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#321 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 21 May 2012 - 06:32 PM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 21 May 2012 - 05:51 PM, said:

I think in the old mercenaries book it was 750 every two weeks. It was the same wage as a reg mechwarrior. Though experience swings that wage either up or down.

I like that number better. That way I can buy two of them 20 c-bill drinks a day, and four on the weekend!

#322 guardian wolf


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Posted 22 May 2012 - 06:33 AM

I wonder.... hey Thom you okay with me expanding on this random accident deal, mainly being a rogue Loki agent, or something else.

#323 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 22 May 2012 - 06:34 PM

View Postguardian wolf, on 22 May 2012 - 06:33 AM, said:

I wonder.... hey Thom you okay with me expanding on this random accident deal, mainly being a rogue Loki agent, or something else.

No problem at all. I'm still curious about this Clint pilot trying to bushwack people out on the proving ground.

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 22 May 2012 - 06:47 PM.

#324 RogueSpear


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Posted 23 May 2012 - 02:24 AM

My initial inquiry has pointed heavily to sleep deprivation being the root cause for that one...

Wait, did you just give Guardian free reign?
We're all going to die.

Unrelated: Who's buying one of the Op: Inception packages? I'm definitely putting money aside for the elite package - though I wouldn't be impressed if they have the ingame cash money you buy with it only for the closed beta. Still, having the elite 'mechs and 2 months of premium will probably balance it out, but it's not a good omen methinks.

#325 Vulpesveritas


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Posted 23 May 2012 - 09:00 AM

View PostRogueSpear, on 23 May 2012 - 02:24 AM, said:

My initial inquiry has pointed heavily to sleep deprivation being the root cause for that one...

Wait, did you just give Guardian free reign?
We're all going to die.

Unrelated: Who's buying one of the Op: Inception packages? I'm definitely putting money aside for the elite package - though I wouldn't be impressed if they have the ingame cash money you buy with it only for the closed beta. Still, having the elite 'mechs and 2 months of premium will probably balance it out, but it's not a good omen methinks.

Given that you're not able to get the mechs or in game funds until the 17th of july, I have a feeling it is after that point nothing gets deleted. And the founder mechs are to my knowledge just reskin + Cbill boost.

And I'll be giving PGI my money.

#326 Vodkavaiator


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 01:06 PM

I am going on a small trip this coming week, I would very much like to post again, however, it feels a bit pointless to do so right as I am leaving.

Please don't ban me in my absence. (I should be talk on Tuesday) ;)

#327 revanus


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 02:03 PM

In the event spots open up, I'll toss myself on the wait list ;).

Name: Ami Wolfson
Callsign: "Amideus"
Age: 29
Current Mech: Griffin GRF-1S (24 Months)
Other Mech Skills: Commando COM-1D (18 Months), Griffin GRF-1N (6 Months), Commando COM-2D (12 Months)
House Affiliation: House Steiner
Military History: 6th Lyran Guards (2 years), 2nd Donegal Guards (3 years)

Physical Description: 5'9", Blue Eyes, Average Frame, Black Hair (Short).

Open Background: Born on Donegal. Attended Coventry Military Academy. Graduated top 5%. Currently on paid vaction leave, with time-in-rank credited upon return to active duty.

Vices: Card Shark (Poker). Lone Drinker (Borderline Alcoholic).

Deep Background: Sings and plays piano. At age 12, was featured on a musical reality competition show, where he placed third. Had a minor teenage musical career on Donegal, but failed to find commercial success after his second record. Still gets occasionally recognized at cafes. Could technically live off the interest of his bank account, if he didn't drink so much.

Dark Secret: Placement with the 6th Lyran Guards occured because C.O. was a fan of his music.

Edited by revanus, 24 May 2012 - 04:11 PM.

#328 Sunburst


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 04:01 PM

I am from germany so please forgive my English.

I just stumbled on this thread and couldn't help myself till I filled an application and would gladly join should the opportunity arise.

Name: Walter Tormann (edited from John)

Callsign: Grandpa

Date of Birth/Age: 13/03/2970 / Age 61 (13th of march – I always confused us/uk date placement)

Current Mech:

Whitworth WTH-1 w/ extensive damage:
right foot actuator immobilised, no ammo for both launchers, 1 laser lost,
armour mostly gone, structural damage of unknown severity to the left arm,
engine shielding damaged and leaking heat

House Affiliation: none

Military History: Walter has been a member of the planetary militia on Trellwan for about 20 years before retiring after a training accident that took his right leg below the knee.

Physical Description:

Walter bears his age along with a medium height of 1,73 m and 164 pounds quite well. He still sports the close-cropped hairstyle favoured by some mechwarriors though it's mostly grey as is his mustache. Next to his replacement leg he also wears glasses as his eyesight grew worse with age. The passing of his beloved wife eight years ago and the more recent death of his only son shows in the deep wrinkles on his face.

Open Background:

While Walter isn't as fit as he was when his accident happened he isn't lacking much of that former fitness. He bought a small piece of land he cultivated together with his now deseased wife and son from the stipend he got for his years in the militia. Since his son died in the defence against an alleged pirate attack on his planet. He is on Solaris as part of his ongoing investigations to find the alleged pirates and avenge his sons death.

Deep Background:

Walters accident in the militia wasn't an accident, though he cloudn't prove it at the time. He suspects a scheme of one of his former superiors behind it. That superiors son was promoted to replace Walter in the militias ranks. Only years later when he learned of it his wife cautioned restraint so to not make life hell for their son who just joined the militia himself.
After the death of his son in a recent pirate attack on the planet in the aftermath of the 4th succession war a long time friend of Walter's revealed to him that the same man behind Walters own accident conspired with the alleged pirates and vanished with them when they left again. Walter had no further knowledge of the destination the pirates went until he found a folded piece of paper one day inside his morning papers sugesting the pirates went to Solaris and supporting the claim with pieces of a dead pirates uniform and notes.
After liquidating all assets and acquiring the shot-up mech his son was piloting last he booked a flight to Solaris.

Additional description:


Walters investigation proved more difficult and time and cbills consuming than he was prepared for in his rush to follow a possible lead. After a couple of months on Solaris his funds are runing low enough he couldn't afford a return trip anymore.
He made some inquiries with some house agents looking regarding militia duty to get offworld, but who wants an old geezer. The last one stated than fact right away others had been more polite.

Edited by Sunburst, 26 May 2012 - 06:55 AM.

#329 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 05:44 PM

View PostRogueSpear, on 23 May 2012 - 02:24 AM, said:

My initial inquiry has pointed heavily to sleep deprivation being the root cause for that one...

Wait, did you just give Guardian free reign?
We're all going to die.

Oh God's no...

View PostRogueSpear, on 23 May 2012 - 02:24 AM, said:

Unrelated: Who's buying one of the Op: Inception packages? I'm definitely putting money aside for the elite package - though I wouldn't be impressed if they have the ingame cash money you buy with it only for the closed beta. Still, having the elite 'mechs and 2 months of premium will probably balance it out, but it's not a good omen methinks.

Seriously thinking about it. That Hunchback looks pretty sweet.

And in other news, I can now pilot a Cataphract!!! :) *dances a drunken Irish jig*
Woooo-Hooo!!!! I can have a Raven, Catapult, and now a Cataphract, all I need is a Vindicator and I'll be a very happy Capellan.

View PostVodkavaiator, on 24 May 2012 - 01:06 PM, said:

I am going on a small trip this coming week, I would very much like to post again, however, it feels a bit pointless to do so right as I am leaving.

Please don't ban me in my absence. (I should be talk on Tuesday) :huh:

Thanks for the headsup!!

View Postrevanus, on 24 May 2012 - 02:03 PM, said:

In the event spots open up, I'll toss myself on the wait list :P.

Name: Ami Wolfson
Callsign: "Amideus"
Age: 29
Current Mech: Griffin GRF-1S (24 Months)
Other Mech Skills: Commando COM-1D (18 Months), Griffin GRF-1N (6 Months), Commando COM-2D (12 Months)
House Affiliation: House Steiner
Military History: 6th Lyran Guards (2 years), 2nd Donegal Guards (3 years)

Physical Description: 5'9", Blue Eyes, Average Frame, Black Hair (Short).

Open Background: Born on Donegal. Attended Coventry Military Academy. Graduated top 5%. Currently on paid vaction leave, with time-in-rank credited upon return to active duty.

Vices: Card Shark (Poker). Lone Drinker (Borderline Alcoholic).

Deep Background: Sings and plays piano. At age 12, was featured on a musical reality competition show, where he placed third. Had a minor teenage musical career on Donegal, but failed to find commercial success after his second record. Still gets occasionally recognized at cafes. Could technically live off the interest of his bank account, if he didn't drink so much.

Dark Secret: Placement with the 6th Lyran Guards occured because C.O. was a fan of his music.

Interesting character... Com-1D isn't that the prototype or a failed design? Edit: Nevermind, I got the 1D and 1A mixed up.

View PostSunburst, on 24 May 2012 - 04:01 PM, said:

I am from germany so please forgive my English.

I just stumbled on this thread and couldn't help myself till I filled an application and would gladly join should the opportunity arise.

Name: John Tormann

Callsign: Grandpa

Date of Birth/Age: 13/03/2970 / Age 61 (13th of march – I always confused us/uk date placement)

Current Mech:

Whitworth WTH-1 w/ extensive damage:
right foot actuator immobilised, no ammo for both launchers, 1 laser lost,
armour mostly gone, structural damage of unknown severity to the left arm,
engine shielding damaged and leaking heat

House Affiliation: none

Military History: John has been a member of the planetary militia on a low profile planet (I would appreciate some sugestions regarding a suitable star system; see below for description) for about 20 years before retiring after a training accident that took his right leg below the knee.

Physical Description:

John bears his age along with a medium height of 1,73 m and 164 pounds quite well. He still sports the close-cropped hairstyle favoured by some mechwarriors though it's mostly grey as is his mustache. Next to his replacement leg he also wears glasses as his eyesight grew worse with age. The passing of his beloved wife eight years ago and the more recent death of his only son shows in the deep wrinkles on his face.

Open Background:

While John isn't as fit as he was when his accident happened he isn't lacking much of that former fitness. He bought a small piece of land he cultivated together with his now deseased wife and son from the stipend he got for his years in the militia. Since his son died in the defence against an alleged pirate attack on his planet. He is on Solaris as part of his ongoing investigations to find the alleged pirates and avenge his sons death.

Deep Background:

Johns accident in the militia wasn't an accident, though he cloudn't prove it at the time. He suspects a scheme of one of his former superiors behind it. That superiors son was promoted to replace John in the militia ranks. Only years later when John learned of it his wife cautioned restraint so to not make life hell for their son who just joined the militia himself.
After the death of his son in a recent pirate attack on the planet in the aftermath of the 4th succession war a long time friend of John's revealed to him that the same man behind Johns own accident conspired with the alleged pirates and vanished with them when they left again. John had no further knowledge of the destination the pirates went until he found a folded piece of paper one day inside his morning papers sugesting the pirates went to Solaris and suporting the claim with pieces of a dead pirates uniform and notes.
After liquidating all assets and acquiring the shot-up mech his son was piloting last he booked a flight to Solaris.

No problem my German friend.... For the record I must say, that is one JACKED UP mech! I'd suggest Trellwan as your homeplanet.

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 24 May 2012 - 06:12 PM.

#330 RogueSpear


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 05:51 PM

Actually loving the new Cataphract. Not gonna lie, I want one.

But yeah...you're gonna regret giving 'Wolf free reign :P
The last time he tried to cast Summon Bigger Fish Mechs!

#331 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 06:10 PM

He's been pretty good and has been fair in reguards of Gozer's and my demands errr, request.

Big mechs.... *shrugs* We're on Solaris they're bound to pop up sooner or later... That being said, I can think of 4 grand champions off the top of my head that used only Med/heavy mechs. Bigger does not always mean better.

When I Rped Thom becoming champ, he's used a Banchee.... *shivers* I can't believe that I used to use assault mechs

#332 RogueSpear


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 06:21 PM

True that, I'm just teasing him.

I love assault mechs. BLOCK ALL THE BULLETS. Nearly everything I play, I go for armour, then guns, then speed in nearly any kind of build I can go. There's just something satisfying about assaults.
Though I admit I have been getting increasingly more addicted to mediums and heavies, but I'm no good at it xD Too used to assaults. Not great at using the others yet

#333 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 06:41 PM

Totally. I need armor. I have a nasty habit of having stumbling into the line of fire....

#334 revanus


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 06:59 PM


Interesting character... Com-1D isn't that the prototype or a failed design? Edit: Nevermind, I got the 1D and 1A mixed up.

Basic Combat History:

Starts off in the 1D, where he learns basic marksmanship and soldiery. In other words, he learns how to run away, keep his head down, and toss an occasional large laser blast towards the enemy. After a year and a half, the Lyran Guards decide he's done well enough to move up to the Griffin 1N and learn combat jump-jetting. The Griffin is essentially the same mech as the 1D, except with a PPC instead of a large laser, LRM-10 instead of SRMs, and the aforementioned jump jets.

Ami's time was prematurely cut short with the 6th Guards, as the C.O. decided to make room for the newly graduated son of a family friend. Instead, he found a new home with the 2nd Donegal Guards, which was probably the best place that Ami could have landed. The 2nd run an unconventional unit by Lyran standards--favoring rapid movement and lighter mechs. They quickly tossed Ami into one of their recon lances, letting him learn the ropes of close quarters combat and guerrilla tactics in a COM-2D--a Lyran classic. After a year of getting tossed around, successfully avoiding a critical missile explosion, and ambushing the unwary, Ami was promoted to lead a recon lance, and placed in a Griffin 1-S. The all-range loadout (LRM-5, Large Laser, 2x Medium Laser), heavier armor, and jump jets suited Ami well, and he hasn't shifted mechs since.

With his contract up and having recently scraped through a particularly hairy mission, Ami's decided to take some overdue official leave, spend some backpay, and evaluate his life options. If he wants it, the LCAF will honor his contract as though he never left. For now, Ami's content to hit the Solaris 7 card tables and put aside real life for a few months...

(Just let me know if/when I'm cleared, and I'll jump into the main thread :P )

Edited by revanus, 24 May 2012 - 07:01 PM.

#335 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 07:15 PM

Speaking of the main thread, do Sloth or Vulpes mind if I wrap up the scene? I'll skip ahead the the next day moving Bertie's Enforcer into the mech space, listening to the radio as he works, and getting the timeline up to date with where Thom is at.

#336 Vulpesveritas


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 07:49 PM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 24 May 2012 - 07:15 PM, said:

Speaking of the main thread, do Sloth or Vulpes mind if I wrap up the scene? I'll skip ahead the the next day moving Bertie's Enforcer into the mech space, listening to the radio as he works, and getting the timeline up to date with where Thom is at.

I don't mind, though I'm hoping sloth makes the final word and all if he has any more to say.

#337 Sunburst


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Posted 24 May 2012 - 11:22 PM

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 24 May 2012 - 05:44 PM, said:

No problem my German friend.... For the record I must say, that is one JACKED UP mech! I'd suggest Trellwan as your homeplanet.

Trellwan it is then.

As of being a erhm ... seriously damaged mech I figured it must have been otherwise Walter wouldn't have been able to persuade the militia to let it go. Obviously even then they kept all the ammo.

Additional description:


Walters investigation proved more difficult and time and cbills consuming than he was prepared for in his rush to follow a possible lead. After a couple of months on Solaris his funds are runing low enough he couldn't afford a return trip anymore.
He made some inquiries with some house agents looking regarding militia duty to get offworld, but who wants an old geezer. The last one stated than fact right away others had been more polite.

(Waiting for approval)

*cheers Sunburst*

Edited by Sunburst, 26 May 2012 - 06:56 AM.

#338 Janitor101


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 12:17 AM

Sorry about my long leave of absence, finals were a pain in the *** and then I had to scramble to get my plans together for the upcoming semester and or full time job. Just took longer then I expected, again I apologize for vanishing abruptly after my post saying I was gonna be sparse.

Could I get a mini-update? I'm gonna try to slog through the posts, but it may take a while. Also, I'm I still 'in'?

Edited by Janitor101, 25 May 2012 - 12:20 AM.

#339 guardian wolf


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 06:27 AM

View PostRogueSpear, on 23 May 2012 - 02:24 AM, said:

My initial inquiry has pointed heavily to sleep deprivation being the root cause for that one...

Wait, did you just give Guardian free reign?
We're all going to die.

Unrelated: Who's buying one of the Op: Inception packages? I'm definitely putting money aside for the elite package - though I wouldn't be impressed if they have the ingame cash money you buy with it only for the closed beta. Still, having the elite 'mechs and 2 months of premium will probably balance it out, but it's not a good omen methinks.

HEY HEY HEY, at most, we might get a few people injured... maybe killed... IDK, I'll see where the story takes me.

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 24 May 2012 - 05:44 PM, said:

Oh God's no...

I promise not to blow up any bars this time, may trash one, but not blow one up.

View PostRogueSpear, on 24 May 2012 - 05:51 PM, said:

But yeah...you're gonna regret giving 'Wolf free reign :D
The last time he tried to cast Summon Bigger Fish Mechs!

If you are talking about FRR, then Sloth came up with that storyline, and I was trying to continue, when the Delians decided to intervene, and all hell broke loose.

View PostThom Frankfurt, on 24 May 2012 - 06:10 PM, said:

He's been pretty good and has been fair in reguards of Gozer's and my demands errr, request.

Expect a post being submitted to you this saturday.... it's going to be a good one.

View PostRogueSpear, on 24 May 2012 - 06:21 PM, said:

True that, I'm just teasing him.

It is all fun and games Rogue, until someone loses a nut.... BAHAHAHAHA....
Anyhow, that is my input on this little convo, and Rogue, I will be getting the Elite pack the first chance I get... MWO IS HERE BABY WOOOOOO

#340 RogueSpear


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 08:27 AM

I was referring to you summoning an enemy assault lance that no one had previously heard of before :D

I look forward to the post - but leave the damn bar alone!

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