The Templar Elite is a revival of the original Templars.
We are attempting to bring back what made the Templars so great. Individual MechWarrior training in mech control, Team work, Tactics, Team Play. We will do this through a regimented training program, every new member will be required to go through the training program with the assistance of a veteran MechWarrior. Training is at your own pace. We will establish a unit that is at the competitive level. That does not mean you must compete. Just that you will have the skills to do so if so choose.
Currently recruiting primarily established Templar members from the original unit. We want to establish a solid core membership before we take in new members. After all, can't have a mentor if there is no mentors to mentor you....
https://discord.gg/AU5CzJkG is the link to our discord. You do not have to be a Templar Member to drop with us or socialize with us. New members will be allowed as Mentors become available.
If you are interested in joining our team, feel free to join us in discord for some drops. We will not discriminate against novice(new players).
But if you were a Templar and whether you completed your training or not, simply ask and we will send you a unit invite.
Unit Politics:
As with any unit there will always be politics of some sort. We will have Unit meetings and any unit member may speak his/her own mind without fear of reprisal.
We will have more rules and regs but to start and the primary ones will be:
- Respect others
- No hate talk of other members.
- No disrespecting visitors without due cause.
- If your online and have discord, please be in discord. even if you are going solo. (there will be at least one channel for that.)
We are about having fun and improving our skills as MechWarrior's.
More to come, getting late and I want a few more matches