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Mechwarrior 3 Style LRMs?

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#1 Strill


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 01:47 AM

One of the things I didn't like about Mechwarrior 4 was that LRMs turned much much much much much too well. So much so that using MRMs or SRMs was entirely pointless as LRMs were almost as good at short range as long. I'm hoping we'll see some Mechwarrior 3 style LRMs that can barely turn at all, enforcing the idea that they are, in fact, intended to be used at long range.

#2 S3dition


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 02:24 AM

I also didn't like the "wad" of missile that were fired. The series fire in MW3 felt far more realistic.

Man, I feel like loading that game up now.

#3 Drogo-MA


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 02:26 AM

Hold on, the LRM's in MW4 were well done. If you wondered why they worked so well at short as well as long was that you probably switched out the IS LRM's with the Clan one's as soon as you got them. I know I did. But the difference if you remember was lock time. SRM's locked a lot quicker then the LRM's. MW3 was too clumsy when it came to LRM'S.

#4 Souske Sagara


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 02:30 AM

I liked 4's LRM's because I separated 4 from MW and stuck it next to earthseige. That and in multiplay so many noinks would dumbfire at a fast mech coming up on their flanks only to find that mech narc'd them, and narc attrracted all dumbfired LRM wads. So many self-powning catapults.

Honestly though i perfer the 3 style because its more accurate to the grid. Long live hexmaps.

#5 Yeach


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 04:53 AM

I prefer MW3 LRMs because they could partially be lobbed over obstacles to attack the opposing enemy. So you didn't have to complete LOS.
In MW4, you had to keep your site on the opponent at all times.

#6 Erhardt


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 05:50 AM

View Postdrogon reuak, on 03 November 2011 - 02:26 AM, said:

Hold on, the LRM's in MW4 were well done. If you wondered why they worked so well at short as well as long was that you probably switched out the IS LRM's with the Clan one's as soon as you got them. I know I did. But the difference if you remember was lock time. SRM's locked a lot quicker then the LRM's. MW3 was too clumsy when it came to LRM'S.

The OP wasn't complaining about lock times, but how agile the missiles were, and they're right. In MW4 the LRM's almost turn on a dime and if they miss they'll do a 180 and circle back around.

I love driving missile boats so this was all great for me LOL but I don't disagree that LRM's were handled more realistically in MW3.

#7 Hellgardia


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Posted 03 November 2011 - 06:18 AM

I prefer MWLL's LRMs because they feel more realistic compared to MW4's. MW3's LRMs were cool because they could be lobbed but they felt weird.

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