Nik Van Rhijn, on 11 April 2012 - 08:59 AM, said:
What amazes me is that nearly a third of people want to quadruple the power of the ML, ie keep it's damage and cut recycle times by a quarter. Thats making the weapon way overpowered. I'd like the same thinking applied to the AC20 please. Still 10 second cycle time but 80 damage.
Edit - thinking about it I'd like it applied to all ballistics - imagine the Jagermech with its pair of AC5s & 2s doing 56 damage.
The weapons are pretty balanced for TT, and thats also including the fire rate. You can't reduce some weapons speed while leaving other weapons slow firing like AC, because then lasers really are the end all be all, and swaybacks, swaybacks everywhere.
If all weapons have identical firing rates, that means that we can preserve the existing damage/heat/weight/criticals and the game will be balanced. Once you start messing with speed, it throws all the rest out of whack. a laser firing twice as fast makes that critical, damage, and weight, far more efficiently used over an AC.
The other problem is halving the damage and doubling the speed. if you do that, sure, you're keeping the DPS the same, but overall the effect could actually be marginally worse than having original speed and damage, because at half the damage, you need to hit a specific body part a greater number of timings, andf what with convergance of weapons and all that, it's likely that your shots are going to spread out more, and so not be as effective as a good line up and shot with heavier hitting lasers at original speed.
Take TT, or mechcommander, or MC2, and put mass medium lasers on 1 atlas and 4 AC10-20 on another atlas. The one with full medium lasers should lose all the time unless they get lucky, because all those massed weak weapons diffuse the damage across the other mech, so the other mech is overall damaged but not breached. Meanwhile, it just takes 2-3 volleys with the AC mech to breach a spot.
So you can't try to mess with the speed and lower the damage of a weapon without actually lowering it's true potential. Maybe if lasers feel "a little too strong" lowering speed by double and damage by half would "nerf' lasers to be not "a little too strong", due to the flaw of doing so, but as it stands, all weapons should be the same speed. It just makes it easier to balance the game.