Known Issues
Started by Bryan Ekman, Oct 31 2012 09:21 AM
13 replies to this topic
Posted 31 October 2012 - 09:21 AM
Hit Detection/Network Movement Code
We are rolling back some networking code fixes. This will address many of the hit box issues currently in the live environment. The rollback does not fix the problem entirely, and we are working hard on improving the overall experience vs performance. This is a long term engineering task and a top priority internally.
HDR/Glowing Mechs [Resolved]
Screens fade to pitch black when looking at very bright objects, primarily glowing BattleMechs. Our engineers have identified and located the issue which has two parts. An adjustment to the HDR settings and a fix for the glowing damage texture. Expect a fix in the November 6th patch.
We are rolling back some networking code fixes. This will address many of the hit box issues currently in the live environment. The rollback does not fix the problem entirely, and we are working hard on improving the overall experience vs performance. This is a long term engineering task and a top priority internally.
HDR/Glowing Mechs [Resolved]
Screens fade to pitch black when looking at very bright objects, primarily glowing BattleMechs. Our engineers have identified and located the issue which has two parts. An adjustment to the HDR settings and a fix for the glowing damage texture. Expect a fix in the November 6th patch.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 10:23 AM
LRM penetration [Resolved]
Wednesday Nov 28, 3049
Ceres Metals Industries
Research and Development Room 1502, AAlcadis Building
Thomas Dziegielewski, Sr Gameplay Engineer
Good morning. First I'd just like to welcome you to my first bug fixing/new feature post. Hopefully one of many to come, time permitting. In these I will explain to the community of things I have done recently that have either been mentioned on the forums or that I thought would be a benefit to the player if they were addressed.
BUG : LRMs were penetrating static meshes (buildings, rock formations, etc) during gameplay.
NOTES : If you were in fact under cover and were hit by LRMs you would NOT have taken any damage. The issue was on the client only. If you did take damage the missile must have gotten around the obstruction. This may also have been the case with rarely seen ballistics passing through things.
RESULT : LRMs (Projectiles) will no* longer penetrate static meshes on clients.
*there are some adjustment that have to be done to the art assets that exhibit this issue. The code fix will catch most of them but I'm sure there are a few that still need art asset adjusting when we find them.
ESTIMATED PATCH : Dec 11th 2012
DISCLAIMER : If I say I fixed something now It will most likely mean it will be available to the public 2-3 weeks later if all testing is successful etc.
Wednesday Nov 28, 3049
Ceres Metals Industries
Research and Development Room 1502, AAlcadis Building
Thomas Dziegielewski, Sr Gameplay Engineer
Good morning. First I'd just like to welcome you to my first bug fixing/new feature post. Hopefully one of many to come, time permitting. In these I will explain to the community of things I have done recently that have either been mentioned on the forums or that I thought would be a benefit to the player if they were addressed.
BUG : LRMs were penetrating static meshes (buildings, rock formations, etc) during gameplay.
NOTES : If you were in fact under cover and were hit by LRMs you would NOT have taken any damage. The issue was on the client only. If you did take damage the missile must have gotten around the obstruction. This may also have been the case with rarely seen ballistics passing through things.
RESULT : LRMs (Projectiles) will no* longer penetrate static meshes on clients.
*there are some adjustment that have to be done to the art assets that exhibit this issue. The code fix will catch most of them but I'm sure there are a few that still need art asset adjusting when we find them.
ESTIMATED PATCH : Dec 11th 2012
DISCLAIMER : If I say I fixed something now It will most likely mean it will be available to the public 2-3 weeks later if all testing is successful etc.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 04:59 PM
Attachments not updating when not being looked at [Resolved]
BUG : Orphaned Weapon Bay Doors. Orphaned Smoke effects. Orphaned jump jet effects. Weapon fire sometimes appearing to come from the base of the attacking mech towards you when being shot from behind.
NOTES : You would see this if you walked backwards with another mech, the other mech being behind you. Eventually you would see its weapon door (or other attached effects) float by. They would pop back on if you looked at the owner mech.
Arms and limbs floating after being blown off is another issue.
As for the weapon fire coming from the base of the mech behind you, you would have had to never allowed the opposing mech to get into your view.
RESULT : You should no longer see attachments that belong on mechs floating around.
ESTIMATED PATCH : Dec 18th 2012
BUG : Orphaned Weapon Bay Doors. Orphaned Smoke effects. Orphaned jump jet effects. Weapon fire sometimes appearing to come from the base of the attacking mech towards you when being shot from behind.
NOTES : You would see this if you walked backwards with another mech, the other mech being behind you. Eventually you would see its weapon door (or other attached effects) float by. They would pop back on if you looked at the owner mech.
Arms and limbs floating after being blown off is another issue.
As for the weapon fire coming from the base of the mech behind you, you would have had to never allowed the opposing mech to get into your view.
RESULT : You should no longer see attachments that belong on mechs floating around.
ESTIMATED PATCH : Dec 18th 2012
Posted 05 December 2012 - 04:13 PM
Bullets tumbling, oscillating, through the air. [Resolved]
BUG : You would see bullets tumble through the air after they grazed a static mesh.
NOTES : This was caused by the 'pierceability' of bullets not being turned off and in turn a tumble was added when they grazed something.
NEW : The issue reappeared again, tracking it down now. (Jan 14th 2013) [Resolved]
RESULT : Bullets will behave normally.
NEW : BUT Collision will now act as they do on the server and that means they will now collide with the collision mesh and not the render mesh (which was wrong in the first place). So what this means is sometimes you will see bullets impacting thin air around static meshes if the invisible collision mesh is hanging out a little compared to the render mesh. To fix this new issue will take time as we will have to locate (get bug reports) on problem areas.
ESTIMATED PATCH : Dec 18th 2012 (EDIT : It squeezed in before christmas!)
NEW : Early February Patch
BUG : You would see bullets tumble through the air after they grazed a static mesh.
NOTES : This was caused by the 'pierceability' of bullets not being turned off and in turn a tumble was added when they grazed something.
NEW : The issue reappeared again, tracking it down now. (Jan 14th 2013) [Resolved]
RESULT : Bullets will behave normally.
NEW : BUT Collision will now act as they do on the server and that means they will now collide with the collision mesh and not the render mesh (which was wrong in the first place). So what this means is sometimes you will see bullets impacting thin air around static meshes if the invisible collision mesh is hanging out a little compared to the render mesh. To fix this new issue will take time as we will have to locate (get bug reports) on problem areas.
ESTIMATED PATCH : Dec 18th 2012 (EDIT : It squeezed in before christmas!)
NEW : Early February Patch
Posted 14 December 2012 - 11:12 AM
Bullets (AC's, PPC's etc) penetrating Mechs and exploding multiple times [Resolved]
BUG : Bullets can penetrate a mech after the initial hit and impact behind the target. Sometimes even firing off multiple hit effects on same mech.
NOTES : This was purely a visual bug and the damage would only have been applied on the first hit. So what was happening was due to some effects needing a little time to finish we were delaying destruction of the projectile, just hiding it. But it kept it's velocity and would continue impact things during that time.
RESULT : Bullets no longer penetrate mechs after their initial hit.
BUG : Bullets can penetrate a mech after the initial hit and impact behind the target. Sometimes even firing off multiple hit effects on same mech.
NOTES : This was purely a visual bug and the damage would only have been applied on the first hit. So what was happening was due to some effects needing a little time to finish we were delaying destruction of the projectile, just hiding it. But it kept it's velocity and would continue impact things during that time.
RESULT : Bullets no longer penetrate mechs after their initial hit.
Posted 14 January 2013 - 12:41 PM
LRMs taking a sharp turn right after being fired [Resolved]
BUG : LRMs being fired without full lock , gaining full lock after firing, would take a sharp turn towards the locked target.
NOTES : We were shooting some videos and I finally saw it happen. Hopefully I can reproduce it when i need it. The issue is that the 'I AM LOCKED' signal comes from the weapon and is not available yet at the point when the projectiles are launched. And because everything about the weapon system is server authoritative, the message is delayed sometimes. So the solution is to pass it into the projectile as it spawns on the client.
NEW : It looks like they were heading to the last know position of the target before it was set due to the desync listed above. Should be fixed now.
RESULT : LRMs will never take a sharp turn initially after firing. They may still do an unrealistic sharp path when they regain lock however.
ESTIMATED PATCH : February 15th, 2013
BUG : LRMs being fired without full lock , gaining full lock after firing, would take a sharp turn towards the locked target.
NOTES : We were shooting some videos and I finally saw it happen. Hopefully I can reproduce it when i need it. The issue is that the 'I AM LOCKED' signal comes from the weapon and is not available yet at the point when the projectiles are launched. And because everything about the weapon system is server authoritative, the message is delayed sometimes. So the solution is to pass it into the projectile as it spawns on the client.
NEW : It looks like they were heading to the last know position of the target before it was set due to the desync listed above. Should be fixed now.
RESULT : LRMs will never take a sharp turn initially after firing. They may still do an unrealistic sharp path when they regain lock however.
ESTIMATED PATCH : February 15th, 2013
Posted 18 January 2013 - 08:37 AM
Friday, January 18, 3050
Ceres Metals Industries
Research and Development Room 1502, AAlcadis Building
Here's a list of some small issues that have been addressed that I just decided to group together as they are not worth a post for themselves.
-Advance Zoom would stay on after you die. [Resolved]
-Getting hit by lasers and ballistics at the same time would not cause a screen shake. [Resolved]
-Sound crackling caused by too many Missiles playing trail sound effects [Resolved - Issue still a problem in some cases]
-Trace weapons draw a incorrectly oriented (skewed) decal on slanted terrain [Resolved]
ESTIMATED PATCH : February 5th 2013
Friday, January 18, 3050
Ceres Metals Industries
Research and Development Room 1502, AAlcadis Building
Here's a list of some small issues that have been addressed that I just decided to group together as they are not worth a post for themselves.
-Advance Zoom would stay on after you die. [Resolved]
-Getting hit by lasers and ballistics at the same time would not cause a screen shake. [Resolved]
-Sound crackling caused by too many Missiles playing trail sound effects [Resolved - Issue still a problem in some cases]
-Trace weapons draw a incorrectly oriented (skewed) decal on slanted terrain [Resolved]
ESTIMATED PATCH : February 5th 2013
Posted 21 January 2013 - 09:02 AM
Weapon Bay Door Indicator Light too hard to see [Resolved]
BUG : In certain Lighting conditions the colours get washed out and are hard to see.
NOTES : I'll try making it deeper colours, not so washed out 'glowishness'. I have experimented with blue which differentiates itself better but designers did not like blue. We are using an emissive material for the lights which we can't seem to stop from washing out the colours. We will continue to tune this or find something better.
DURATION : 30min
RESULT : We have adjusted the size of the light and made it a bar which helps a little. The glow has been made more intense so it's easier to tell between yellow and green.
ESTIMATED PATCH: February 5th 2013 (Ongoing) Light bar [IN PROGRESS]
BUG : In certain Lighting conditions the colours get washed out and are hard to see.
NOTES : I'll try making it deeper colours, not so washed out 'glowishness'. I have experimented with blue which differentiates itself better but designers did not like blue. We are using an emissive material for the lights which we can't seem to stop from washing out the colours. We will continue to tune this or find something better.
DURATION : 30min
RESULT : We have adjusted the size of the light and made it a bar which helps a little. The glow has been made more intense so it's easier to tell between yellow and green.
ESTIMATED PATCH: February 5th 2013 (Ongoing) Light bar [IN PROGRESS]
Posted 21 January 2013 - 09:17 AM
Rear Components Damage Transfer Bug [Resolved]
BUG : When rear armor is gone, less damage than should be would be transferred to the front components. And if Arms and side torsos were already destroyed less of the damage that hit the destroyed component locations would transfer into the center torso.
NOTES : Thanks to the community (http://mwomercs.com/...w-in-this-patch) we were able to track down a pretty major issue. Less damage was being taken in the back essentially what this works out to with explosive weapons. And too much with lasers. We were able to fix the bug quickly once we found it, but it will take a while to see if our weapon balancing was based on bad results.
Also this issue has been there since the damage systems initial development.
ESTIMATED PATCH : February 5th 2013
BUG : When rear armor is gone, less damage than should be would be transferred to the front components. And if Arms and side torsos were already destroyed less of the damage that hit the destroyed component locations would transfer into the center torso.
NOTES : Thanks to the community (http://mwomercs.com/...w-in-this-patch) we were able to track down a pretty major issue. Less damage was being taken in the back essentially what this works out to with explosive weapons. And too much with lasers. We were able to fix the bug quickly once we found it, but it will take a while to see if our weapon balancing was based on bad results.
Also this issue has been there since the damage systems initial development.
ESTIMATED PATCH : February 5th 2013
Posted 31 January 2013 - 04:32 PM
LRM formations 'pinch' at certain distances during flight [Resolved]
BUG : At certain distances during flight, LRM volleys pinch together unrealistically. It can be used as an exploit but to me it just looks ugly. I will also address the X formation you sometimes see.
NOTES : First I'll address LRMs and then SRMs as they do it to a certain degree as well. Also here is a preview of the new Artemis formation. |
No release date set for it yet.
ESTIMATED PATCH : March 5th 2013
BUG : At certain distances during flight, LRM volleys pinch together unrealistically. It can be used as an exploit but to me it just looks ugly. I will also address the X formation you sometimes see.
NOTES : First I'll address LRMs and then SRMs as they do it to a certain degree as well. Also here is a preview of the new Artemis formation. |
No release date set for it yet.
ESTIMATED PATCH : March 5th 2013
Posted 27 February 2013 - 10:12 AM
Leg damage from explosive weapons has a possibility of being a fraction of what it should be [Resolved]
BUG : We have been adding more and more pieces to the legs of mech for various reasons. This has caused our explosion engulf code to exhibit an issue by dealing less damage than it should to the leg components from explosive weapons in certain situations.
NOTES : The system has now been upgraded to instead of using the number of pieces in the leg to the actual volume the pieces take up. Way more accurate, way more robust. This would also have affected arms if they were made of many pieces, but none really are.
ESTIMATED PATCH : March 19th 2013
BUG : We have been adding more and more pieces to the legs of mech for various reasons. This has caused our explosion engulf code to exhibit an issue by dealing less damage than it should to the leg components from explosive weapons in certain situations.
NOTES : The system has now been upgraded to instead of using the number of pieces in the leg to the actual volume the pieces take up. Way more accurate, way more robust. This would also have affected arms if they were made of many pieces, but none really are.
ESTIMATED PATCH : March 19th 2013
Posted 12 April 2013 - 09:26 AM
NARC not flagging targets correctly [Resolved]
Wednesday Apr 12, 3050
Ceres Metals Industries
Research and Development Room 1502, AAlcadis Building
Sorry It's been very busy for me working on new features for your combat pleasure here on St.Ives. Many bugs are being fixed, many new features developed. But here is at least one I was able to track down and was worth a post as I'm a fan of the NARC.
BUG : Currently when a target has been NARCed it would only be available for indirect targeting if you had already seen the target before or not at all.
RESULT : As soon as a target is NARCed all allies will be able to see the target as if it has been targeted by someone. This should make the NARC a little more useful.
ESTIMATED PATCH : May 7th 2013
Minor Bug Fixes
-You should no longer see the jump jet particle effect fly ahead of you the first time you use it when facing a certain direction.
-The weapon lock will no longer disengage when you fire the last of your LRM ammo but still need lock to see the last volley reach its target.
Wednesday Apr 12, 3050
Ceres Metals Industries
Research and Development Room 1502, AAlcadis Building
Sorry It's been very busy for me working on new features for your combat pleasure here on St.Ives. Many bugs are being fixed, many new features developed. But here is at least one I was able to track down and was worth a post as I'm a fan of the NARC.
BUG : Currently when a target has been NARCed it would only be available for indirect targeting if you had already seen the target before or not at all.
RESULT : As soon as a target is NARCed all allies will be able to see the target as if it has been targeted by someone. This should make the NARC a little more useful.
ESTIMATED PATCH : May 7th 2013
Minor Bug Fixes
-You should no longer see the jump jet particle effect fly ahead of you the first time you use it when facing a certain direction.
-The weapon lock will no longer disengage when you fire the last of your LRM ammo but still need lock to see the last volley reach its target.
Posted 04 October 2013 - 09:48 PM
Projectile hit detection[IN PROGRESS]
CERES METALS AAlcadis Revised Underground Complex, B5
Friday October 4th 3050 22:47
BUG: We have finally reproduced and idenified an issue that has to do with our projectile hit detection. This causes some bullets to pass through targets on the server or in some cases pass a single component and hit front/rear instead. I estimate it happens about 1% overall and depends on several factors.
CERES METALS AAlcadis Revised Underground Complex, B5
Friday October 4th 3050 22:47
BUG: We have finally reproduced and idenified an issue that has to do with our projectile hit detection. This causes some bullets to pass through targets on the server or in some cases pass a single component and hit front/rear instead. I estimate it happens about 1% overall and depends on several factors.
Posted 11 October 2013 - 10:36 AM
Critical Damage Warning goes off too early for rear components [IN PROGRESS]
Friday Oct 11, 3050
Ceres Metals Industries
AAlcadis Revised Underground Complex, B5
BUG : When the critical damage Notification check is called with rear components, because internal hit points are shared, there is bug in the calculation that makes the warning go off prematurely.
ADDITIONAL FIX : Right and Left torso components were never checked and the warning would never go off even though they are kill shot locations when an XL engine is equipped. That will also be corrected.
RESULT: The critical damage warning will go off if (internal hit points + armor hit points) < 20% for the Head, Center Torso, Right/Left Torso (if XL Engine Equipped) or if one of the legs is blown off.
ESTIMATED PATCH : Nov 5th 2013
Friday Oct 11, 3050
Ceres Metals Industries
AAlcadis Revised Underground Complex, B5
BUG : When the critical damage Notification check is called with rear components, because internal hit points are shared, there is bug in the calculation that makes the warning go off prematurely.
ADDITIONAL FIX : Right and Left torso components were never checked and the warning would never go off even though they are kill shot locations when an XL engine is equipped. That will also be corrected.
RESULT: The critical damage warning will go off if (internal hit points + armor hit points) < 20% for the Head, Center Torso, Right/Left Torso (if XL Engine Equipped) or if one of the legs is blown off.
ESTIMATED PATCH : Nov 5th 2013
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