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First mech question

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#1 Harmless Guy


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 10:39 AM

I finally got enought scratch to buy a mech and wanted to ask a question. how do you guys like the hunchbacks? Im looking at the 4p and the 4sp, 9 small las sounds like it could be fun up close but wondering if that would gimp me in a lot of game styles. also does anyone have a diff opinion of a good starting mech for around 4 mill? thanks

#2 SquareSphere


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 10:40 AM

all depends on your play style.

#3 MeiSooHaityu


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 10:42 AM

Just keep in mind, with a small laser variant, you need to be close (preferably within 90 meters or your target and no farther than 180 meters). I see people run with this configuration so I assume it works well, but again it is a very up close and personal config. If you like fighting from a distance, this might not be for you.

#4 Kriegs


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 10:43 AM

start in this forum, several Hunchback threads rolling atm.

and some specific thread links---




Edited by Kriegs, 01 November 2012 - 10:44 AM.

#5 Fuzzbox


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 10:47 AM

The 4SP is quite lovely and also gives you some freedom to play in different styles from LRM-boat to brawler (quite nice loudout default), so you get the choice to experiment with speed vs punch, staying power vs constant barrage. I'd go for the 4SP, but then I am biased, I just love it. If you want to be a headhunter the P is for you, you get to stack kills if you can find the headshots, but for anything else I'd pick the SP.

Good luck, and well met on the field.

Ps. I see you wanted to buy with limited money, then I'd defiantly go for the SP as it does well in original, and then you can upgrade as you feel fit, just remember both of these are brawlers and you have to play carefully on certain maps (get that Atlas in front and you come in second)

Edited by Ingrid, 01 November 2012 - 10:52 AM.

#6 Crimson Chaos


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 10:50 AM

HBs are a good platform. The 4p stacked with 9 smalls was one "THE" builds but changes in the game have made them heat prone if you don't chain fire them... and if you chain fire then you don't really need 9 of them. Devs say more changes will be forthcoming that will make banking on one type of weapon less diserable than a mix.

Personally, I like the 4G especially when you can afford to swap a gauss in for the AC20 to help on heat.

#7 Johnny Reb


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 10:51 AM

Hunchback is a solid choice, I prefer the P or SP varient. P for the 9 lazors or SP for 5 lazors and 2 missile slots (which I put lrm 15 ins with an xl engine). That said my current favorite mech is the Cicada which to start would recommend the 2-B five lazor slots, 4 of which are in the arms. However, if you are willing to grind it out I definitely recommend the Cicada 3-M it might look pricey at 7.1 million but it includes a 5.2 million xl 320 engine and installed 1.5 million DHS upgrade, not to mention the ultra ac 5. Just taking the xl engine and DHS upgrade alone runs 6.7 million so you basically get the mech for a mere 400k more.

#8 Harmless Guy


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 10:54 AM

nice thanks a lot for all the info

#9 Angel of Annihilation


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 11:04 AM

I like the 4SP. Even stock it is a pretty solid mech so you can take your time to learn the mech and get the C-bills to upgrade. It runs a tad hot stock but that just teaches you good heat management skills.

Also for the love of god don't mount 97 small lasers on this thing. Please just do that because it is easy and the heat is borked at the moment. Hopefully the fix for DHS and the changes to the heat system going in Nov 6th will fix that.

My 4SP build in Beta:

Stock Engine
2 Lg. Lasers
2 Sm. Laser
2 S.SRM2s
304 Armor
16 SHS
Alpha Strike Damage 38
DPS: 9.59
Lg Laser Range = 450m effective, 900m max
Md Laser Range = 270m Effective, 540m max
Streaks range = 270m Effective and max

When the fix DHS I would change it up a bit, but only a bit.

Swap the SHS for DHS and downgrade to 14 of them from 16 SHS.
Swap the small lasers for medium.

By contrast 5 Small Lasers + the 2 Streaks only do:

Alpha Strike Damge 25
DPS 7.86
Small Laser Range 90m effective, 180m max,
Streaks range 270m effective and max.

Which is a huge downgrade and as I mention aside from easy and requiring no skill, really gimps an otherwise good mech.

Note: The Large Laser build ACTUALLY requires heat management skills so be aware.

Edited by Viktor Drake, 01 November 2012 - 11:06 AM.

#10 Harmless Guy


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 11:17 AM

I officially own the 4sp thanks a ton for the info again all. and prepare to die :lol:

#11 Denin


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 11:46 AM

But I thought you were harmless? Such a tease.

See you on the field!

#12 buckX


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 11:50 AM

The P is a great mech. I run it with 7SL in the torso/head, and then 2ML on the arms for longer range poking. You can set it up well enough to be effective basically for the cost of the mech by selling the 6 torso MLs, replacing them with SLs, stripping 1/2 a ton of armor from the legs, Adding AMS+ammo, and popping in 2 more heatsinks. For sustained close in damage, don't use the mediums on the arms, and you'll find you overheat fairly slowly. Once you get some more cash, upgrade to DHS and a 260 engine, and it really comes into its own. My currently heats up about 1%/second when holding down the trigger on the 7 smalls.

Edit: Side note. Never chain fire lasers. The only actual use for chain firing is to increase disruption for small ACs or missiles. You're better off waiting for heat to bleed off, and then firing everything accurately at a single location. Most people who advocate chain fire are running too many weapons to use effectively, and would be better off removing some in favor of more heatsinks. High alpha strike damage is a fairly poor thing to optimize for, given the doubled armor and tripled heat buildup relative to TT.

Edited by buckX, 01 November 2012 - 11:53 AM.

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