Dunnardel, on 07 November 2011 - 06:56 PM, said:
I know its probably been mentioned somewhere but does House Davion have a place for secure communication? If not somebody whos good at that sort of thing should set one up bearing in mind there will be creepers who slip in so it wont be truely secure but at least to get away from the majority of MWO. I think a split between on the field commanders, logistics and political would be the best way to go. Everybody is good at something if your honest about it, some of us weren't the greatest at controlling logistics but kicked axe in combat. That being said, I'd be interested in firing up MW4 again (downloading it from mechtek as I post this) and start getting used to working with some of you folks and starting getting back into the feel of things again. I never got Crysis or the MWLL and im currently without a working Joystick but at the least could get used to working out basic commands etc. I think i got a vent server around somewhere too unless somebody has a Teamspeak server setup. Just some food for thought if anybody is interested send me a PM and ill start a message group around that.
Guys Dunnardel was my first CO outside of mpbt, around the time of the AOL charge I started playing mercnet and netmech on the ZoneIPX in several planetary and ladder leagues under his command. This guy is a genius of combat, politics, espionage, lore, training and overall command. I was pretty stoaked to receive a message from him, we had lost contact after MW4:Veng.... Anyway a great addition to the House, believe me on that one.