Q: With the changes to matchmaking/grouping coming soon, how long do you think it will take to go from completing phase 1 to implementing phase 2 in the beta? [skamage]
A: It will be very short. Approximately two weeks. [Garth]
Q: For the atlas/(insert any assault mech here) will there be the possibility in the future to add extra armor for the price of crit space to get a punching bag? Because right now they are scrapmetal like any other mech. [Hot Rod]
A: As far as I know we have no plans to do this. [Garth]
Q: If you are at the main menu, is it possible to implement a pop up system if you recieve a private message? [Nash]
A: Good idea for the feedback forum, but I can tell you right now the PM/message system is currently a work in progress, so it'll change over time. [Garth]
Q: Have you considered adding cracks to the windshield and/or sparks in the cockpit when you receive damage to the head? What about bad weather effecting windshield, such as rain or snow? [Maverick01]
A: Yes, we have plans similar to this already in the works.

Q: Are there any plans to look into the damage failings of the MG and possibly correct them? [Tuhalu]
A: Balance is an on-going thing, so yes we will look into each weapon as we go. [Garth]
Q: I could use an MWO t-shirt, atlas bobble head and ER Large laser to mount on my car. Can we expect to see this or similar merchandise for sale eventually? [B0NES]
A: As in, real ones? Get me a DeLorean with a flux capacitor, then we'll see what I can do. [Garth]
Q: Have you guys explored an "Active Nose Art" concept yet? [Norris J Packard]
A: Yes, we've explored many options such as this one. We'll have more info when we're closer to implimenting whatever form of this we go with. [Garth]
Q: Since you have recently added that assists, spotting, and damage influence c-bills made during a match, will those statistics also be included in the profile statistics along with the kill/deaths? [Shibas]
A: We do plan to expand which statistics are shown, yes. [Garth]
Q: How would you like to have/do community events like
- Submit your Mechdesign/Map/Interface/Paintjob/... of the month?
You could get more ideas and increase the link with the community

A: We actually want to do things like this a lot - I love seeing community-creativity showcased. So I can't say what form it'll be, but I'd love to do this, yes. [Garth]
Q: When can we expect to see additional mech variants to fill the Jenner (Commando, Awesome, etc.) required 3 to advance to Elite skill? [Tastian]
A: Very, VERY soon. As in tomorrow. [Garth]
Q: My question is; do any of the planned modules offer benefits that are currently standard in gameplay, which will then only be available when using the module? Examples might be second zoom level, thermal/night vision, target sharing, placing markers on the map, etc. [Lemniscate]
A: Not replace them, but enhance (some) yes. [Garth]
Q: I've read that you guys love e-sports and competitive gaming in general. Will we see improvements to the observer camera modes such as a free-cam that you can float above the battlefield? [Jman5]
A: We have planned more systems like that, but they are more time-consuming to add than you might think. You can bet I bother people about it though. [Garth]
Q: I was wondering if your ever gonna make it so if i don't load my mech to full tonnage that it will have higher speed. [CrayTrashfire]
A: No, we do not have plans to do this. [Garth]
Q: How do the devs pronounce "Tukayyid"? [Sparks Murphey]
A: I say 'Took-Ayy-Id' [Garth]
Q: What is the precedent in becoming legally married to the Hula Girl in my cockpit? [Hawkeye 72]
A: Comstar has no place in the bedrooms of the galaxy. [Garth]
Q: Also Garth are you guys going to be able to keep up with the questions once open beta starts. I mean this tread opened 2 days ago and is already 5 pages long? [Malidrin]
A: I'll probably have to cut it off sooner, or possible make a set number of questions I'll answer. [Garth]
The MechWarrior Online Team