indicate her rank or position, but she carries herself in a way that is familiar. After a few minutes she moves behind the mech and out of sight.
The distraction lasts but a moment more, then the business at hand of settling in comes to the fore.
"Alexis, crouch and secure, please."
"Yes, sir. Will you be considering the minor impact damage that flea left us with?"
"Yes, Alexis, after I take care of other priorities."
"Understood. Will you be gone long, Padraig?"
It is rare that Alexis uses the old Terran form of my name, but once in a while she surprises me... this is one of those times. My artificial intelligence was patterned after and even contributed to by a female sibkin named Alexis. There was no more than respect and camaraderie between the original woman and I, but I have been living with her personality in the ai for many years since. I have had this computer “person” as a constant companion in battle and on the endless patrols in Shadowcats and Ravens, Summoners and MadDogs, even the rare Timberwolf. Now, I imagine I have just heard a bit of emotion in that voice... an emotion that I do not recognize.
I pull the neurohelm off and sit for a moment... listening for something I am not sure of and can not even tell if I would recognize. There is only silence.
"Is something wrong, sir?"
Now there is no emotion is betrayed in that well known voice, and I sheepishly admit to myself that I am just imagining things. "No, Alexis, I will demech now."
"Thank you, sir."
The harness frees itself with accustomed ease. I peel the cooling suit off and don my more comfortable old leather unit jacket. It is an old friend, even though I still note with pain the ghostly places my Wolf rank and unit markings had lain.
"Canopy up please."
"Yes, sir."
I swing wide over the cheek of the raven and drop down onto the raised gantry walkway. "Seal and secure" I say clearly and hear Alexis comply.
The flooring seems a reinforced stone-like plate that appears solid under the mech's weight. This individual hangar itself must have been designed for the narrower and taller lights, with gantry rails and cranes designed closer to the Raven. Across the isle, the hangars have lower roof beams and wider spacing for the more arm-centric mechs. In sight are the KitFox across from me, a Cougar on the left next and a Puma beyond that. To my right the bay seems rather empty except for an old Wolfhound torso and head suspended from a crane at the end of the gallery. Flash and crackle of welding implies the reasons for that disjointed body, but I suspect now is not the time to confirm my guess.
There is no one else in sight when I see her walk out from a small doorway carrying a small bag back to continue her work on the gauss. My brain reasons that I must know her from somewhere but I am sure that it can not be. I am not often confused, much less in doubt of what is needed, but I have both in large amounts right now.
Hmmm... best way to address a question is to ask it. I walk over to where the deep dark of the muzzle points all but at me before she looks up.
"May I help you?"
"Yes, Ma'am, I am Patrick. I am looking for work and a place to rest... well, actually, a shower and rest would be preferred first. Can you point me in the correct direction?"
She tilts her head just a bit as if trying to hear something more in what I said or hear something in her weapon... I am honestly not sure which. Even so, I am certain she has not taken her eyes off of me, it is as if I am being evaluated, considered, maybe even sized up.
"I am Samantha, nice to meet you Patrick." She extends her right hand in a gesture I have known many Inners to use in greeting, and I too extend mine. Without intent or craft, my jacket chooses this moment to slip back along my arm enough that the front lip of my codex is visible... my brain recognizes the situation at her glance down, but it is too late already. She does not hesitate to continue to offer her hand... and suddenly I understand why: she too appears to wear a codex.
We clasp hands for a moment, then she points to the door behind her, "Each hangar has an access-way to the main corridor. Off the main to the left are the MRBC offices and the Arena Recruiters... both should have work. The cantina and pilot's rooms are to the right, but don't let them put you in one of the rooms under the ramp or you will be up all night."
"Thanks, Ma'am."
"Don't be formal here, or they will understand quickly who you are."
I am a bit shocked... she has used a contraction! She is no fool and understands my response.
"Like I said, you are still too close to showing yourself. Pick one common contraction and use it ever so often. It will throw them off a bit."
I think I understand, but she is not done.
"And get yourself a good pair of mechanic's bracers to cover both arms like this," at which she pulls back her sleeve and I note that her codex is all but covered by a leather-faced bracer. "You will also find that the reinforcing ribs in the braces throw off codex scanners."
"Thank you very much, Ma'am."
"Please, Sam."
"Thank you, Sam."
"If you will excuse me now, Patrick..."
"Of course, Ma'am... er, Sam."
"You will get the hang of it soon enough."
I turn and recross the open gallery and find the small door behind my raven.
The tunnel is reasonably well lit and it takes no real time to walk the distance to the main corridor. Until this moment, I have only seen one other person, but now there is noise and bustle, especially in the direction of the cantina. Some kind of music is playing, judging by the volume here it must be quite loud there. In the other direction is the plain MRBC shingle and a gaudy flashing thing that must indicate the location of the Arena recruiter... but for now I just want to be clean and have some sleep laying down. I detect the innkeeper's marking and head towards it.
"Patrick!" echoes through the hall from the open cantina door as I am passing by. I am again sure I know that voice, and turn in to the noisy and somewhat rowdy drinking establishment. At first I don't recognize anyone, but then the unit emblem hits home and I recognize the name and voice... Ranger of the venerable Black Talons. More than once I have sparred with or against him, and had even had the honor to merc with his unit once... and when I think of Raven pilots I have tried to learn the mech from, studying him comes first to mind.
"Been a while, my friend! how have you been?"
Been a while since anyone of the Inner Sphere had called me friend, I feel honored. "Tired and more than a bit busy. now just looking for work and perhaps a chance in the show."
With that, we talk and it is good to feel welcomed to this new place.
I wake from a restless sleep to a strange room of stone. It is smallish, barely more than room for a bed, shower, toilet, and sink, but it is clean and cool. The stone gives off the aura of age and permanence; many others have slept here, many more likely will. Touching it is like reaching back in time, to a place not
forgotten, but never to be seen again.
My brain clears a bit and I realize that it is sounds in the hallway that have aroused me... arguing voices, angry words, and now the sound of a threat. I am on my feet in a moment, and through my door into the hall beyond. Several rather inebriated fellows have cornered an older man and are obviously threatening him... thud, correction, they are assaulting now.
"HOLD!" I do not yell it, but the deep experience of command comes out in tone and control, leaving no doubt in the hearers that I expect obedience. For a moment they all turn, semi-attentive.
I do not give them time to lose focus. "WHAT GOES ON HERE?!" There is no expectation in my voice that I will not be answered immediately and I am not disappointed.
"Dis dumb f*** wash tryn to dishreshpec ush..."
To the old man I order, "you, COME here and EXPLAIN yourself!"
None of the others move, the old man... surrounded as he is... make no effort to change from his current poor position to the uncertainty of my possibly being worse.
"MAKE ROOM for him!"
They are still stunned and I have not given them time to realize that I am not their commanding officer... right now, presence of command in one used to authority has to be enough.
"NOW!!!" I thunder, probably being heard throughout the entire complex. Their sodden brains nonetheless obey and there is an opening...
The old man reluctantly passes between them and follows my pointing finger into my room.
To the ruffians I say, "I will question and deal with him appropriately. You are DISMISSED!"
Again, I give them no time to think through what has happened, I just turn and reenter my room, slamming (and locking) the portal behind me.
The older man before me has sunk onto the side of my bed, a large bruise on his left cheek swelling his eye half shut. His gear may once have been of the finer make, but now looks all the older for wear. That is not to say he looks shabby, just that he appears to have fallen on a lot of harder times. He is watching me closely, but trying not to show any emotion. There is a sense of balance in his position, when his body was more able to cooperate, I suspect he knew how to handle himself in a fight... even now, I believe that he is capable of being dangerous.
I lean against the cold wall almost opposite him, feeling the chill of the bedrock settle my adrenaline charged system back down. "Care to tell me what that was about?"
"Go get a rag near the sink, wet it, and cool that down," I offer, while squatting down to near eye level; it is not a threatening position, though I still have my hand near my weapon just in case.
He nods and moves to the sink. At a noise from the hall he looks up, face dripping with cold water, then sees I have not moved and returns to his personal attentions. After a few minutes of nothing but the splashing of running water and the occasional stifled groan of discomfort, he returns to the edge of the bed and once again perches on its edge.
"Who are you?" he asks, as if not at all sure that he wants to say anything to anyone right now. "and what is an officer doing in the crew rooms?"
Hmmm, a start...
"Patrick, no longer an officer, just a merc. and these rooms are more reasonable than the overpriced pilot holes, better to use resources wisely."
"Yer right about that." he seems to smile for just a moment, then asks, "which house?"
Now it is my turn to be less than forthcoming, "Does it matter? What if my loyalties now are with the highest bidder offering honorable work?"
He looks me over again, trying to place me.
"Again, I would like to know what that was about. I think I have at least earned that much from you.”
He nods, "Short of it is they are crew to one of the new hotshots in the circuit. Been mouthing off in the cantina since they got in. Book boys, the lot of dem... probably never seen a real firefight, much less been dropped in to field rep damaged front-liners while under fire."
I nod, listening to him and watching for any evidence that he is being less than honest... but none appears.
He stops and looks at me, then continues, "you've been there, haven't you? you don't look the grab-for-lost-youth type or the wannabe, you have 'vet' written all over you."
"Yes, I have been there. Please go on."
"Well, I was talking with a pilot and dey wanted her attention. When she ignored them and kept talking with me, they were angry with me for not moving on. Fast as lightning, she had one of dem by tha throat and was tellin them to 'leave while they could. The pilots at the bar all stood to back her up and these creeps left. Looks like they didn't get it out of their systems, though."
He falls silent, studying my reaction.
"Who are you working for now?"
"Well, no one really. My nephew is one of the managers of Lights Haven, gives me a room down here for free."
"Think you can still find your way around a mech?"
The somewhat insulted look on his face has a bit of a smile to it... "does burnt coolant stink?"
I think carefully about the words I am about to use. He studies me with a bit more interest, and probably misunderstands my thinking.
"I'm not famous or wealthy, but if you can handle a Raven I would be willing to give you a try as chief." The contraction all but stuck in my throat, but I got through it without thinking I betrayed how foreign the term was.
"I'm Tom. Where're ya parked?"
Edited by cmopatrick, 21 October 2012 - 07:02 AM.