RAM, on 31 October 2012 - 12:24 AM, said:
Asatruer, on 31 October 2012 - 12:29 AM, said:
Though I know for a fact that last time I played back in the early 90s, no such thing was possible, thus easily disproving your, "always had" claim.
RAM, on 01 November 2012 - 11:55 PM, said:
Did Solaris VII: The Game World come before BattleTech? No, therefore BattleTech has not always had RoF rules.
Is Solaris VII: The Game World part of the main BattleTech rules set? No, Solaris VII was a stand-alone game that used similar rules to BattleTech.
Are these mech dueling rules in Total Warfare, or Tactical Operations? If not, how can you consider them to be part of "core BattleTech" or "Classic BattleTech"?
So, BattleTech has in-fact not always had these RoF rules you claim it has always had, and BattleTech does not currently have these RoF rules you claim it has always had.
Solaris IV has these RoF rules, not BattleTech, and I suspect that Solaris VII's arena mech dueling rules have not been in-print since the `90s. Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade has the old Solaris VII mechs, but as far as I can tell with a limited internet search, lacks the Solaris VII rules.
Since I have no desire to re-invent the wheel, I will just use this quote to help explain what is wrong with Solaris rules.
MustrumRidcully, on 31 October 2012 - 05:06 AM, said:
For example, the table top suggests that in one turn, PPC can deal 10 damage and causes 10 heat over 10 seconds, and Medium Lasers deal 5 damage and 3 heat over 10 seconds. Solaris rules effectively double the output of a Medium Laser over 10 seconds. So suddenly, the Medium Laser becomes even better. The PPC only advantage is that it deals more single-shot damage to one target location, but damn it, it's 7 times heavier and produces twices the heat of the medium laser over 10 seconds. Is that really worth the advantage range and target-location damage? What's so different about Solaris that these two advantages are worth enough that you can cut away the weapon's damage per turn advantage?
Sounds just like the same sort of weapon imbalances we are seeing here in MW:O
When it comes down to it here is the most important question:
Is MechWarrior: Online a mech arena dueling game, or is it a mech tactical warfare game?
The answer to that question should lead us in the direction of which rules-set should be the one we are looking at for how to get some balance in this game.