TigridMorte, on 02 November 2012 - 02:00 PM, said:
Gauss warriors online w some LRM, lasers (especially pulse) need not apply.
Dang right! Nerf the Gauss and the AC20 too. I want the weapon recharges restored to TT for all weapons because they do too much DPS in the same way 2.0 DHS allows Energy weapons to do too much DPS. Well, isn't it the same thing? I mean really.
I have been playing MWO with Ballistics being the obviously OP'd damage-kings because they are unaffected by overheating from firing at double their normal rate. Getting killed by dual-Gauss in 4 seconds, dual UAC5 in 8 seconds, dual AC20 in one shot. And all this is A-Okay, but fixing Energy weapons so they do the same is too beaucoup? Really? Don't you see how this destroys the balance between the three weapon types?
Anyway, I just wanted to make a point. Hopefully you can fix DHS in some way that energy configs are fixed as well as the 'mechs that don't need DHS are being fixed.