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Missile Warrior online?

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#101 Daycrist Bloodfang


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 07:57 PM

I do have to say some LRM boats are ungodly I was in a match where even with cover you never saw a break in the LRM stream so they bogged down your mech with another mech while their brawlers move in to try to push you out of cover

#102 CeeKay Boques


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:01 PM

We had a great game where one side was very missile heavy, and just could not maintain meaningful locks on these guys... soon they were out of ammo, backing into their cage...

#103 Cel


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:05 PM

View PostAcehilator, on 04 November 2012 - 06:28 AM, said:


Even Caustic Valley has it.

Holy ****, an ***** giving ***** advice.

#104 Mister Haha


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:06 PM

View PostiHover, on 04 November 2012 - 06:22 AM, said:

Is it just my drops or has this game become nothing more than an LRM contest?

definitely not just you. i see an average of 3 boats per game on the enemy team.

#105 Bloody


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:11 PM

if i was really cynical i would say there is a subtle push by PGI to ensure everyone uses expensive , ammo dependent weaponry which costs more to use / match as a Cbill sink .

#106 Wraith05


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:17 PM

My teams usually use LRMs not as killing instruments, but as suppression. We have 2-3 LRMs in a match and roughly 2 scouts per match. The scouts will harrass and well scout/spot. The LRMs main job is to keep enemy LRMs in cover and allow the brawlers to close unmolested.

My usually build is atlas with AC20, 2 SRM6 and 2 Mlas. So my optimal range is below 270m. Yet I always manage to get into the brawl usually with minimal damage.

#107 mechymike


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:18 PM

its been this way for a while, ever since they introduced tag and such... PGI buffed their damage in the same patch of tag/narc... come on really

imo their default accuracy needs to be lower/more spread out (when i'm running 130kph i expect most to land behind me, instead of magically adjusting at the last milisecond), but when the target is painted the accuracy needs to be super high. make LRMs weak without any painting mechanics, strong when painting is used. atleast this way some work/teamwork is required for effective use

getting sick of just anyone picking up LRMs and playing connect the dots... its bad for the game in general to leave LRMs so dang dominant for too long. way too many games where you either turtle for 12 minutes behind rocks/buildings or die instantly from LRM fire.

Edited by mechymike, 04 November 2012 - 08:39 PM.

#108 Inkarnus


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:21 PM

View PostFenix0742, on 04 November 2012 - 08:28 AM, said:

Well, if you thought it was bad before, wait until patch day. They're adding in Artemis (bonus accuracy for missiles with LOS) but holding back ECM because they're worried that it will be too good. So get ready for the pain.
umm as of my state they implement ecm too 6th november  paul said its somethinmg versus lrm and maybe op !! :Datleast for light too heavys yeah u can use cover quite ffective to dodge missles or missle baiting :P wich i like to do alot with my scouts ;)

Edited by Inkarnus, 04 November 2012 - 08:22 PM.

#109 Gun Bear


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:27 PM

My prediction is next weak it will be the Large Pulse Laser that people want nerfed.

Adapt, overcome.

#110 Cel


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:31 PM

View PostGun Bear, on 04 November 2012 - 08:27 PM, said:

My prediction is next weak it will be the Large Pulse Laser that people want nerfed.

Adapt, overcome.

All 1001 of your posts are about going into every thread and disagreeing with every single complaint. Even when they are completely legitimate.

Watch out, it's a troll and he's recruiting with his god awful Clan signature.

Join the ketchup and mustard squadron lol...

Oh god, and he's a roleplayer too...

oh one more, why is it called Gun Special Squadron if all you guys use is LRM lol.

Edited by Cel, 04 November 2012 - 08:36 PM.

#111 Gun Bear


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:41 PM

View PostCel, on 04 November 2012 - 08:31 PM, said:

All 1001 of your posts are about going into every thread and disagreeing with every single complaint. Even when they are completely legitimate.

Watch out, it's a troll and he's recruiting with his god awful Clan signature.

Join the ketchup and mustard squadron lol...

Oh god, and he's a roleplayer too...

View PostCel, on 04 November 2012 - 08:31 PM, said:

All 1001 of your posts are about going into every thread and disagreeing with every single complaint. Even when they are completely legitimate.

Watch out, it's a troll and he's recruiting with his god awful Clan signature.

Join the ketchup and mustard squadron lol...

Oh god, and he's a roleplayer too...

I'm no troll, I'm tired of people complaining about the weapon of the week. If there is a problem you think needs fixed go fill out a support ticket like I do.

I'll agree my signature is pretty ****** but its the best I could do with what I had at the time and its more than I have now.

Also why does enjoying the occasional role play matter at all?

The only troll I'm seeing here is the one trying to make fun of people on a web forum.

Btw of my 1002 posts most are memes, shooting the breeze, and offering advice to other players. The ones where I roll my eyes at the whiners who think they are entitled to everything they ever wanted in an FPS are a small portion of my stuff.

#112 ebea51


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:42 PM

LRMS are fine. LRM nerfing protips:

Use cover.
Dont stand in open.
Stay near other mechs with AMS (Yes, a while ago a patch did change AMS so that 2 AMS shoots down twice the missles as a single).
IF TAG'd or NARC'd - run for high cover.
Rush LRM boats to within 150m (or is it 120m??) so their LRMs are ineffective.
Put armour on your mech.
Spread the damage over your mech. For example if your core is weak, TURN so all the missles DONT hit your core and kill you. Also DONT turn your back on missles, your armour is weak on the back.
If other team is spamming LRM... JUKE UNTILL THEY RUN OUT OF AMMO.


Follow these easy tips and LRMs will no longer be an issue.

Edited by ebea51, 04 November 2012 - 08:42 PM.

#113 Cel


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:44 PM

View PostGun Bear, on 04 November 2012 - 08:39 PM, said:

I'm no troll, I'm tired of people complaining about the weapon of the week. If there is a problem you think needs fixed go fill out a support ticket like I do.

I'll agree my signature is pretty ****** but its the best I could do with what I had at the time and its more than I have now.

Also why does enjoying the occasional role play matter at all?

The only troll I'm seeing here is the one trying to make fun of people on a web forum.

So you're tired of people complaining on a forum? man, maybe you wouldn't be if you didn't have 1002 posts now from constantly being on the forums all the time and getting sick of people's concerns with the game.

Just an observation ya know. If you're tired of complaints, it doesn't mean they are not legitimate. I'm not saying everyone should just go on the forum and ***** and whine about every feature, but you wanna hear what I hate? when people disagree without facts.

If you ain't got nothing to add to the conversation, just don't say anything at all. If you're going to disagree, provide facts, numbers, something. Not just "adapt". That's trolling.

#114 Gun Bear


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:49 PM

View PostCel, on 04 November 2012 - 08:44 PM, said:

So you're tired of people complaining on a forum? man, maybe you wouldn't be if you didn't have 1002 posts now from constantly being on the forums all the time and getting sick of people's concerns with the game.

Just an observation ya know. If you're tired of complaints, it doesn't mean they are not legitimate. I'm not saying everyone should just go on the forum and ***** and whine about every feature, but you wanna hear what I hate? when people disagree without facts.

If you ain't got nothing to add to the conversation, just don't say anything at all. If you're going to disagree, provide facts, numbers, something. Not just "adapt". That's trolling.
Adapt is advice. The game will change all the time, new 'mechs, new tech, new clans, new strategies... instead of calling for weapons to be nerfed which will only fix the problem until the next patch your start figuring out ways around the problem at hand. Its what probably 99% of players do.

What isn't constructive is claiming things are OP because they inconvenience you.

#115 Cel


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:50 PM

View Postebea51, on 04 November 2012 - 08:42 PM, said:

LRMS are fine. LRM nerfing protips:

Use cover.
Dont stand in open.
Stay near other mechs with AMS (Yes, a while ago a patch did change AMS so that 2 AMS shoots down twice the missles as a single).
IF TAG'd or NARC'd - run for high cover.
Rush LRM boats to within 150m (or is it 120m??) so their LRMs are ineffective.
Put armour on your mech.
Spread the damage over your mech. For example if your core is weak, TURN so all the missles DONT hit your core and kill you. Also DONT turn your back on missles, your armour is weak on the back.
If other team is spamming LRM... JUKE UNTILL THEY RUN OUT OF AMMO.


Follow these easy tips and LRMs will no longer be an issue.

Here's some tips for you since you clearly don't know.

Roughly 90% of cover doesn't work in this game.
Only really tall structures or walls do the trick.
AMS shoot through walls and waste ammo.
LRM will often go through geometry completely.

Telling people to not get TAG'ed or NARC'ed is the dumbest thing you could mention for a tip. That's like telling people to not get shot in this game.

Don't get shot or you gonna have a bad time! pro tip!

Here's my pro tips for you:
LRMs only miss if they lose lock or if they hit high cover. You can't dodge LRMs if there is a spotter constantly on you. But you wouldn't know, you've never been in a brawl.

#116 Secundus


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:50 PM

View Posthanitora, on 04 November 2012 - 06:59 PM, said:

And I am saying that LRMs don't have to take skill and SHOULD NOT take skill. They are the mechwarrior universes newbie weapons. Give a bunch to a novice and he'll be useful. Now, I don't know if they do too much damage or not. I find them **** weak unless massed so I have no idea what the whole problem with them is. However, I see people making absolutely pants on head ******** balance suggestions and I can't just leave them be without calling the people out on it. Or I could, but then I'd have nothing to do.

I'm okay with them not taking skill, but not with how much damage they seem to do. Something needs to change, either make them do less damage, miss more, or make them harder to use.

#117 Cel


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:53 PM

View PostGun Bear, on 04 November 2012 - 08:49 PM, said:

Adapt is advice. The game will change all the time, new 'mechs, new tech, new clans, new strategies... instead of calling for weapons to be nerfed which will only fix the problem until the next patch your start figuring out ways around the problem at hand. Its what probably 99% of players do.

What isn't constructive is claiming things are OP because they inconvenience you.

They're not an inconvenience, they have changed the game. The game is an artillery fest and few will agree to it because they enjoy being up on a cliff completely motionless and pressing a button over and over. When matchmaking puts 6 LRMs and 2 spotters up against a balanced team, that's when you realize the game has issues. Who do you blame then, premades, matchmaking, LRMs? take your pick.

#118 hanitora


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 08:55 PM

View PostSecundus, on 04 November 2012 - 08:50 PM, said:

I'm okay with them not taking skill, but not with how much damage they seem to do. Something needs to change, either make them do less damage, miss more, or make them harder to use.

Just fyi "miss more" and "do less damage" are synonymous. One is a subset of the other. That's what you should be saying if they do too much damage. In my opinion they don't, but that's at least a valid balance solution if the problem actually exists unlike really dumb stuff such as make 2 people require lock or give all mechs 50 AMS so they shoot down every missile in existence, ever and so on.

#119 MrEllis


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 09:00 PM

As a new guy I don't mind LRMs, I've only used them a couple times myself but I have been shot at with them plenty. Asides from a few clipping issues I don't find them to be horrible. I figure if I get caught in the open I sort of got it coming.

#120 Cel


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 09:01 PM

View PostMrEllis, on 04 November 2012 - 09:00 PM, said:

As a new guy I don't mind LRMs, I've only used them a couple times myself but I have been shot at with them plenty. Asides from a few clipping issues I don't find them to be horrible. I figure if I get caught in the open I sort of got it coming.

Being out in the open is an extremely large part of this game. Are you then saying everyone should be taking cover and STAY in cover at all times? couple of words come to mind.

I'm not saying we should all go through the damn lake in river city, but technically everywhere else is LRM territory too, few hills ain't gonna stop LRMs that shoot into the sky then dive down on you.

Edited by Cel, 04 November 2012 - 09:02 PM.

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