Nor Azman, on 16 October 2012 - 11:06 AM, said:
I'm here I'm here!

Been tied up recently. (No not the character christina being tied up kind. If that ever Sorry GW for having to make you wait. Okay let me get my marbles in order. Um, initially when reading up/ checking up on Life and Death, saw GW's idea of a mysterious assassin as a possible reason for the absence of characters/players (me included

) and it kinda made sense.
Remembering Kevin Kirov first introduction of the Rainbow Stables-
So the plot thickens. What are erin ultimate plans? And if Loki is involved shouldnt other shadow players be active to assist or derail the Rainbow Stable? How all of this is weaved into the story is up to our awesome imagination.
But as a fan of Life and Death, I hope it would not distract from what I believe is the most endearing aspect of LnD, that is - a bunch interesting characters trying to live by a place called Solaris.
Again Sorry to have kept everyone waiting.

Erin is ultimately Mr. Kirov's creation. I did invent her as the LOKI girl working at the customs area of the Spaceport, and I was just going to leave it at that. He's the one who gave her a name and came up with the stable plot. Until he returns (I'm not offing him because I really liked his character and he's good to use as the NPC whacking everybody.)
As of right now Erin is focused on building the stable up to a company's worth of mechs of all weight ranges with compitent pilots (looks at Jack) that the fans love. Right now the stable doesn't have much of that. There's pilots. There's some mechs, but we don't have the fanbase that she wants. DeMarkus' fight got some airtime from fighting a ranked pilot, his use of infernos, and the upset. But other than that we're pretty much we're on the undercard for all the big fights and that's if we're even listed. She wants to change that. Jack's blunder out on the proving grounds and his botched public apology helped a bit too, cause even bad plubicity is plubicity.
She may (inspired by Dans marathon work session) start putting pressure on the techs to get those heavy mechs up and running. And she'll ask or have Von Bremen ask if any of the mechwarriors have any heavy mech experience. She's gonna try to secure a cheap shot to sh*t heavy so the Champion, Catapult, Jager, and ________ can be entered in a heavy lance on lance bout maybe against Black Hand Stables... This will lead to the fued with them.
As far as shadowy figures....lurking in the um, shadows.. they are. SAFE, the MASK, MIIO, ISF, as well as other groups in LOKI are watching to one extent or another. Their intrest varies to barely noticable, to mildly interested. This of course will change depending on What the characters do, who you fight, etc.... As of right now they are content to watch the stable as it's tiny and not a major player and try to figure out what LOKI's plans are for the stable. THEY don't know what Erin is up to, but they know she's up to something.