RAM’s Guide to the Cicada Chassis
Posted 30 October 2012 - 02:33 AM
The Cicada was introduced in 2740 by HartfordCo Industries in an attempt to capitalize on the growing need for BattleMechs. HartfordCo built the Cicada to compete directly against the Locust. The 'Mech was designed around a similar doctrine of speed and has a top speed of 129.6 km/h as fast as the Locust but weighing twice as much. The Cicada design did eventually encounter some unforeseen problems that sullied the reputation of the 'Mech. Nevertheless, the Cicada is an extremely fast 'Mech that is ideal for scouting and harassing.
40 tons
320 rated Engine producing a 129.6kph top speed (137.7kph upgraded max)
288 Max Armour
CDA-2A: 3,194,944 CB / 1,280 MC
The CDA-2A carries a minimum of weapons, but an abundance of speed. Not even the Jenner is as fast in stock configurations. The Cicada is armed with two Magna Medium Lasers and a single Magna Small Laser. These weapons give the Cicada independence from logistical support lines when necessary, in exchange for a weapons loadout that has a higher than average amount of excess heat.
2x ML, 1x SL w/ 128 Armour
RT 2 Energy
LT 2 Energy
CT 2 Energy
CDA-2B: 3,182,436 CB / 1,275 MC
The CDA-2B is a simple upgrade that exchanges the Small Laser of the -2A and half a ton of armor in favor of adding a Flamer. This modification makes the Cicada more effective against infantry.
2x ML, 1x Flamer w/ 112 Armour
RT 2 Energy
LT 2 Energy
CT 1 Energy
CDA-3C: 3,193,110 CB / 1,280 MC
The CDA-3C departs from the normal close range loadout common to most other Cicada models in favor of adding a long range punch at the expense of speed. This is an attempt to allow the 'Mech to have a much greater reach with devastating results. To do this, the maximum speed has been reduced to 118.8 kph and the Medium Lasers have been replaced with two Machine Guns and the Small Laser has been replaced with a PPC.
PPC, 2x MG w/ 128 Armour
RT 1 Energy & 2 Ballistic
LT 2 Ballistic
CDA-3M: 7,097,444 CB / 2,840 MC
The CDA-3M is a recently introduced model that takes advantage of several new technologies. The upgrade of this older BattleMech uses some of the newest technology available. The engine has been upgraded to an extralight engine and the extra space has been used to upgrade the Small Laser to a Small Pulse Laser and also to add an Ultra Autocannon/5, as well as CASE to protect the 'Mech in the case of an ammunition explosion. The XL Engine and Double Heat Sinks save on weight, while an Ultra AC/5 provides twice the damage output of a standard AC/5. Finally, two Medium Lasers provide close range support.
2x ML, UAC/5, SPL w/ 128 Armour & CASE
RT 1 Energy
LT 1 Energy & 1 Ballistic
CT 2 Energy
The fast medium returns! A proficient harasser and light mech hunter/killer, the Cicada presents options that the lighter mechs lack. Of particular note is that the CDA-3M packs the potent XL engine standard as well as double heat sink.
Posted 30 October 2012 - 02:41 AM
Okay, so those are the stock models.
Now... what can you really do with it?

Posted 30 October 2012 - 03:04 AM
Posted 30 October 2012 - 03:13 AM
Posted 30 October 2012 - 05:21 AM
Posted 30 October 2012 - 05:56 AM
Posted 30 October 2012 - 11:50 AM
first off i kept the 320 XL and the Double heatsinks dropped 2 HS in the engine right away after stripping it down.
129.6 kph
40 tons
24 FP
1.54 Heat effeiceincy
197 points of FF Armor
Endo-Steel Structure
4 medium pulse lasers
16 (8) heatsinks
320 XL engine
the key is hit and run unless someone is opening their back armor to you and not turning to face you, you can easily kill anymech from the back without over heating unless they have abnormally high RT armor.
i just played a match today with 600 points of damage and 4 kills the average game nets 500 damage and 2 kills depending on the team support. The Trick is to use hit and run tactics and to kill quickly if you cant kill quickly then get out of dodge before the cannons come to bare on you. if you see an LRM boat get behind it and core out his rear center torso, if you see a shut down mech go for the cockpit or get behind him an RCT him out, if you dont get him on the first Shutdown dont worry most players are to dumb to manage heat he'll wake up take three step fire and be down again... easy kills.
remember when you pilot the Cicada act as tho you are a ninja they should never see you coming .. infact they should never see you at all.
Posted 30 October 2012 - 03:06 PM
Posted 31 October 2012 - 04:00 PM
Posted 01 November 2012 - 03:03 AM
I'm toying with one where I've dropped the speed to 99km/h, and I've got an ultra ac/5 and PPC with plenty of ammo and sightly below max armor (not worried about arms).
Also toying with one with dual UAC/5s - 95km/h but you need XL, ferro, endo the works and you only have 4 tonnes of ammo so it's kind of like a spitfire lol - however nearly 19 dps so quite nasty if you get behind a missile boat I expect (not sure if that assumes double firing).
Edited by Thrak, 01 November 2012 - 03:12 AM.
Posted 01 November 2012 - 06:53 AM
It's been pretty fantastic and even with the slightly slower engine (i bought it to swap out on my Jenner, XL are expensive =/) the one thing that's really starting to erk me and make wonder if i shouldn't have gone with the B2 instead are the torso hard points. They're terrible at aiming up and down which makes hitting JJers mid air impossible and hitting folks that have the high ground VERY hard.
Posted 01 November 2012 - 08:25 AM
Posted 02 November 2012 - 06:15 PM
Can anyone please confirm if the "Twist X" pilot lab mech skill work on that mech it at all?
I have Cicada "eliteness" and I could swear the "turret" rotation range did not seem to increase one bit compared to when I first got it stock...
Posted 03 November 2012 - 07:08 PM
Bors Mistral, on 02 November 2012 - 06:15 PM, said:
Can anyone please confirm if the "Twist X" pilot lab mech skill work on that mech it at all?
I have Cicada "eliteness" and I could swear the "turret" rotation range did not seem to increase one bit compared to when I first got it stock...
Have you changed the engine? Torso twist rate is based off engine rating.
Posted 05 November 2012 - 06:24 AM
Tabrias07, on 03 November 2012 - 07:08 PM, said:
I'm having trouble with "Twist X", not with "Twist Speed". The twist speed looks fine. It's the twist range that does not seem to improve with the piloting upgrade.
Here's what the torso twist maximum on the Cicada after the 2x from Elite (which is supposed to be 20%, according to the pilot lab) looks like in game:

Now, can someone with a stock Cicada post their maximum twist for comparison? I'd do it myself but I can't afford to buy the CDA-3M, the only Cicada I haven't already upgraded.
Edited by Bors Mistral, 05 November 2012 - 06:30 AM.
Posted 05 November 2012 - 09:52 PM
Scodo, on 31 October 2012 - 04:00 PM, said:
I've started with Cicada 3C and at first it was really hard for me to master because of my low fps but ones I started slowing it down for me and adding more armor and weapons it's hard point strengths started to show as I ripped a fresh dragons center torso apart with 4x machine guns and a large pulse laser. As long as you can keep those machine guns and that energy hard point on one section of a mech you can do a fairly good amount of damage. I do switch out the large pulse with the PPC and ERPPC to regain it's long range shooting advantage. I have to have even more accuracy to use the PPC's though.
I can also get it to a 31 firepower rating with 3x machine guns, AC20, and a medium laser.
It's defiantly the Machine gun using mech variant.
Edited by ArchSight, 05 November 2012 - 10:21 PM.
Posted 05 November 2012 - 10:32 PM
Endo, 17 DHS, 300 XL and 5x MPL
Same loadout works in the 2B, but I prefer the lasers in the torso.
Posted 06 November 2012 - 07:44 AM
ArchSight, on 05 November 2012 - 09:52 PM, said:
I've started with Cicada 3C and at first it was really hard for me to master because of my low fps but ones I started slowing it down for me and adding more armor and weapons it's hard point strengths started to show as I ripped a fresh dragons center torso apart with 4x machine guns and a large pulse laser. As long as you can keep those machine guns and that energy hard point on one section of a mech you can do a fairly good amount of damage. I do switch out the large pulse with the PPC and ERPPC to regain it's long range shooting advantage. I have to have even more accuracy to use the PPC's though.
I can also get it to a 31 firepower rating with 3x machine guns, AC20, and a medium laser.
It's defiantly the Machine gun using mech variant.
Or you could use the 2A and do more damage? Machine guns are terrible right now.
Posted 06 November 2012 - 09:19 AM
Engine: STD 245 (99.2 kph)
Structure: Endo Steel
Armor: Standard
Heatsinks: Single
H: 18 Armor
CT: 2 ML, 33/15 armor
RT: 2 SPL, 20/15 armor, AMS (1T Ammo), 2 Heatsinks
RA: 0 Armor
LT: 2 SPL, 20/15 armor, 2 Heatsinks
LA: 0 Armor
LL: 2 Heatsinks, 20 Armor
RL: 2 Heatsinks, 20 Armor
Works best as a skirmisher / brawler. Spot targets early game, as the teams come together hang out with your heavies and assaults. You have enough armor to take a couple hits, and your heat efficiency is enough to fire more or less constantly. You're also just fast enough to hold your own in a scout dogfight (SPL's are great for this thanks to their short beam time).
EDIT: Also been experimenting with a build that replaces the SPL's on the RT and LT with ML's. Does more damage but also requires you to be more careful with heat management.
Edited by okkam, 06 November 2012 - 12:24 PM.
Posted 31 January 2013 - 11:36 AM
Scodo, on 31 October 2012 - 04:00 PM, said:
I don't know if you'd call them successes...but they can be fun.
I've run a build with dual UAC5's, and another with triple AC2's. Hide amongst the heavies and rock on. You've even got the tonnage for an AC20 if you want. Stay unobtrusive and fire at what others are firing at. You're not as big as the others, and as long as you're not moving as fast as an annoying ankle-biter (which you can't do with these builds anyway) people often overlook you....for a time at least. Pick you shots on weakened targets and you can rack up kills.
Hope that helps.
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