Citizen Louis, on 16 November 2012 - 10:09 AM, said:
I am using a Nitho Shock Pad controller made for PC, and I checked out fine with the Windows Diagnostics. I could not get the throttle to work like it did in Halo, but the first code insert did the trick. However, my torso twisting and pitch (controlled by the right joystick) are increadibly slow. I have the 90 kph Centurion which is very fast on torso twists with the mouse, but with the controller is even slower than the Atlas. I will try and see how the second bit of code works tomorrow.
As This
Nitho Shock Pad is a Very Low Quality Game pad so there's no surprise it's not working properly for you...
Citizen Louis, on 16 November 2012 - 10:16 AM, said:
Scratch that, I can't paste it into the XML file using notepad or the much maligned IE. I looked at the file and it seems that maybe the code has been added in a patch somewhere along the way. I just started playing Mechwarrior again, so I have been a bit out of the loop.
The xml & config Code are identical to the files I'm currently using for my game with 0 issues; so there should be no problems pasting it into the files listed.