DeformedSlowest, on 06 April 2012 - 06:12 PM, said:
Actually many of the comments made after my posts seem to make sense now as to all those who say "go play CoD" because you can't deal with heat management. I'm the very first person to vote "Yes" actually because I believe in options and I do remember how the no heat option ruined MW4 multiplayer. I agree heat and ammo management is needed to keep the game balanced.
However I'm not sure why so many people are bent out of shape acting peoples personal opinions. We can agrue to disagree, but it shouldn't be in attacking people's opinion. I'm all for debates, but come on now ppl; you don't have to get nasty about it and we all know by reading the forums, this one in particular, that people are attacking people's opinions.
First off, the people who defend their opinion by saying "go play cod" are being overly beliigerent about it. Sadly that tends to be a thing on the internet so just skim past their posts and pretend they don't exist.
Secondly, options are good to the extent that there is a demand for them. If I said, "I want an option to play the game as a giant anthropomorized pony! Options are good, so put it in the game," the dev response would probably be, "there isn't enough demand to justify adding that mode. If we were to add it, it might please X number of people, but it might also turn off X more people who stumble into a match and don't like it."
Heat is the same idea. There is little demand for a no
heat mode, and all of the balance of the game goes out the window when you play said mode. There's also the risk that a new player stumbles into a NHUA game without knowing what the acronym means and responds with, "*** is this bs? I thought this was a sim mech combat game?"
Developers are not obliged to include every option imaginable in their game. If the devs want to make a sim-focused multiplayer mech combat game, they are allowed to do it. They shouldn't be forced to include an arcade mode. They shouldn't be forced to include jets/other vehicles. They shouldn't be forced to include a single player campagin. They shouldn't be forced to include a racing mode, a one hit kills mode, or a NHUA mode. They are making a game for a niche audience, and should be under no obligation to do anything other than what their audience wants. The poll says that their audience primarily doesn't want/won't use a NHUA mode, so why should the be forced to include it? So they can add another bullet point to the back of their non-existant box?
At the end of the day, demanding that they include an option that 98.16% of their audience doesn't want seems a little silly to me. Granted, not everyone uses the forums, but this is a ridiculously overwhelming majority for a poll.