Clan (Jade Falcon) Occupation, (Role Playing Story) (Reboot)
Posted 25 September 2012 - 02:24 AM
Posted 25 September 2012 - 02:50 AM

[[PS: Oh yeah and it's a good chance to show a bit of Thom's oppertunistic character.]]
[[PPS: Awesome job with the Black-Jack btw. It sure does warm my blackened heart to see it finally getting some love. If you get around to coloring it up for T, it has a black and green tiger striped scheme.]]
Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 25 September 2012 - 03:33 AM.
Posted 25 September 2012 - 11:15 AM
Posted 26 September 2012 - 02:18 AM
Durgan Carlyle, on 25 September 2012 - 11:15 AM, said:
[[Well from your post it seemed like you brought yourself up short out of my sensor range and maybe even my visual. The BJ has a decent target&tracking system, but I think the Raven's electronic gizmos would throw it off. You could always break the ice and say something on the comm, or sit there waiting for Thom to leave, Enforcer in tow.]]
Posted 26 September 2012 - 04:31 AM
Posted 26 September 2012 - 11:12 AM
Posted 26 September 2012 - 05:36 PM
“Damnit! There trying to salvage it” Durgan said to himself as he cursed them from his cockpit.
He knew that if there was any evidence of the unknown attacker it would be lost with that mech. Durgan wasted no time forcing his mech into a full on sprint. The raven galloped across the open terrain closing the gap between it and the Black Jack. The Black Jack had just started its crawl forward as Durgans Raven came into its radar range. The Black Jack slowly tried to turn back towards him but before he could get around he was already in the Ravens weapons range.
Durgan opened up a direct link to the Black Jack, “Unidentified pilot halt your actions or I will be forced to fire upon you.”
Posted 26 September 2012 - 06:55 PM
Nearing Castle,
T-Day, 13:45.
Will and Gavin made the trip in near silence, alone in the back of the truck. Gavin's smoking buddy Carlyle was in the front, when the two mechwarriors had flagged him down for a lift he hadn't even asked any questions, and didn't seem inclined to.
Every minute or two Will would snort or swear, occasionally lashing out at the crates piled around them in anger. They'd run into each other in town - literally. With Ironborn still under repair, Gavin was out of a ride and had been sprinting across town towards the Vulkaneers HQ, hoping he'd get there before Will left, he'd run clean into the furious warrior.
Will had been so angry it hadn't even occurred to him he owned a car.
Gavin had calmed Will down, enough to get him into Carlyle's van when he recognized the burly dockworker. Their conversation had been chiefly limited to Will filling in the few details Steiner had given him about what had happened, and that one of his rookies had just run off with a Raven. Gavin had no doubts that if Will's Rifleman was operational the rookie wouldn't have made it out the tunnel without losing a leg - or worse, the mood Will was in.
"Not again, Gav, NOT AGAIN!" Will roared. Gavin knew what he meant. They'd all met on Bonette during a DC invasion, Will had lost his home there and been forced to move to Barcelona. Where things should have been safe. Draco Wolf had helped them there, just about. He'd been present again on Vekfahren, right in the thick of the cluster f*ck that went down when the Delian Guard went renegade. Now by chance they were all on Will's homeworld again, under invasion again. Except they weren't here individually by chance this time, not entirely. Gavin was here for weapons testing and training with Will's Vulkaneers, and Draco...
Neither of them knew what Draco was doing here. But whenever they met him, there was chaos and destruction. Part of the mercenary trade, but Draco was a Dragoon, and even nearly forty five years later, no one knew what they were up to.
But Gavin did know Will would kill the Dragoon if he was involved in bringing whatever sh*tstorm was coming there way.
And he couldn't think of a single way Draco wasn't.
So he met Will's eyes and nodded. "Not if I can help it old friend. Not if I can help it."
Nearing Castle,
T-Day, 14:00 Hours,
Will vaulted out the back of the truck before it was even finished moving, making straight for where Draco was getting out of an APC. Gavin jumped out as soon as the truck came to a rest and quickly ran to the truck's door. "Thanks for the lift Carlyle, but this is gonna get crazy. You probably don't want to be here."
The big dockworker nodded, and the truck tore up dirt from the courtyard as he sped off.
"DRACO! WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON?" Gavin whirled as he heard Will roar, the courtyard seeming to empty of all sound as his eyes locked on the Dragoon's face, twisted in guilt and shame, and felt something die inside him.
As he took off running to intercept the Vulkaneer, he resolved not to lose two friends this day.
Edited by RogueSpear, 26 September 2012 - 07:02 PM.
Posted 27 September 2012 - 02:38 AM
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
It took longer than he hoped for, but Thom still whooped out a little cry of victory as the X-Dalian Guard tactical popped up on Swampthing's sensors. The small hovercraft quickly came up short and gradually settled down as the cushion of air supporting it wound down. Two tech's hopped out of the vehicle. His cousin, Markus, and another. No doubt one of the burley tech's buddies that were stalling the rent-a-cops when he stormed out of the Mechbay on the 'Pride.
"Wat atook you?" Thom asked through his external speakers, to which his cousin flipped him the bird. Chuckling Thom went back to watching the horizion in the direction of the city, as the two techs went about securing the tow cables that they unspooled from the tactical.
The Warrens
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
It took time, precious time, but the techs finally got the Enforcer hitched on up to the Blackjack. Finally, Markus gave him the thumbs up and Thom began moving Swampthing. Slowly the slack lessened and the cables grew taunt, and after a moments hesitation of standing still the Blackjack lurched forward dragging Heather's mech behind it.
That's when the Raven (another Raven ref *facepalm*) shot out of nowhere, quickly galloping around to flank him. With an evil hiss of static his comms popped as the Ravn pilot hailed him none too friendly like.
“Unidentified pilot halt your actions or I will be forced to fire upon you.”
[[Edit: I hate possible PVP situations....]]
Unidentified?!?!?!!! knee-grow please! (wonder if that will be edited out.)
"Yo A-hole, You's obliviously don'ts aknow who's I am, so's alet me's a tell you's. I'ms da guy dat's gonna drag dis here 'Forcer out of here's, and dats a fact. You's can awatch me's go, or's I's cana spools out some more wire an adrag your's soon to be's shot to sh*t Raven along too. Back da funk off."
Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 27 September 2012 - 10:59 PM.
Posted 27 September 2012 - 05:21 AM
Castle Courtyard
T-Day, 14:02 Hours
Draco heard Will shouting, and saw Will making a run at him. He turned his head to Connors, and spoke quietly
"Get Shade to give me a full report of all mechs and pilots, I want it ASAP,"
Draco then turned to find Will was now only a few feet from them, and Spear was right behind him. Connors seemed to take a more defensive stance as they closed, his hand nearing his side arm, but Draco held his hand out to stop him. He probably deserved whatever was coming. Draco sighed, and then tried to come up with something to say, anything he could say. He finally swallowed, and spoke quietly, as he knew that now, of all times, he had failed his friends, because they should have known what was coming.
"I, I guess you want to know what's going on? We had better go inside to the holo map room, where prying eyes won't be eavesdropping on us,"
Draco could almost feel the amount of hate pouring from Will's voice, and he couldn't meet his eyes.
Posted 27 September 2012 - 02:54 PM
Thom Frankfurt, on 27 September 2012 - 02:38 AM, said:
Durgan lined a shoot on the rear of the Black Jack but hesitated for a moment, it was one thing to steal the Raven but a whole another if it comes back damaged or destroyed.
“Sorry, please forgive me for the hostility but I need to exam that mech your currently towing away.”
Durgan dropped his lock and waited for a moment ready to pounce just encase the Black Jack decided he didn't wanna play nice.
Posted 27 September 2012 - 11:08 PM
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
Durgan Carlyle, on 27 September 2012 - 02:54 PM, said:
Durgan lined a shoot on the rear of the Black Jack but hesitated for a moment, it was one thing to steal the Raven but a whole another if it comes back damaged or destroyed.
“Sorry, please forgive me for the hostility but I need to exam that mech your currently towing away.”
Durgan dropped his lock and waited for a moment ready to pounce just encase the Black Jack decided he didn't wanna play nice.
The statement stunned Thom. Why did this guy want to look over the Enforcer? And just who was he working for anyways.? Questions... Thom opened his mouth and his mic automaticlly clicked on, so he blurted out the first think that came to mind.
"Why's? Heather's got's medevaced. You's her boyfriend or sometings?" He was sincerely confused.
Maybe it has something to do with the lostech scout that shot this 'Forcer up? Thom thought to himself, strange things were definately afoot.
Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 30 September 2012 - 12:10 PM.
Posted 29 September 2012 - 04:30 PM
Posted 29 September 2012 - 09:23 PM
Posted 30 September 2012 - 07:10 AM
Thom Frankfurt, on 27 September 2012 - 11:08 PM, said:
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
"Why's? Heather's got's medevaced. You's her boyfriend or sometings?" He was sincerely confused.
The Warrens
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
Durgan was caught off guard by the mention of Heather, was this the same Heather Will had just recruited. Durgan refocused himself on the task at hand, gathering any clues from the mechs remains.
“Sorry no I don't know this Heather person, the only thing I want is to get a few photos and download the Enforces sensor log. After I complete my task we can both be on our marry ways, what say you?”
Durgan waited anxiously for a response from the other mechwarrior.
[[Side note not sure if Sloth will be rejoining us so at some point I may need to join someone when **** hits the fan]]
Posted 30 September 2012 - 01:55 PM
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
Durgan Carlyle, on 30 September 2012 - 07:10 AM, said:
The Warrens
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
Durgan was caught off guard by the mention of Heather, was this the same Heather Will had just recruited. Durgan refocused himself on the task at hand, gathering any clues from the mechs remains.
“Sorry no I don't know this Heather person, the only thing I want is to get a few photos and download the Enforces sensor log. After I complete my task we can both be on our marry ways, what say you?”
Durgan waited anxiously for a response from the other mechwarrior.
[[Side note not sure if Sloth will be rejoining us so at some point I may need to join someone when **** hits the fan]]
Thom relaxed at the other mechwarrior statement
"Dat's good enough. You's needs' any help or anyting? Or I's can keep an eye out for da scoutmech dat did this..." Thom trailed off.
Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 30 September 2012 - 01:55 PM.
Posted 30 September 2012 - 10:59 PM
Posted 01 October 2012 - 11:27 AM
Thom Frankfurt, on 30 September 2012 - 01:55 PM, said:
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
"Dat's good enough. You's needs' any help or anyting? Or I's can keep an eye out for da scoutmech dat did this..." Thom trailed off.
The Warrens
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
Durgan was reassured to have someone watching his back, if he were attacked here outside his mech he would certainly parish.
“If you wouldn't mind keeping a eye out, I don't particularly wanna end up on the bottom of someones foot out here.” with that Durgan grabbed his data pad and proceed to open the cockpit hatch.
Durgan fumbled around trying to find good footing as he scaled down the Raven, although it is a smaller mech a fall would most assuredly kill him. Finally both feet on the ground he let out a sigh of relief and the knots in his stomach subsided. Durgan walked along the outside of the demolished enforcer taking photos and examining the marks.
Activating the portable comm device linked to his mech he opened a channel with the other pilot “Initial reviews looks like primarily scorch marks from high yield energy weapons and a few ballistics, can't be for sure what caliber.”
Durgan finally worked his way up and into the cockpit, with wires, pieces of metal, and other debris floating about it seemed to almost be a miracle anyone could have survived the landing. It took him a moment but finally Durgan was able to find a access port for his datapad, after tapping a few buttons the entirety of the mechs database was now saved in his datapad. Durgan quickly proceeded back to the raven and scurry his way back into the pilot seat.
“Well I have what I came for.... but I'm pretty sure I don't have the equipment available to me to process it all, you wouldn't happen to know a place would you?” Durgan stated as his closed the cockpit and situated himself back into his gear.
Posted 03 October 2012 - 08:37 PM
Durgan Carlyle, on 01 October 2012 - 11:27 AM, said:
The Warrens
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
Durgan was reassured to have someone watching his back, if he were attacked here outside his mech he would certainly parish.
“If you wouldn't mind keeping a eye out, I don't particularly wanna end up on the bottom of someones foot out here.” with that Durgan grabbed his data pad and proceed to open the cockpit hatch.
Durgan fumbled around trying to find good footing as he scaled down the Raven, although it is a smaller mech a fall would most assuredly kill him. Finally both feet on the ground he let out a sigh of relief and the knots in his stomach subsided. Durgan walked along the outside of the demolished enforcer taking photos and examining the marks.
Activating the portable comm device linked to his mech he opened a channel with the other pilot “Initial reviews looks like primarily scorch marks from high yield energy weapons and a few ballistics, can't be for sure what caliber.”
Durgan finally worked his way up and into the cockpit, with wires, pieces of metal, and other debris floating about it seemed to almost be a miracle anyone could have survived the landing. It took him a moment but finally Durgan was able to find a access port for his datapad, after tapping a few buttons the entirety of the mechs database was now saved in his datapad. Durgan quickly proceeded back to the raven and scurry his way back into the pilot seat.
“Well I have what I came for.... but I'm pretty sure I don't have the equipment available to me to process it all, you wouldn't happen to know a place would you?” Durgan stated as his closed the cockpit and situated himself back into his gear.
The Warrens
East of Dosasa, Barcelona
Thom's paranoia was starting to eat away at his composure. Just when he was seriously believing that the Raven Pilot was just buying time for reinforcements to show up and that he should zap him with a medium laser the mans voice cut through the Dio playing softly on his internal speakers. Visibly releaved Thom opened his mouth to speak keying his mic.
"Well's how big a place you's aneed? Der's some junk back on da 'Pride dat might work... But if you's a going back to da spaceport, you's mighta just head towards da Castle or wherever da Rangers, Irregualrs or Vulkanners hang out, dey bound to have someting."
Thom offered. But his eyes became two slits when he spoke, half expecting some trick and trying to figure it out while laying one of his own.
Posted 05 October 2012 - 01:25 PM
“Well I'm not sure who's behind these attacks, I'd much rather not get involved with any major players in the area.” Durgan hesitated for moment unsure of his next move “Looks like my best bet would be Pride if you wouldn't mind allowing me to use your equipment, any of my findings I'll release to you. The name is Durgan by the way... so what do you say?”
He waited nervously for a answer if the man declined him he would have few options left available to him and they would all carry a heavy price.
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