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Weapon ranges? Might be smart to list it somewhere in the buy menu?

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#1 AtomicFishStick


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:00 PM

WTF? Weapon range should be listed somewhere in the mechlab. Now either I'm blind or someone just forgot to put that in. Seems like something that you would want to know before you go strapping a bunch of weapons to your mech.

#2 SpankN


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:08 PM

Beta.... things are still being put in and fleshed out. You'll notice there's actually a lot of information missing.

#3 De La Fresniere


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:45 PM

There's very little info and very few descriptions in-game yet.

You can find it on 3rd party sites. I use them all the time to figure out where mech hard points are located (if that info is available when buying a mech, I haven't found out how to access it).

#4 Vermaxx


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:47 PM

This utterly necessary set of upgrades will be promptly installed.

Several weeks after open beta begins.

#5 Bloodshed Romance


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:57 PM


it being beta we have a community.. this is what we do to compensate it being beta...

#6 AtomicFishStick


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:58 PM

I don't know it just seems so fundamental to me. Weapon range is paramount in this game. It just seems like a very basic thing to leave out and makes me doubt the production value of this game. This really is something that should have been a fore thought. Not something to patch in later. It makes the clouds of doubt start to gather in my mind.

Let's see here I'm gonna make a menu for buying mech equipment.....what things should I list in that menu? Hrm let's see maybe name, weight, class of weapon, slots required and ohh yea derp range!

I started this thread with the intention of bringing this lack of fundamental info to light. Why was this left out to begin with? Why would you want to go backwards and remake the menu to accommodate new information?

#7 Academus


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:12 PM

View PostAtomicFishStick, on 27 October 2012 - 12:58 PM, said:

I don't know it just seems so fundamental to me. Weapon range is paramount in this game. It just seems like a very basic thing to leave out and makes me doubt the production value of this game. This really is something that should have been a fore thought. Not something to patch in later. It makes the clouds of doubt start to gather in my mind.

Let's see here I'm gonna make a menu for buying mech equipment.....what things should I list in that menu? Hrm let's see maybe name, weight, class of weapon, slots required and ohh yea derp range!

I started this thread with the intention of bringing this lack of fundamental info to light. Why was this left out to begin with? Why would you want to go backwards and remake the menu to accommodate new information?

Because every single time the lack of tutorial and tooltips is mentioned on beta forum it is met with what you just read above: "THIS IS BETA" excuse. In fact any weapon parameters we have are obtained by data mining the local files. PGI dont release them.

#8 Seth


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:15 PM

Here are all the weapon stats and 'Mech hardpoints listed out on one page. Until the information is added to the game, this would be a useful page to watch.

#9 Bloodshed Romance


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:25 PM

there are forums.. there is a complete section for BETA GUIDES.. thats where you should always look.. no it may not be in game but they do technically have bigger things to worry about right now.. like getting the maps and mechs bugged out... and changing the mechlab UI as they have already specified..

#10 Red1769


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:28 PM

While the "This is Beta" excuse gets on my nerve, those that spout it don't even tell the OP where to look for them or say if it's even known (which I'm glad some people have linked where to find them). In this case, it is known, too. In fact, I've linked the Master Feedback List, where it specifically says that is one of the things to be added in. Please be sure to check the stickies before posting again for any other feedback.


#11 AtomicFishStick


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 02:07 PM

Well thanks to everyone for your replies with the info. I still think this is something that should have been at the core of any mechlab designing. I would love to hear any logical awnsers as to why this info wasnt included to begin with. Are there any reasons why adding it in after is more efficent? I suppose that's what I'm really getting at. I don't see this as being efficent for production value. Time is money.

#12 Red1769


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 02:15 PM

Because weapon balance is an ongoing thing at this stage. Imagine updating the weapon info in-game every time they mess with weapon balance. When it gets close or done with balancing the weapons/items, then they'll include it. That's my take anyway.

#13 BertholdBrecht


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 02:27 PM

Can it be, that this list is somehow wrong? I have a Dragon and my max speed is 81 Km/h...

#14 AtomicFishStick


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:03 PM

Ahh that actually makes good sense. My thoughts were some what opposite. I was thinking it would have been easier to change database values. As opposed to redisgning a UI to accomodate new info.

Aren't most of the item values are already predetermined? Seeing as they are taken from the existing Battletech universe.

#15 Red1769


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:41 PM

They've already tried TT values and the like, and they apparently don't work well in the game, though some weapons are fairly well balanced, others seem OP and others are underpowered (PPCs come to my mind). That's why they're still fudging it. As far as the actual items go...I honestly have no idea what the costs of the items are or their exact percentages/stuff that they do and the like. I'm not a TT expert or anything of the like. A basic understanding is about all I have. But they're always looking at costs to buy the things, repair/rearm costs, damage, and other such balancing factors (didn't know what you mean by values so I covered them all). While this last patch did explain that they did fudge some numbers to make the mech cost closer to TT values, they're not going to be exact. Imagine grinding in a Trial mech up to 22 million just to get the Atlas AS7-K varient (If you want to buy that mech first). And that Trial, on a loss without performance (how well you did in the match) bonuses only nets you about 69,000 C-Bills (though keep in mind that Trial mech has no repair/rearm costs, but also doesn't give you XP). That Atlas varient is currently the most expensive because it has some of that high tech gear on it, but it is roughly 13 million right now.

They are redoing the UI of the mechlab on Monday, among a few small tweaks. Which admittedly is needed. But it's only with the upgrades, not the actual item descriptions. Well, FF armor, Endo Steel, and DHS does have minimal description (Mostly how they compare to their lower grade counter parts), I think it's just balancing out their costs that's really the main issue. I haven't looked at some of the other stuff they added last patch, as those three were kind of the big three items.

Wish I can be of more help, but I have no intention of playing again until Open Beta on Monday. But still hope this helped some.

Edited by Red1769, 27 October 2012 - 03:48 PM.

#16 De La Fresniere


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:49 PM

View PostBertholdBrecht, on 27 October 2012 - 02:27 PM, said:

Can it be, that this list is somehow wrong? I have a Dragon and my max speed is 81 Km/h...

It can potentially move much faster than that. You're probably using the Engine that came with your Dragon, which is most likely not the best Engine you can put in it.

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