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Clan (Jade Falcon) Occupation, (Role Playing Story) (Reboot)

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#1 guardian wolf


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Posted 02 April 2012 - 11:39 AM

Guys here goes, We are on the planet Barcelona, in three days before the opening gambits of Jade Falcon's invasion of the IS. The weather is wetter, with a constant mist, and can have heavy rains in the evening. In the first battle, THE IS WILL LOSE. We are fighting Clan Jade Falcon so, try to depict your enemies as hard, and not steamroll over every enemy you meet. So, we'll wait to get a few players, then get it rolling.
Please follow the posting of Bios in the same format as mine, though the actual bio will be short, because I have it posted elsewhere, if you have done the same, then please post a link.

Name: Draconis Wolf
Affiliation:Wolf's Dragoons
Type: Battlemech pilot, that has received infantry training
Short bio: http://mwomercs.com/...-role-play-bio/
Brief history up to this point: After his encounter in the FRR, Draco finally managed to get to Barcelona, and start up with his R&R, and rearming of his company.

Also to make it understandable as WHY, Draco, along with the Wolf's Dragoons, bought Castle, in this RP, Draco was going to explain that CASTLE was going to be the new staging grounds for the Wolf's Dragoons Hell Jumpers Company, the Skye Rangers had all but abandoned CASTLE due to it's remoteness, and the fact that it was far from any MAJOR spaceport, thus, they had decided to move towards the inside of the city, making their new garrison effectively an extension of the spaceport for ease of access to available transport, better strategic location, AND the fact that it is closer to home to keep an eye on things. I am sorry I did not explain this before, but, I was hoping to be able to it IC, as a conversation, when someone asks about the old Steiner base in the middle of no where.

Edited by guardian wolf, 04 April 2012 - 12:33 PM.

#2 Sloth901


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Posted 02 April 2012 - 02:07 PM

[[Name: Will Andor
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Height: 5ft 11
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Mech: Custom Rifleman
Will is second in command of the Vulkaneers Mercenary unit based on Barcelona, after their previous base was destroyed by a Draconis Combine Occupying force on Bonette this base is mainly underground and to people on the outside, is just a warehouse. Will has just returned from some “R&R” on Solaris and after a brief operation in the FRR has returned to the Vulkaneer base preparing for some new recruits to arrive from Outreach.]]

All the techs had gone home when Will arrived at the base, while he was away the new training mechs had arrived, courtesy of his uncle. 5 new battlemech’s stood before him and one battle worn heavy but will would be damned if a rookie was going to touch his Rifleman.

1st up was a Trebuchet, already missing its wrist LRM 15, several tools where around the mech bay showing the techs hadn’t hesitated to have a play with their new toy, A large laser was sitting on the ground next to the mech, Its obvious what they’re going to be putting there then Will thought to himself moving to the next Mech bay.

An untouched Raven sat in the next bay, Will was rather impressed by this. He’d only encountered one of these in the past and as soon as he’d seen it several barrages of missiles forced him to retreat back to the Davion base he was contracted to, one of the Davion mechs with him wasn’t lucky enough to make it back.

3rd a damaged Panther. The only weapon that seemed to be mounted was a PPC, a medium laser rested against the back wall of the bay. Will took a step back, He knew this Mech, it belonged to one of the Sheridan’s, The two brothers along with the Vulkaneers only female pilot fell to an unknown mech in the periphery whilst Will was still on Solaris, in fact that was part of the reason why he was in the FRR. This was too painful, that mech was going to be stationary for a while, not due to the damage but due to the fact it held to many memories to let some rookie ruin it.

Will didn’t move on to the 4th and 5th mechs for a while. He just looked at the burn marks over the Vulkaneer paint job, the red and crimson and turned black on the left side stopping at the white stripe that went down the centre of this veteran mech. A tear came to Wills eyes as he noticed the glass on the cockpit had melted and miss formed, Ben had been burned alive by the heat, his death hadn’t been instant as the reports and battle ROMs suggested, this would have been slow and painful. The cockpit getting hotter and hotter as the glass begins to melt, as the flames from his dead brothers mech slowly fighting their way in.

Will moved on, upset at what he had seen, the techs hadn’t made their way to the last mechs yet, these two where less than impressive. A Locust and an UrbanMech took up the last two bays, Will paid them the least amount of attention and climbed into his Rifleman data pad in hand.

He flicked some switches and all the monitors came on but not with readings from the mech, these screens showed battle ROMs and a couple were connected to the internet, not even the techs knew about this sub system, The Rifleman was in control of the base all the CCTV and AMS could be activated at the flick of a switch. Everyone else used the office upstairs. Will didn’t care for that place, as far as he was concerned this mech was his office. That’s why he set up this system, It meant he could do all his work from this seat, of course that would change when these recruits arrived but Will was happy here, a message flashed up on his data pad from Draco. Will sighed, they’d barely been planet side 6 hours and he wanted to meet up somewhere. By god have the Dragoons ever heard of sleep, if he hadn’t already noticed while were awake everyone else is asleep; we need to match our sleeping patterns with the rest of the settlement. With that Will Replied giving the Coordinates of a bar and the meet time of 1800 hours, best send it to Spear aswell he thought. Will pressed the send button and slumped in his seat, he was exhausted. He turned the monitors back off and went to sleep ready for the “fun” of meeting the others the next day.

[[Edit: didnt change Will's age from Bonette, he is 40 not 29]]

Edited by Sloth901, 02 April 2012 - 06:21 PM.

#3 MacabreDerek


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Posted 02 April 2012 - 04:11 PM

Name .............................. Rick Turven
Rank ............................... Civilian Contractor
Title ................................ Mech Engineer
Callsign .......................... "Mop-Boy"
Battlemech .................... ARC-2R Archer
Date of Birth .................. July 3, 3004
Current Residence ....... Cockpit of his mech

Physical Description
5'3, 320lbs, Rick is a short fat man who is constantly covered in grease and carries a large wrench. His clothing is torn, typically in a thick over-coat that seems to just as likely been used as a shop-towel. Wearing a cloth skull-cap on his head to hide his balding head, he has soft blue eyes that tell of a gentile natured person who is clearly in the wrong business and in over his head.

Rick couldnt tell you much about his childhood except for one thing: He loves Battlemechs. Through out most of his teen years he was finding every little scrap of footage, tech manual and first-hand expirence he could get. His enthusiasim gave him a job mopping floors of a mech bay, while watching the hardened warriors return from galant victories he could only imagine. Eventually his expirence in the bay lead him to getting some more hands-on expirence as he went under the wing of the head engineer, learning to maintain mechs and strip them down and back again.

His enthuisiasim grew over the twenty years he spent cleaning up other people's messes and repairing gyros in damaged battlemechs. Eventually he learned each mech would eventually never return, so he made it his own mission to save any mech he could, the sight of rusting heaps that use to be glorious battlemechs was too much for him. Unfortunetly this would be his undoing from the safty of a mop to a green mech pilot.

An ARC-2 Archer was about to be scrapped after a punctured gyro and faulty electronics eventually left the mech 'non-functional'. Rick pleaded with his superiors that he could get the goliath to walk again, and the sarcastic captian of the former Archer spat 'If you could get that thing standing, I'll let you pilot it yourself, mop-boy'. Rick was having it running laps around the compound by the end of the night.

Unfortunetly because he was not a truely trained or registered mechwarrior, Rick would not see the honour of combat with for his house. The Archer was writen off as 'scrap' however, and Rick somehow got it into his head that it was meant to be, that he would become a mercinary.

It's been several years since he began his career, and though Rick may not be known as the best mech-pilot around, his resourcfulness in mech repair and logistics have earned him a slight, if not laughable reputation. Taking on garrison assignments, he is also contracted by other mercinary bands who need to remain small, his engineering expertise along with his own mech has made him a mixed bag, supplimenting a lance with his ARC-2R Archer for fire-support.

His mech looks like it's frankenstiened from other Archers, most of the paint still upon seperate hull armour plates from various mech companies, with a large 'SCRAP' Stencil painted among it's center torso, the only bit of paint that looks as though it was purposly placed was a black band around it's right arm with a red trim, a 'gift' from his one campaign along side Wolf's Dragoons in order to be easily identified as a friendly during a previous skrimish which he refuses to discuss with anyone other than members of the legendary mercinary company.


The night had been late, and Rick found sleep was a hard enemy to fight in the wee-hours. Still, the work persisted, remaining quiet as he fiddled with wires under the control pannel of his Archer. There was an issue of feedback going into his nerohelm that kept giving him headaches over the last few test-walks, and he couldnt aford that as a mission distraction. He had only been on site for about two weeks, working as a tech for the local authority. They paid him a low cut, but it was enough to eat and gave him pleanty to keep busy.

Looking over the consol, he sighed as he took in the sights for this patheticly make-shift mechbay. Sure it was better than nothing, but parts were scarse, took forever to order anything in, and even if it did arrive, you'd be sure the Cheif would have a better use for it.

A sudden jolt burnt his fingertips and sent him thrown back into his seat. He bit down on his thumb trying to take away the numbness and tense pain, like his teeth would find some way to circulate it out. "Common girl, dont be like that. Ya came out of worse, and we dont need to be fighting eachother, do we? Not after all we been through."

His hand was placed atop the consol, a soft touch as though he could gain the mech's forgivness. Leaning back in his chair, Rick closed his eyes. He was imagining on how he got this assignment, how after his last contract went south that some friends bailed him out, and found him this 'nice repair and garrison' gig. What he wasnt told was they were pretty much renting him as a mechanic, and that the actual 'garrison' duty was being taken up by younger, more expirenced, and over-all better paid mechwarriors. Still, the job didnt leave him hungry, and at least he negotiated for fair-use of the 'scrap' bin to keep his own mech in fighting condition. Hell, he at least has a few salvos of LRM avalible, which was alot better than some assigments he'd undertaken.

Maybe he could get to work on some other mechs. Aside from the routine maintnence and moon-lighting on his own mech the days were getting stale, a repetition day in and day out that was starting to remind him of his youth in the mech bays, learning the basics of his trade. At least then he was LEARNING something new. Here he could barely hold some mechs together, and unless you were one of the 'higher-ups' or 'People of Worth', you'd be lucky if the work got done at all. After all, the commanders have an image to maintain.

Slipping out of the cockpit, he shook his head. The resentment he felt wasnt doing him any good. Work. He had to get to work. Grabbing a push-broom from inside one of the gurders lining the walls, he pressed brissles to ferrocrete floor. With rythmic sweeps he began to clean around his mech. There was something calming in the simplicity of sweeping the floor. He felt for a moment at peace, just him, his mech, and the work. Always the work.

Edited by MacabreDerek, 02 April 2012 - 06:00 PM.

#4 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 02 April 2012 - 05:51 PM

[I'm gonna hope in on this one once I get hold of the right people so I can work something out hope to post soon.]

#5 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 02 April 2012 - 07:47 PM

[[Name: Durgan Carlyle
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 5ft 10in
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Mech: Light Mech

Durgan was a fresh recruit from Vulkaneers training academy, he had always been a dedicated student always focusing on his training and education in his free time unlike his fellow comrades who spent there free time parting the nights away. Although Durgan had shown great success in electronic warfare and mech piloting he had never truly perfected his gunnery technique but this only drove him to train even harder. Durgans dedication to his work lead him to jump aboard the first drop ship headed to Barcelona and to report to his new chain of command.

Durgan had arrived on Barcelona during one of the unusually foggy days making the task of finding his new post even more difficult. Durgan found himself exiting the cab outside of what seemed like a old warehouse, as he turned to ask the cabbie if he was sure he was in the right location the cab zipped off into the thick fog. Durgan pulled out his data pad checking the information on his order fumbling around in the almost eery mist. Durgan finally located a street sign and it matched up with the information he was giving but it didn't make any sense Durgan thought to himself this can't be right the most logical conclusion was that the orders were simply wrong. Durgan wasn't going to give up no matter what, Durgan searched around the outside of the warehouse in the hopes of discovering something any signs of the Vulkaneers base.

#6 Sloth901


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 04:13 AM

Will was awoken by an alarm in his cockpit, intruder alert flashed up on all the monitors around his cockpit, he flicked a switch and suddenly all the screens changed to the CCTV cameras. There was a young man barely out of his teens walking through the front entrance. He looked familiar but Will couldn't remember where from. Suddenly the main screen changed, the facial recognition picked him up as a Vulkaneer recruit... He's early, Will thought to himself and cursed at the disturbance of his sleep, He had to admit it though he admired the kids enthusiasm.

Grabbing his data pad Will jumped from the cockpit of his Rifleman on to the Catwalk, He left his assault rifle behind his pilots seat but kept his auto pistol in its holster, he may be a recruit but that doesn't explain why he's here now... better safe than sorry, Will slid down the ladder at the end of the Catwalk, he maybe getting old but this was part of his job, As he ran across the Mech bay he brought up the recruits file on his data pad, Durgan Carlyle ,exceptional in use of BAP's, ECM,ECCM, IFF Jammers the list went on, so we have a recruit whos a hotshot with Electronic warfare, Will glanced at the Raven as he dashed past, "looks like your owners arrived" he said as he ran past, However he aint getting near that Mech until his shooting scores increase, Will slowed his run to a walk and opened a small side door to the warehouse, He'll have to take him out tommorow morning for a test run and see what he can do. "Hey Rookie" he Yelled " you gonna stand outside forever or are you gonna come in" The young man was suprised by the shouts but made his way to the door, as he got there Will could see the shocked look on his face as he saw the Mechlab able to hold 2 lances of mechs hidden as an old warehouse in an industrial complex. Will Grinned "Welcome to the Vulkaneers"

#7 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 07:01 AM

"Thank you sir, and may I say what a amazing facility you have here its so unassuming I just wonder how you get the mechs out undetected by the local population."

Durgan followed up behind the man on his left showing respect to his superior and as he did so he handed the man a sizable pile of paperwork.

Durgan spoke with confidence " These are my awards and recommendations from the past few years of training. As you can see I'm first in my class and excel at almost all aspects of piloting and basic infantry combat. I would ask that I be placed it a light mech if you have one available I prefer the mobility they posses but whatever you can give me will be acceptable sir."

As Durgan looked up from reading from his data pad he final got a chance to take in the sight that was his new base of operations. As the mechs passed by the first a partially disassembled Trebuchet seemed pretty average other then the missing LRM rack. As Durgan he couldn't believe his eyes it was a Raven the pinnacle of light mechs equipped with good weaponry and some of the best electronic warfare equipment available.

Durgan began day dreaming of him seating high in the cockpit striding through the forest of Barcelona stalking his prey. Durgan could barley contain himself when he heard a voice snapping him out of his day dream. He quickly released that he had completely stopped in front of the Raven and was left behind.

"Sorry sir".

Edited by Durgan Carlyle, 03 April 2012 - 07:02 AM.

#8 guardian wolf


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 08:12 AM

Draco walked through the corridors of Castle Base. He looked around the mech bay, and found the new tech that he had contracted from the FRR. The techs that had been here, had been undermanned, and he wanted to get Castle back up to full strength. When he had found the place, Steiner had reported it at minimal strength. That was a huge understatement. Not only was the base underneath a skeleton crew, half of the turrets were in disrepair, and combat strength was zip. Draco had contacted the Steiner Liason officer via HPG, and made an offer he could refuse, 30,000,000 c-bills, for this dump. The commander had happily accepted, and Draco immediately began his work. He started with the techs to try and get everything back into working shape, and the next load of spare parts, and equipment, from the Dragoons factories was to arrive tomorrow. Will, and Rogue seemed to be already on planet, so he was getting closer to having a viable field garrison, temporarily, and he needed to get some of raw recruits that the Dragoons were now pulling in, stationed here. He walked up to the tech, his name was... Rick? Yes that was him.
"So Rick how is the new assignment treating you," Draco looked at the Archer, it was slowly getting back into fighting condition, he'd have to see what he could find in the new shipment of parts, and as for the tech, he'd give him the select choice of this shipment, as he had personally made sure that they could bring enough parts to repair about six Archers, not to mention other things, since he thought it would be nice to get more mechs combat ready, and this Archer, looked like it could use every bit of that equipment.

#9 MacabreDerek


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 09:35 AM

"So Rick, how is the new assignment treating you?"

Rick stopped, and turned to face the voice. His face went pale when he saw this Wolf's Dragoon, though he didnt know this one personally, he did recognize the face from several reports and briefings. He stood at attention, offering a salute, though sloppy by military standards. The loud 'smack' of the broom handle hitting the floor made him jump a bit.

"Sir, the assignment... Well sir, we got alot of work to do. Currently working on some of the command lance that is here, still waiting on the rest to arrive." He found himself stumbling with his words, trying to watch contractions. He never understood why, but his only campaign that involved Wolf's made it clear that the use of them tended to put them in a foul mood. The last thing he needed to do was tick off another one.

He began to walk towards the next mech in the hanger, a Commando. Taking out a large wrench from his tool belt, he looked at the Draconis. A large swing hit the mech's ankle, and the Clang of metal on metal echoed. Closing his eyes, he listened.

"Her bones are rotten sir. Ring is about a second too short, and you can hear the myometer not aborbing the shock. She'll fight, but someday, she'll...." He stopped himself, realizing his use of contractions and tried to immidiatly correct himself. "She WILL fight, but some day the bones will twist, she will get slower, if not break the leg entirely."

His wrench pointed down the line. "Right now, all the parts are assigned to command mechs and the higher-up mercs... No offence. They are parade grounds ready, and I guess if it looks pretty they are happy, but the crew here are going about repairs in the wrong way, mostly because they know there just is not enough to go around. Heck, most of my Archer comes from the scrap bin, and even that stuff has a tendancy to 'disappear' frequently enough. Guess it is an unspoken rule of this hanger, you find it, you can use it to fix something."

"I will be up all night, they dont pay me as a mech warrior, they pay me as a tech. Merc business just has not been good for us freelancers as of late. Not going to lie Sir, was hoping this job would give me more time in the cockpit, but they say I am needed here. Not complaining too loudly ofcourse, but still...."

He looked up at his Archer.

"She's all I got Sir."

His eyes fell towards the black and red arm-paint on his Archer, and wondered if Draconis even knew or cared that a part of Rick's mech was flying Wolf's Dragoon colours. Perhapse it would be best not to point it out, it might just tick him off.

Edited by MacabreDerek, 03 April 2012 - 09:38 AM.

#10 guardian wolf


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 11:07 AM

Draco listened intently and tried hard not to laugh. This tech obviously hadn't served under him before, though he seemed to try and keep up with most of the Dragoons' protocol, not that he preferred it that much. After the tech finished his clumsy report, he let it fly, long and hard, a hearty laugh. He then looked at the tech, he definitely knew his stuff. The tech at first seemed apprehensive, but slowly concealed it.

"I had a feeling about you Rick, and quit stumbling around with the words, just call me Draco. Also, I thought I'd stop by and give you a little surprise. It turns out that our next shipment from Outreach, is arriving tomorrow, and on board, I think you'll find enough parts to bring that Archer of yours, not only to combat ready state, but also, back to nearly pristine condition. And Rick, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, I don't run my company like most Dragoons, if you feel the need to ask something go on ahead, as long as you keep your nose clean, and follow orders decently we won't have problems, understood. Also tomorrow after we get that Archer of yours, yes we, up and running, I want to see you pilot it, see if your worth enough to keep that paint,"

Draco patted the tech on the back, and glanced at the Archer, it was going to be some work, but, he thought he could have it up and running with the new team of techs at least by the end of the day. He was starting to wonder It wasn't much for looks, but another mech was another mech, and we needed that much.

Edited by guardian wolf, 03 April 2012 - 11:07 AM.

#11 Sloth901


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 12:28 PM

Will sighed as the recruit placed the phone book of paperwork in his hand and pretended to listen as the recruit went on about how well he did and how he was first in his class. He stopped when he realised the recruit was no longer following him. He followed the rookies gaze to the Raven confirming his suspicion, they had their Raven pilot, but Will wasn't going to just give it to him "keep up" he yelled doing his best impression of a drill sergeant
"Sorry sir"
"If you want that mech you'll have to earn it, as your here early ill best make use of you, Theres a tailorer at the end of the street who is a friend of mine, at 0700 I want you there being fitted for your uniform,tell them Will sent you. At 0900 I want you to report to this spot for further orders, make yourself at home your one of us now mens quarters is 3rd door on the right Will pointed at a corridor, it will be empty so you get 1st dibs on what bed you want.

Will walked over to the Rifleman and began to climb the ladder, glancing down he saw the man still standing there. "your dismissed to do what you want, oh and one more thing, Dont tell anyone the scale of our base here, as far as the public are concerned this building is used to store parts. As for getting the mech's out without being seen you'll learn that tomorrow" With that he entered the cockpit of his Rifleman and laid back. Ok time for some shut eye, will slipped the paperwork behind his seat and went to sleep for the second time tonight.

#12 RogueSpear


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 01:19 PM

[[You bought a Steiner base for 30mil? Damn Guardian, *HOW* does Draco have ready access to that kind of funding? Keep in mind, you can easily buy an assault lance for that - and you've essentially bought a Steiner planet since this was the only base, last time at least.

/Cracks fingers

Character: Colonel Gavin Felth, leader of the Rogue's Armoured Irregulars, operating out of New Caledonia. Callsign 'RogueSpear'
Appearance: 5' 11", short, loosely cropped naturally dark ginger beard. Since Bonette he's grown his hair out, wearing it in a ponytail while in his 'Mech, often leaving it loose when dismounted. He wears a coolant vest under a full bodyglove fitted with light flak panels to deflect small arms fire. The panels and his helm are a dark, smoked steel colour, the black undersuit is crisscrossed by bright red lines in an angular pattern. Should the panels be unclipped, the pattern can be seen to continue under them. He has piercing blue eyes, cold and focused as cut ice when his anger is roused, but soft and laughing in nature when he's relaxed. He has a plain stainless steel combat knife secured firmly and flatly to his left hip in a black leather holster, atop the outer flak plate the length of his thigh. A large bore pistol with a long barrel and small clip mirrors it on his right hip.
As it did when he was on Bonette, he has a light machine gun strapped to the right of his pilotting chair, a survival pack with a dozen of the 50 round drum barrels and basic survival gear, as well as a few days rations is fitted to the bottom on a steel pedal to protect it from backblast from the seat's booster. Some things it seems, never change.
Mech: DVS-2RAI, custom variant of the DVS-2 Devastator. Replaces the Gauss Rifles with LBXAC-10s, each with 2 tonnes of HEAP and 1 tonnes of cluster rounds, upgrades the PPCs to ER models, it also drops a heat sink. The XL engine is dropped for a fusion engine, and the chassis replaced by a bulkier endo steel model. The medium lasers are dropped for 2 machine guns and a tonne of ammo split between two half tonne bins in the torsos. CASE protects both torsos and it also mounts a command console.

Don't worry, I'm bringing a company, but only so we can blow up plenty of our own stuff as well as the clans during the first few battles. I'll be dropping to half strength tops, more likely, a wounded lance]]

Spear slumped into the recliner chair in his cabin, sinking into it in exhaustion. He'd spent all day looking for a bay to store his 'mechs after the one he'd arranged to store his prototype lance in had turned out to have exaggerated it's capabilities - the shack could barely have stored a single light mech, never mind the mixed company he'd brought to the planet. He'd need to get into contact with Will and see if the Vulkaneers had any spare space at all, their new Fortress class dropship had been unable to go under renovations yet and could only garrison the company, but with the prototypes on board he could barely fit the 'mechs and their gear, nevermind maintain them.
He groaned. This trip had been a nightmare, they'd had to dismount the new Long Tom they'd mounted on the Goliath and tie it down to a hauler they'd had to buy and store it in the vehicle bay for trans-
His P-comm buzzing was a welcome interruption to his unhappy thoughts. Meet me in the bar in 15 minutes. An attachment held directions. Will you beautiful b*st*rd, I could kiss you. He shoved himself out the chair, hooking his jacket off the desk as he went.

Edited by RogueSpear, 18 September 2012 - 08:23 PM.

#13 Sloth901


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 01:27 PM

[[the meet up is the next day, Wills asleep atm XD]]

#14 MacabreDerek


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 04:33 PM

View Postguardian wolf, on 03 April 2012 - 11:07 AM, said:

Draco listened intently and tried hard not to laugh. This tech obviously hadn't served under him before, though he seemed to try and keep up with most of the Dragoons' protocol, not that he preferred it that much. After the tech finished his clumsy report, he let it fly, long and hard, a hearty laugh. He then looked at the tech, he definitely knew his stuff. The tech at first seemed apprehensive, but slowly concealed it.

"I had a feeling about you Rick, and quit stumbling around with the words, just call me Draco. Also, I thought I'd stop by and give you a little surprise. It turns out that our next shipment from Outreach, is arriving tomorrow, and on board, I think you'll find enough parts to bring that Archer of yours, not only to combat ready state, but also, back to nearly pristine condition. And Rick, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, I don't run my company like most Dragoons, if you feel the need to ask something go on ahead, as long as you keep your nose clean, and follow orders decently we won't have problems, understood. Also tomorrow after we get that Archer of yours, yes we, up and running, I want to see you pilot it, see if your worth enough to keep that paint,"

Draco patted the tech on the back, and glanced at the Archer, it was going to be some work, but, he thought he could have it up and running with the new team of techs at least by the end of the day. He was starting to wonder It wasn't much for looks, but another mech was another mech, and we needed that much.

"Wait, wha-?" Rick's face was almost stuck in disbelief.

"Sir...er, Draco, I am not sure if my budget could support such repairs, and we have alot more important machines needing replacment parts. The crew can work some OT, I am sure your own techs are more than up for the challenge, but a complete overhaul is gonna be tight for the budget. I mean, er...." He decided it would probably be best if he just became quiet and gave himself time to stop this knee-jerk responce.

"It will be done, Draco."

He decided it was probably best not to argue his way out of a chance to score the parts he needed for his own Mech, and far less the chance to get the other pieces that were desperatly needed to outfit the rest of the mechs in the hanger. It would be a few days work at minimum to get most of the mechs to proper working order, and even more time to get them to 'show-room' condition that seemed to be this Dragoon's plan.

He reached down and picked up the broom he had dropped, and moved it to the side, tucking it in the girders that outlined the wall. "I will try not to disappoint you if you want a demonstration. Was wet behind the ears when I got that bit of paint, maybe I'll someday.... Maybe some day I WILL get the chance to prove it to you."

Looking up at the 70-ton hunk of mech that looked more like it was a part of some undead mech horror movie than a proper machine of war. Internal wiring needed a complete overhaul, removal of the old scrap-sheet-armour for proper fitting, and not to mention the engine shielding, plus the... ARG. His fist clenched at the amount of mickey-mousing holding this 'Franken-Archer' together.

"Draco... I heard that Wolf's Dragoons change the config of thier Archers removing the back-lasers for twin SRM-4s. I was thinking it might be prudent to change this one's config to bring the two mediums in the back and place them in the arms. More flexable, and if you're careful, heat should be managable if forced up-close combat. I... Well Sir, I never had a real chance like this to make her as fit for duty as this, and I believe if you're gonna do a complete overhaul, it's best to do it right the first time."

His nerves were getting to him. Rick was never one for spine and asking for things, and he was becoming even more nervous on having other techs on his baby. Still, it was an opportunity he had to take.

"Anyway Sir, I'll... I will start the crew in the morning to start preparing the lances for overhauls." He shot a salute, this time being grateful the broom wasnt there to hit the floor and make him jump. The reality was he would be awake all night in his Archer's cockpit running simulations, hoping to be warm enough to be able to pull off some kind of half-decent demonstration. Rick didnt need to have another commander not taking him seriously. For all his faults, no one could ever say he never put in the work and preperation into any objective he was given, and proving himself to a Wolf's Dragoons would be probably some of the best credit he could gain to his lackluster reputation as a mech pilot.

As always, the work was there.

#15 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 04:58 PM

View PostSloth901, on 03 April 2012 - 12:28 PM, said:

"your dismissed to do what you want, oh and one more thing, Dont tell anyone the scale of our base here, as far as the public are concerned this building is used to store parts. As for getting the mech's out without being seen you'll learn that tomorrow" With that he entered the cockpit of his Rifleman and laid back. Ok time for some shut eye, will slipped the paperwork behind his seat and went to sleep for the second time tonight.

Durgan nodded and headed back into the quarters, at first glance it seemed pretty basic but there was something nostalgic from his time at the academy. Durgan choose the rack closes to the corner placing his bag in the locker and plugging his data pad into the outlet. Durgan lazily slumped onto his bed and sit staring at the ceiling wondering what his future he would be like the possibilities were limitless, as he continued to contemplate he dozed off.

Durgan awoke from his deep slumber rising out of his bed first thing he grabbed his bag pulling out a clean set of cloths and headed to showers. Durgan emerged from the shower in the clean cloths tossing the dirty ones in the corner of his locker, he then proceeded and unplugged his data pad and checked the time.

"S*%T, 0640"

Durgan slide the data pad into his cargo pocket and ran to the exit, emerging from the warehouse into the streets another rainy day. Durgan thought to himself if the rain doesn't stop soon this place will drive him up the wall and then proceeded to race down the street towards the tailor. As Durgan approached the tailor he noticed a man in a hood opening the door and flicking on the lights, Durgan slide in behind the man shaking his cloth as dry as he could.

"Hello sir, um Will sent me..."

The man didn't answer him only pointing at a raised pedestal in the center of the room, Durgan walked upon the pedestal trying to get a clear look at the man but as soon as he almost got a glance a bright light flicker on and blinded him.

"So hows business?"

The man did not reply to Durgans attempt to talk the only response he got was a occasional grunt. The measurement only took about five minutes, but as soon as the measurements were done the man slipped into the back. Durgan was unsure of what to do one thing was for sure he couldn't stand the light any longer he dropped down spotting a chair in the corner sitting down Durgan finally got a look at the shop. The windows were tinted a very unusual practice for this kind of retailer and there were very few uniforms dressing along the walls Durgan began thinking to himself perhaps there is a bit more to this place then it seemed. Before Durgan could think anymore about it the mans arm appeared from behind the wall holding a suit. Durgan launched up from the chair across the room as in a kid in a candy store grabbing the suit, Durgan barley heard the man voice but understood it clearly.

"If it fits get on out of here"

Durgan immediately put it on as he dawned the uniform he looked in the mirror it was primarily a dark red with a thin white line down the one side of the chest with utility pockets throughout the whole thing. Satisfied with the look and fit Durgan left out the door still wondering about the man and his odd shop. The rain had stopped while Durgan was in the shop looking around this section of town seemed a bit on the shady side but the people moving like little worker bee flowing around him seemed peaceful enough, Durgan turned and headed back to the warehouse.

As Durgan approached the warehouse he looked around trying to make his entrance as discrete and unnoticed as possible with no one around Durgan scurried in and down to his room. Durgan dropped his old cloths off in his room looking around to see if any other newcomers had arrived but alas there was not. Durgan headed into the mech bay to admire the raven but on his way he ran into a familiar face. Durgan gave off a quick salute and the usual greeting to a superior.

"Morning Sir" dropping his salute he continued to talk "That tailor was quite weird but his does a great job.... so what do you have for today?"

#16 guardian wolf


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 09:54 AM

Draco nodded in agreement at the suggestion.
"If you can make it work Rick, I'll leave it to you,"
He then saw that Rick was getting back to work, and moved down the hangar to get a view of what was outside. Draco knew that Will was set up somewhere in the nearby city, but not where. He didn't have clue as to where Spear was, or what he was doing, so he decided to go to town to see what was currently available. He got into one of the Humvee's, with an dismounted LMG laying in the backseat. It was one of the few things that the Lyrans had left behind, that was in working condition. Kelly Yukinov was going to contact him soon, about the base. He hoped to have it up and running when they finally arrived. Draco put the vehicle into gear, and began to drive through the rain towards the city.

#17 Orcinus


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 03:06 PM

Name: Edmund Brennan
Callsign: Estoc
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5’ 10”
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Mech: Atlas AS7-D
A veteran mechwarrior in the 17th Skye Rangers, Brennan has been in the business ever since graduating from the Military Academy 8 years before. He is generally the quietest one in any given room and usually doesn’t go out of his way to meet people. His tendency to be aggressive and his refusal to back down from a challenge have given him a measure of infamy within his unit. He is especially well-known for his marksmanship in a ‘mech, a trait he has every intention of exploiting in his newly-assigned ‘mech.

Walking along, Brennan wore a broad smile—an astounding creature almost unseen by mortal eyes.

He had heard the news straight from his Major. One week's leave. He had protested that his time would be better spent at the base.

“And what about your family?”

“I don’t think you understand, Sir, I—wait, what?”

As a Leutnant, he made a decent enough income, almost all of which he sent back to his family on Skye. His wife, Clare, had initially insisted that he keep more for himself. Naturally, he stubbornly continued to send money. Equally stubborn, she had retorted by sending back gifts occasionally. He had multiple spare medipacks, outdoors clothing, and similar items accumulating in his bunk, to the point where he would give out some to his fellow pilots.

And now, upon hearing of his new assignment, Clare had taken some of the money she saved in order to visit him on Barcelona.

Brennan and Clare walked side-by-side along one of the more scenic streets of Barcelona. Maeve, their six-year-old daughter, enthusiastically ran ahead of them.

Clare turned to her husband, a wily grin on her face. “I know what you want to say.”

Brennan’s smile slipped away. “I just can’t believe you would go to the trouble—”

“Of coming halfway across the Inner Sphere to see my husband? Do you have any idea who you’re talking to here?”

He chuckled.

“Besides, it’s not everyday that Maeve gets to see her father, with you always being away from home and all.”

Almost on cue, Maeve stopped and gestured wildly, telling her parents to hurry up.

Brennan sighed, and then continued smiling his uncharacteristic smile.

Edited by Orcinus, 11 April 2012 - 06:55 AM.

#18 Sloth901


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 06:06 PM

Will was up and ready to go, he was checking the operational status of the locust when Durgan arrived back at base, 3 techs where working on the Trebuchet reinstalling the LRM 15 per Wills request. Durgan snapped a salute to Will

"Morning Sir. That Tailor was quite weird but he does a great job... so what do you have for today?"

"First of all dont call me Sir. Im Will. I never liked the official Cr*p its why I never use my rank, As for the plans today were going on a little training exercise. As your here early I can test our new mechs and your skills at the same time, Today the Locust is all yours, familiarise yourself with the cockpit we move out in 15 minutes. I'll radio further orders, channel 7"

Both men departed in different directions to their respective mechs. The techs had finished their job and where moving to the Panther.

The Trebuchet's cockpit felt small to Will. The only Mech he'd piloted since he joined the Vulkaneer's was that Rifleman, It was strange but Will new where all the controls where just from instinct. He hadn't used LRM's since is uncle trained him 24 years ago so he was a little rusty but that means it would be a learning experience for both of them.

15 minutes was up. Will raised the mic of the radio to his mouth, "Ok Rookie your now gonna see how to leave our base discretely." Will pushed 2 buttons on his data pad and the 2 Occupied war machines began to sink into the ground. "The mech bays double as elevators, we have a tunnel network leading to 4 different exits around town 1 bring us up in a nearby forest, 1 brings us up in a farmers barn, 1 brings us to a mock up of a town and the last one is for emergency's only and leads into a warehouse next to the local garrison. today were going to the mock up town. Follow me to Nav Alpha." The Trebuchet accelerated down a tunnel marked City fight followed shortly by the Locust "I'll explain the exercise when we arrive"

#19 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 06:31 PM

Durgan followed closely behind the Trebuchet until they reached the end of the tunnel coming to a crawl until the door ahead opened revealing the mock up town. Durgan was quite surprised by the intricacy of the base and how well it was hidin in such plain sight. Durgan took a moment to complete his familiarization of the locust feeling pretty comfortable with it he throw the throttle up and took off darting around Will. Durgan manipulated the Locust at almost max speed in and out off the building moving like a majestic deer of old Earth.

"This thing handles like a beauty but lets see what she can really do."

Durgan moved into a straight away and smashed on the throttle the mech took off, Durgan watched as the speed read out reached higher and higher finally peaking around 128 KM/H. Durgan watched as the mock buildings turned into nothing but blurs and as suddenly as he started he pulled back on the throttle, the Locust began to skid coming closer and closer to the building at the end of the street. The Locust came to a halt narrowly missing the building but the mech seem to be tipping over almost as if it were about to fall into the mock building, but Durgan manipulated the controls and swung the mech around recovering just in time now facing away from the building down towards Will in his Trebuchet.

"Nice so now what?"

#20 MacabreDerek


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 07:37 PM

It was early morning, Rick with the other techs were stripping every mech they had down. No parts that were even remotely questionable would remain by the time the crew was done, Rick just hoped Draco would arrive with the shipment soon. He wouldnt be so nervous if it wasnt for the request made of him, the chance to prove he 'earned his colours'.

The sun was just creeping over the horizon, and the warmth caused a long-winded yawn from Rick's mouth. He still had not slept since he got the news in the wee hours of the morning, and he spent alot of time in the half-baked simulator program running in his Archer from it's days as a training mech. The program was horrible, out of date, buggy, but it was the closest thing to real-combat he had expirenced in almost a year, and the results of him being 'killed in action' more than a dozen times last night did not bode well.

Still, he had work to do. At this point he was opperating the cieling-crane that was bringing down an LRM rack from a Trebuchet that they had down almost to it's skeleton. The mechbay floor was so crowded with components, one could hardly walk a mech out or in the mechbay if they tried. After this, he would have to inspect the parts and start marking what was salvagable and what was destined for the scrap heap. If Rick had his way, they would go through each component and repair it back to near mint condition, but they didnt have the time and the new parts would be here. He could take the time later to refurbish the older parts that could be saved into spares for the mech bay.

'Ha!' he thought. This mech bay hadn't known what a spare part was since he got here. As he lowered the LRM rack to the floor atop a pallet, he looked past the dangling chains to see the one mech they had not touched yet. His Archer. He told the techs to leave it be for now, because the other mechs too priority. They were mechs piloted by mechwarriors, skilled fighters, the people relying on the best this crew had to offer, and by Kerensky he would make damn sure it was the best these techs could muster.

Still, there was a part of him that was hesitant to even take Draco up on his offer. Something didnt sit right with him, and it was gnawing at him. It just seemed to good to be true. It's not that he didnt believe the Wolf's Dragoon, but there felt like there was a piece of the puzzle that didnt make sense. He had been trying for years to get this machine up and running, and here he is near twenty years and he gets it handed to him on a silver plate.

Shaking his head, trying to dislodge his skeptisim, he tried to focus on the work ahead. He had a job to do, and he would see it through. Still, the worry gnawed at the back of his mind.

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