Thom nodded as he dragged off the Enforcer to the Southwest with the Raven tagging along.
"Dat's afine wit me, but's stay close and be's on da look out fer badguys. I's don't want to stumble into whatev shot dis here Forcer up. Oh yeah an my's name es Thom... You's a didn't hear me chatting it up on da com lines?"
Thom frowned after he asked that question, there were three possibilities and none were good. Either his radio system wasn't working, he was being jammed (and he HATED being jammed) or this guy was a nimrod at the controls of the greatest electronic warfare packages ever made. All bad.
"Dis way's a follow me, Durgan. We's a goona take da scenic route." With that said Thom lead the other mech to the South further out into the warrens before doubling back towards the spaceport... best take all care to avoid other people and the easiest approaches to the city.

Clan (Jade Falcon) Occupation, (Role Playing Story) (Reboot)
Started by guardian wolf, Apr 02 2012 11:39 AM
229 replies to this topic
Posted 06 October 2012 - 12:10 PM
Posted 15 October 2012 - 02:05 PM
Will Andor
Nearing Castle,
T-Day, 13:45.
As the truck barrelled down the road towards CASTLE Will contemplated the situation he found himself in and quite honestly he was in shock...
1 day...
In 1 day everything had gone to sh*t.
He’d been on this planet for ten years and the most serious incident was when a Wolfhound fell in the mechbay, but now. He had one pilot down, one pilot rogue, two mechs crippled, one mech stolen. Most of this due to one unknown light mech. What the hell is going on? Someone knew what it was. Someone had to know. And Will knew who...
Draconis Wolf.
That ******* had been setting up as if he knew this was coming, he had the base, the mechs, the men to hold off a small invasion and well... LOOK WHAT THE **** IS HAPPENING!!!
God Will didn’t think he’d hated anyone more in his life, not even the general who led the entire DC invasion on Bonette. The old Terra saying went like this: If you were on fire I wouldn’t **** you out.
If Draco were on fire he’d pour gasoline on it and take pot shots so as not to allow him to stop drop and roll and after the flames had died and all that remained was his corpse he would build a cloning machine attached to a buzz saw so he could watch in glee as Draco is born only to be sawn in half before he knew what hit him...
A thought slipped into Will’s mind that he may be over exaggerating but he was allowed to be. This was his home and that Dragoon *******, his friend, knew about it. His thoughts slipped to Bonette, the smell of burnt flesh and steel as the combine torched everything and signed the death warrant of thousands of innocents, the fear of losing everything...
“Not again, Gav, NOT AGAIN!!!” Will fought back a tear and desperately wanted to hit something but if he broke his knuckles now, he couldn’t hit Draco.
He met Spears eyes as Spear nodded "Not if I can help it old friend. Not if I can help it."
Nearing Castle,
T-Day, 14:00 Hours,
Will watched out the back of the truck as they passed the APC its back doors where opening and people where getting out, one of which was Draco.
“STOPTHE F*CKING TRUCK!!!” Will yelled before standing and undoing the holster for his pistol. As the truck neared a halt Will vaulted the back and made a beeline straight for the Dragoon ******* "DRACO! WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON?" he swore he heard his voice echo back, did he always sound that scary when he was pissed off, he should yell more often. Anyway back to Draco killing mode.
"I, I guess you want to know what's going on? We had better go inside to the holo map room, where prying eyes won't be eavesdropping on us.” Draco actually looked scared.
And rightfully so.
Will punched Draco in the side of the head sending him to the ground, then drew his pistol from its holster and pointed it straight at Draco’s face. Will vaguely registered that the person that was next to Draco had pulled a side arm and was now aiming it at him. Will didn’t care; he’d take them all on. Anyone who got in his way wished for this planet to burn like Bonette and Will would not let that happen. Wills finger tightened on the trigger and the man with Draco began yelling demands, Will just ignored them and waited...
Until the moment when Spear flew into Draco’s ‘friend’, twisting his arm up away from Will and sending the pistol clattering away, shouting at Will to stop. Will lowered his aim and fired putting a bullet directly between Draco’s legs about an inch below his manly hood.
“Now that we’re clear where we stand Draco you will tell me everything, and you will not ******** me or I will grind you into powder and use you to fertilise Barcelona’s fields you ****.” Will looked up to see while he was ranting Castle’s guards had moved up and he now had 3 assault rifles pointed at him. Glaring at them, he pointedly holstered his pistol and clipped it shut. A guard stepped forward with a pair of handcuffs. ”Buddy, if you think I’m putting those on you’ve got another thing coming.”
Nearing Castle,
T-Day, 13:45.
As the truck barrelled down the road towards CASTLE Will contemplated the situation he found himself in and quite honestly he was in shock...
1 day...
In 1 day everything had gone to sh*t.
He’d been on this planet for ten years and the most serious incident was when a Wolfhound fell in the mechbay, but now. He had one pilot down, one pilot rogue, two mechs crippled, one mech stolen. Most of this due to one unknown light mech. What the hell is going on? Someone knew what it was. Someone had to know. And Will knew who...
Draconis Wolf.
That ******* had been setting up as if he knew this was coming, he had the base, the mechs, the men to hold off a small invasion and well... LOOK WHAT THE **** IS HAPPENING!!!
God Will didn’t think he’d hated anyone more in his life, not even the general who led the entire DC invasion on Bonette. The old Terra saying went like this: If you were on fire I wouldn’t **** you out.
If Draco were on fire he’d pour gasoline on it and take pot shots so as not to allow him to stop drop and roll and after the flames had died and all that remained was his corpse he would build a cloning machine attached to a buzz saw so he could watch in glee as Draco is born only to be sawn in half before he knew what hit him...
A thought slipped into Will’s mind that he may be over exaggerating but he was allowed to be. This was his home and that Dragoon *******, his friend, knew about it. His thoughts slipped to Bonette, the smell of burnt flesh and steel as the combine torched everything and signed the death warrant of thousands of innocents, the fear of losing everything...
“Not again, Gav, NOT AGAIN!!!” Will fought back a tear and desperately wanted to hit something but if he broke his knuckles now, he couldn’t hit Draco.
He met Spears eyes as Spear nodded "Not if I can help it old friend. Not if I can help it."
Nearing Castle,
T-Day, 14:00 Hours,
Will watched out the back of the truck as they passed the APC its back doors where opening and people where getting out, one of which was Draco.
“STOPTHE F*CKING TRUCK!!!” Will yelled before standing and undoing the holster for his pistol. As the truck neared a halt Will vaulted the back and made a beeline straight for the Dragoon ******* "DRACO! WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON?" he swore he heard his voice echo back, did he always sound that scary when he was pissed off, he should yell more often. Anyway back to Draco killing mode.
"I, I guess you want to know what's going on? We had better go inside to the holo map room, where prying eyes won't be eavesdropping on us.” Draco actually looked scared.
And rightfully so.
Will punched Draco in the side of the head sending him to the ground, then drew his pistol from its holster and pointed it straight at Draco’s face. Will vaguely registered that the person that was next to Draco had pulled a side arm and was now aiming it at him. Will didn’t care; he’d take them all on. Anyone who got in his way wished for this planet to burn like Bonette and Will would not let that happen. Wills finger tightened on the trigger and the man with Draco began yelling demands, Will just ignored them and waited...
Until the moment when Spear flew into Draco’s ‘friend’, twisting his arm up away from Will and sending the pistol clattering away, shouting at Will to stop. Will lowered his aim and fired putting a bullet directly between Draco’s legs about an inch below his manly hood.
“Now that we’re clear where we stand Draco you will tell me everything, and you will not ******** me or I will grind you into powder and use you to fertilise Barcelona’s fields you ****.” Will looked up to see while he was ranting Castle’s guards had moved up and he now had 3 assault rifles pointed at him. Glaring at them, he pointedly holstered his pistol and clipped it shut. A guard stepped forward with a pair of handcuffs. ”Buddy, if you think I’m putting those on you’ve got another thing coming.”
Posted 17 October 2012 - 04:47 AM
Castle Courtyard on way to Map Room,
T-Day, 14:03 Hours
Draco let the blow connect, and went to the ground hard when Will's fist hit him.
Damn he's got a hook, Draco thought to himself, when the shot went off between his legs. Draco sighed, this was getting worse. It was a suicide mission that was supposed to be kept secret, what did you expect, flowers? Draco shook his head, clearing the stars from his vision, and then spoke to Connors, who was going to try to cuff Will.
"Stand down Connors, I don't need him in handcuffs,"
"Sir, with all due respect-"
"I know what he just attempted Connors, now go get ******* Shade, and that report!"
"That's going to be a negative sir," he pressed a button to his ear piece radio "Shade this is Connors,"
"Go ahead,"
"Draco wants a status report of all active units ASAP, in the map room,"
"On it,"
Connors looked back at Draco, and then back at Will and Spear. He then motioned that they proceed, and his Dragoons, lowered their weapons, and went back to their duties. Draco just shook his head and sighed. Things were falling apart. He spoke slowly and in a conversational tone.
"Well, I guess we had better get moving,"
He began to walk towards the map room. He began to speak as he walked.
"Funny thing, we got this place with a grant from Dragoon High Command. Said we wanted to get a base started up for my Hell Jumpers, give ‘em a place to train, to work, to live, too bad it won't be used for that purpose. See, the real reason behind this base, and the fact that I only have what, a Commando, some Fleas, a couple of Hunchbacks, Jone's Jenner, Rick's Archer, and my Warhammer? They knew that we weren't meant to survive, if anything all we're doing is buying time. Well, I guess it's what I signed up for," the arrived at a small door, with a sign that said Authorized personnel only.
Draco opened the door, and stepped inside. It was a smaller room, but big enough for about seven people to discuss something, with a little elbow room. The far wall had a flag, black with the blood red snarling Wolf's Head, the symbol for the Dragoons. On the right wall, was hanging another banner, showing a black Wolf's Head surrounded by flames, the symbol for his Hell Jumpers. The left wall had medals and awards that had been won by the unit; it caused Draco to shiver when he thought about how most were earned. Draco turned to face Will, and Gavin, who he hoped they were at least friendly. He wouldn't count on that, couldn't count on it, as he had betrayed them, by trying to help them, he had stabbed them in the back. Well, he just as well tell them and get it over with. He took the small disc he had carried with him and inserted it into the projector, causing it to hum to life. He spoke in a more confident tone now than before, but still his confidence, and overall morale was at an all time low.
"Gavin, William, I... I have done something that no friend, no true friend should have ever done. I have made the worst mistake that I could have ever made, and that was not telling you the truth to begin with. Will, I have just received my orders a short time ago, that this op is currently online, as the Invasion is getting ready to commence. It isn't the Combine, The Capellans, Davions, or others. It is instead the Clans, the descendants of Kerensky's force that was in exile. Know that what I'm telling you now, is not only violating my orders, but would also get me court marshaled and probably executed. Their tech, their weapons, their pilots, will all be better than ours. I have orders to hold the line as long as possible, and then, establish a resistance to poison their advance. The entire Hell Jumpers Company followed me, or, what was left. My team from Bonnette followed me, willingly to here, where the opening gambits of the Jade Falcon Clan will be made," an image came up, of a green falcon holding a sword "My unit stands no chance, which is why we were sent here, and, which is why when I saw you two on planet, I had no choice but to not tell you. I simply couldn't risk you leaving, or jeopardizing my cover. My unit alone would be obliterated like a pile of stones to a tidal wave, but, at least with what I have, I can make sure that I do everything in my power to help you guys make it through the first wave, to survive. We don’t have many advantages, but with the information on that disc, you might stand a chance,"
Draco waited for shouting from Will that was bound to happen, or another punch.
Castle Courtyard on way to Map Room,
T-Day, 14:03 Hours
Draco let the blow connect, and went to the ground hard when Will's fist hit him.
Damn he's got a hook, Draco thought to himself, when the shot went off between his legs. Draco sighed, this was getting worse. It was a suicide mission that was supposed to be kept secret, what did you expect, flowers? Draco shook his head, clearing the stars from his vision, and then spoke to Connors, who was going to try to cuff Will.
"Stand down Connors, I don't need him in handcuffs,"
"Sir, with all due respect-"
"I know what he just attempted Connors, now go get ******* Shade, and that report!"
"That's going to be a negative sir," he pressed a button to his ear piece radio "Shade this is Connors,"
"Go ahead,"
"Draco wants a status report of all active units ASAP, in the map room,"
"On it,"
Connors looked back at Draco, and then back at Will and Spear. He then motioned that they proceed, and his Dragoons, lowered their weapons, and went back to their duties. Draco just shook his head and sighed. Things were falling apart. He spoke slowly and in a conversational tone.
"Well, I guess we had better get moving,"
He began to walk towards the map room. He began to speak as he walked.
"Funny thing, we got this place with a grant from Dragoon High Command. Said we wanted to get a base started up for my Hell Jumpers, give ‘em a place to train, to work, to live, too bad it won't be used for that purpose. See, the real reason behind this base, and the fact that I only have what, a Commando, some Fleas, a couple of Hunchbacks, Jone's Jenner, Rick's Archer, and my Warhammer? They knew that we weren't meant to survive, if anything all we're doing is buying time. Well, I guess it's what I signed up for," the arrived at a small door, with a sign that said Authorized personnel only.
Draco opened the door, and stepped inside. It was a smaller room, but big enough for about seven people to discuss something, with a little elbow room. The far wall had a flag, black with the blood red snarling Wolf's Head, the symbol for the Dragoons. On the right wall, was hanging another banner, showing a black Wolf's Head surrounded by flames, the symbol for his Hell Jumpers. The left wall had medals and awards that had been won by the unit; it caused Draco to shiver when he thought about how most were earned. Draco turned to face Will, and Gavin, who he hoped they were at least friendly. He wouldn't count on that, couldn't count on it, as he had betrayed them, by trying to help them, he had stabbed them in the back. Well, he just as well tell them and get it over with. He took the small disc he had carried with him and inserted it into the projector, causing it to hum to life. He spoke in a more confident tone now than before, but still his confidence, and overall morale was at an all time low.
"Gavin, William, I... I have done something that no friend, no true friend should have ever done. I have made the worst mistake that I could have ever made, and that was not telling you the truth to begin with. Will, I have just received my orders a short time ago, that this op is currently online, as the Invasion is getting ready to commence. It isn't the Combine, The Capellans, Davions, or others. It is instead the Clans, the descendants of Kerensky's force that was in exile. Know that what I'm telling you now, is not only violating my orders, but would also get me court marshaled and probably executed. Their tech, their weapons, their pilots, will all be better than ours. I have orders to hold the line as long as possible, and then, establish a resistance to poison their advance. The entire Hell Jumpers Company followed me, or, what was left. My team from Bonnette followed me, willingly to here, where the opening gambits of the Jade Falcon Clan will be made," an image came up, of a green falcon holding a sword "My unit stands no chance, which is why we were sent here, and, which is why when I saw you two on planet, I had no choice but to not tell you. I simply couldn't risk you leaving, or jeopardizing my cover. My unit alone would be obliterated like a pile of stones to a tidal wave, but, at least with what I have, I can make sure that I do everything in my power to help you guys make it through the first wave, to survive. We don’t have many advantages, but with the information on that disc, you might stand a chance,"
Draco waited for shouting from Will that was bound to happen, or another punch.
Posted 17 October 2012 - 09:31 AM
[I gotta ask, you know that the Falcons are going to attack Barcelona? Do you also know which Clans are actually invading at this time? Just trying to figure out how awesome your intell is.]
Posted 17 October 2012 - 09:35 AM
[[I believe GW's justification is either Clan Wolf reported it to the Dragoons, or they saw Jade Falcons in this vicinity or something. I chose not to ask

Posted 17 October 2012 - 09:37 AM
[[That I can buy.]]
Posted 21 October 2012 - 07:14 PM
The scenic route back to the spaceport was not very scenic. Like the typical weather here on Barcelona the rain was pouring down making the terrain difficult to move through. Although things weren't looking bright Durgan quite enjoyed the sound of the rain drops smashing against his cockpit it seemed soothing and very relaxing. Even though the urge to lay back and perhaps take a nap came across his mind he stayed vigilant always checking his radar and other sensors for the tail tail signs of the unknown marauder. Durgan turned and looked at Thom and his Black-Jack slowly creeping forward having a bit of trouble making way with the enforcer behind it digging deeper into the mud.
Durgan flipped open a channel “Things are looking pretty bad out here, do you think you can make it the rest of the way.... however far that might be?”
Durgan flipped open a channel “Things are looking pretty bad out here, do you think you can make it the rest of the way.... however far that might be?”
Posted 26 October 2012 - 10:39 PM
Hey guys can I join?
Here's my bio.
He was trueborn as a Jade Falcon, but while still in the sibko he instead felt a calling to the Legend of the Jade Chicken. This brought about a kind of institutional discrimination against his beliefs in his superiors and they manipulated his Trials of Position until he was a lowly infantryman.
Fortunately, his unit was challenged by a unit of Sea Foxxes. Though his unit was soundly defeated he impressed the Foxxes with his cunning by infiltrating their headquarters by wearing a fur suit. They were so impressed that they took him as bondsman.
Life was difficult as a Sea Fox bondsman, but he steeled his courage and earned his entry to the Merchant Caste via the Trial of Yiffing. He spent several years working at a gas station. He worked hard and saved up until he could afford to buy the gas station and change it into the Fried Space Chicken restaurant of his dreams and his faith.
Trouble was on the horizon though as his use of the term restaurant for his food stand invoked the Taurians who were obviously the tools of Stefan Amaris. Parents forbid thier children from working at such an obvious place of corruption. In a cunning maneuver he had his employers wear chicken suits. His accptance of wearing casual clothing at work inspired young labourers to leave the homes of their gene-matched parents and work for a living. This won him the grudging respect and gratitude of the parents.
Several years later the Scientist caste ruled that his 'Original Recipie' was a combat drug. By causing sibkin of both genders to grow mustaches and goatees at a young age he was brining them closer to to their inner animal thus ensuring thier ferocity on the battlefield. The Clan Council voted and reinstated him as a Star Colonel in the supply galaxy for this break through.
It was around this time that he faced ilKhan Ulric Kerensky in poker and won his wife when the ilKhan overextended on an All-In. Though he regreted this greatly it offered an oppertunity to take her name, thus gaining a Blood Name.
Now financially secure as his restaurant chain continued to grow, he used his wealth and position to promise a cluster of Omnimechs to the Clan that brought him a breeding population of Jade Chickens. He had heard rumours in the Wolf's Drraagguuns(4 time Champion from the day) that the Jade Chickens had been spotted in Liao space. Until he receives that Holy Grail of Poultry he will have to content himself with selectively breeding the victors of Stranta Mechty's vicious **** fights.
Here's my bio.
He was trueborn as a Jade Falcon, but while still in the sibko he instead felt a calling to the Legend of the Jade Chicken. This brought about a kind of institutional discrimination against his beliefs in his superiors and they manipulated his Trials of Position until he was a lowly infantryman.
Fortunately, his unit was challenged by a unit of Sea Foxxes. Though his unit was soundly defeated he impressed the Foxxes with his cunning by infiltrating their headquarters by wearing a fur suit. They were so impressed that they took him as bondsman.
Life was difficult as a Sea Fox bondsman, but he steeled his courage and earned his entry to the Merchant Caste via the Trial of Yiffing. He spent several years working at a gas station. He worked hard and saved up until he could afford to buy the gas station and change it into the Fried Space Chicken restaurant of his dreams and his faith.
Trouble was on the horizon though as his use of the term restaurant for his food stand invoked the Taurians who were obviously the tools of Stefan Amaris. Parents forbid thier children from working at such an obvious place of corruption. In a cunning maneuver he had his employers wear chicken suits. His accptance of wearing casual clothing at work inspired young labourers to leave the homes of their gene-matched parents and work for a living. This won him the grudging respect and gratitude of the parents.
Several years later the Scientist caste ruled that his 'Original Recipie' was a combat drug. By causing sibkin of both genders to grow mustaches and goatees at a young age he was brining them closer to to their inner animal thus ensuring thier ferocity on the battlefield. The Clan Council voted and reinstated him as a Star Colonel in the supply galaxy for this break through.
It was around this time that he faced ilKhan Ulric Kerensky in poker and won his wife when the ilKhan overextended on an All-In. Though he regreted this greatly it offered an oppertunity to take her name, thus gaining a Blood Name.
Now financially secure as his restaurant chain continued to grow, he used his wealth and position to promise a cluster of Omnimechs to the Clan that brought him a breeding population of Jade Chickens. He had heard rumours in the Wolf's Drraagguuns(4 time Champion from the day) that the Jade Chickens had been spotted in Liao space. Until he receives that Holy Grail of Poultry he will have to content himself with selectively breeding the victors of Stranta Mechty's vicious **** fights.
Edited by Star Colonel Sanders Kerensky, 26 October 2012 - 10:39 PM.
Posted 03 November 2012 - 08:42 PM
“You have to hide, sweetie,” her father said, “otherwise they’ll find you.”
Heather could feel an oppressive heat to her right. Someone had left the oven door open.
“Sneak sneak. Like Wei-Min. Hide in the closet,” her father said, climbing into the oven.
“Dad, no!” she cried, but it was too late. The flames licked around him, charring his skin and melting his bones. She turned and ran from the scene, but her right leg was strangely numb.
“You’re still operating at 1.1Gs,” said midget Astech Fitzgerald, sniffing at some of the blood from her leg, “That’s why you feel like you’re flying.”
“We don’t even know you,” Commander Andor sneered, “You’re not a real MechWarrior, just some wannabe who thinks that Solaris matches mean something. You let yourself get beaten by a ‘Mech half your weight.”
Then the unidentified scout was running toward her, burning light blossoming from its arm.
Santa Maria Hospital
Dosasa, Barcelona
Heather woke with a start, the bright light still shining in her eyes.
“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie, let me get that for you,” a woman said, a nurse to judge from her outfit. She stepped over to the window and shut the blinds where Barcelona’s setting sun was peaking in.
“Where’s my ‘Mech?” Heather croaked, “Am I Dispossessed?”
“You have to hide, sweetie,” her father said, “otherwise they’ll find you.”
Heather could feel an oppressive heat to her right. Someone had left the oven door open.
“Sneak sneak. Like Wei-Min. Hide in the closet,” her father said, climbing into the oven.
“Dad, no!” she cried, but it was too late. The flames licked around him, charring his skin and melting his bones. She turned and ran from the scene, but her right leg was strangely numb.
“You’re still operating at 1.1Gs,” said midget Astech Fitzgerald, sniffing at some of the blood from her leg, “That’s why you feel like you’re flying.”
“We don’t even know you,” Commander Andor sneered, “You’re not a real MechWarrior, just some wannabe who thinks that Solaris matches mean something. You let yourself get beaten by a ‘Mech half your weight.”
Then the unidentified scout was running toward her, burning light blossoming from its arm.
Santa Maria Hospital
Dosasa, Barcelona
Heather woke with a start, the bright light still shining in her eyes.
“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie, let me get that for you,” a woman said, a nurse to judge from her outfit. She stepped over to the window and shut the blinds where Barcelona’s setting sun was peaking in.
“Where’s my ‘Mech?” Heather croaked, “Am I Dispossessed?”
Posted 04 November 2012 - 11:02 AM
Durgan Carlyle, on 21 October 2012 - 07:14 PM, said:
The scenic route back to the spaceport was not very scenic. Like the typical weather here on Barcelona the rain was pouring down making the terrain difficult to move through. Although things weren't looking bright Durgan quite enjoyed the sound of the rain drops smashing against his cockpit it seemed soothing and very relaxing. Even though the urge to lay back and perhaps take a nap came across his mind he stayed vigilant always checking his radar and other sensors for the tail tail signs of the unknown marauder. Durgan turned and looked at Thom and his Black-Jack slowly creeping forward having a bit of trouble making way with the enforcer behind it digging deeper into the mud.
Durgan flipped open a channel “Things are looking pretty bad out here, do you think you can make it the rest of the way.... however far that might be?”
Durgan flipped open a channel “Things are looking pretty bad out here, do you think you can make it the rest of the way.... however far that might be?”
[[Dude I left you in RP limbo, Sorry!]]
"I's adon't tink so, man. Damn's ground is too's muddy, Forcer just sinking in as I's adrag it." Thom's sighed heavily into the mic at the end of the sentence. Switching com frequencies, Thom dialed in a freq that Markus would be able to pick up in the former Dalian tactical.
"Yo Markus, copy?" The Warlockian frowned as he spoke. There was a brief hiss and pop in the neural helmet's earpiece and then his cousins gruff voice.
"Yeah, what's up cuz? You want me to go borrow a mechhauler?" Thom had a feeling that the tech would know what he was going to ask of him. He nodded before wording his sentence.
"Yeah's it'd be da best ting we's can a do, da ground is too's muddy and da Forcer is just sinking in as I drags it."
"Well, I can see that s**head. You two lovebirds sit tight, I'll be back." With that the small hover jeep darted off on a coushin of air making a straight beeline towards Dosasa.
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