Thom Frankfurt, on 08 April 2012 - 09:19 PM, said:
Also, for the next week in game (maybe two weeks) De'Markus/Kaylee will be working on Ole' One-Eye... that mech is a POS. You'll find out how bad in my next post.
Pretty sure that they'd be involved in sibko life as well. Remember, Phelan Kell/Wolf/Ward/Kell/Whatever he's going by now had heard the word sibko when he was growing up.... I imagine he was only involved with the Cubscouts-from-Hell while he was on Outreach though...
Also GW I applaud you on doing a better job of focusing on Dylan, but he still seems like he's a background character. I must ask, have you ever RPed him before or is he developing as you play him?
From experience I know that characters sometimes just start as a name and some stats jotted down on a piece of paper. And after a few gaming sections they seem to develop quirks and personality.
I have not RPed Dylan before, but, it would seem that I would want to flesh out his character more, as he was the one of the driving forces as to why Draco, and Phiro are, the way they are. So, yes he is currently undeveloped but, I am working on it as we speak.