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The light at the end...

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#1 FrOdO


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 08:10 PM

Why do we fight? Why must we kill one another? The questions have been with me since I can remember and even more so now than ever before. I always thought I had chosen the higher path in life, the road less traveled, the one of the righteous but, aren't those just ideals of men with too much time to think?

Here and now, on a world that has no name, in a part of the galaxy I hope no one ever travels again, I think I may be fighting my last battle. "My last patrol before shipping back to my home", the thought brings such anger but, I laugh because of how ironic it is.

I'm snapped back to reality as the green glow of the medium laser fills my eyes. I watch as it cuts from left to right across the midsection of an old friend, leaving a trail of warm amber glowing metal. The radio comes to life as his screams fill my ears and I watch as he detonates before me into a plum of reds, yellows, and oranges. The scene hides a unique beauty, one that seldom few will ever see. The beauty of energy and partical weaponry cutting through the air; the color, the majesty. In this moment my eyes focus, my hands begin to tighten around the controls that manipulate these surfaces of this warhorse that I control. I lurch forward in this machine they call "Atlas" an awe inspiring piece of 31st century technology. They say it strikes fear into the hearts of the men that see it on the battlefield but, these other machines in front of me stand their ground. Are these even men I face? No matter, they will die like the rest. The front transparency of my cockpit comes to life as the heads up display begins "boxing" the small Jenner ahead. Information pours onto the glass, range to target, structural integrity, weapons that are online, and continues to flow in its typical overwhelming way. My actions are automatic and hold purpose as I move the gun piper over the cockpit of my enemy and lightly squeeze the trigger.
The Gauss round leaves the barrel of the gun with such force that it shakes my chassis. It has a short distance to travel before it strikes the center of the Jenner's cockpit, boring a hole of liquid metal that cuts clear through and out the other side. The Jenner clumsily takes a step forward, almost trying to convey the shock of the pilot that is now no more before crumbling to the ground. A smile begins forming in the corners of my mouth as I continue moving forward. Then it happens, something I could not foresee.

The science behind the Partical Projection Cannons has always eluded me but, the reaction from such a weapon has always been respected. The force of three of these weapons impacting the right leg of my Atlas at once renders it inoperable. Like a cornered fox I begin firing madly into the smoke caused by the wreckage of friends and enemies that lay before me. To no avail I struggle as another three blinding lights come toward me and knock my chariot to the ground.

I can feel the warm blood as it begins traveling down my face, I struggle to move. The screen before me flickers now as red light fills the cockpit and voices warn me of my damaged state and beckon me to escape. I cannot move however, for my body is broken. The smoke begins to clear and my foe is finally revealed. The Awesome moves quickly at first but, as it approaches, slows until it is right atop of me. The machines right arm comes to life as it moves to point directly down toward me. The barrel of the PPC is a dark place and it sits so close now that I can read the laser inscribed manufacturing corporation number around it's rim.

I look up toward the cockpit of the victor and wonder what he is thinking now as he stands over me. I hope it is meaningful whatever it maybe. I close my eyes and my mind drifts off to earlier times, happier times, and then there is only silence. I guess I will never know why we fought and why we killed so many.

Edited by FrOdO, 27 October 2012 - 08:12 PM.

#2 FrOdO


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Posted 02 November 2012 - 10:36 AM


#3 SmithMPBT


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Posted 02 November 2012 - 03:23 PM

The language used reminds me of a educated soldier from the civil war era. It even kinda read like a goodbye letter. I enjoyed it.

Personally I would have overloaded my fusion engine as the Awesome approached so we could have ridden to hell together to reduce my carbon footprint.

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